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إذا لديكم مشاكل تقنية في تصفح الحوار المتمدن نرجو النقر هنا لاستخدام الموقع البديل

الصفحة الرئيسية - مواضيع وابحاث سياسية - محمد عبد الكريم يوسف - الأزمة الاقتصادية البريطانية- الجزء التاسع والأخير


الأزمة الاقتصادية البريطانية- الجزء التاسع والأخير

محمد عبد الكريم يوسف
مدرب ومترجم وباحث

(Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef)

الحوار المتمدن-العدد: 7419 - 2022 / 11 / 1 - 01:26
المحور: مواضيع وابحاث سياسية

الأزمة الاقتصادية البريطانية- الجزء التاسع

اعداد معهد توني بلير للتغيير العالمي
ترجمة محمد عبد الكريم يوسف

نقدم في هذا الجزء قائمة بالملاحظات والمراجع التي استخدمت في هذه الدراسة وفق تسلسل ورودها في النص


1.      ‘Economic and Fiscal Outlook.’ Office for Budgetary Responsibility. March 2021.

2.      ‘Divided and connected. Regional inequality in the North, the UK and the developed world.’ IPPR North. 2019.

3.       ‘The UK Regional-National Economic Problem: Geography, Globalisation and Governance’, McCann, P (2016). Routledge.

4.       ‘Understanding spatial labour productivity in the UK’. ONS, May 2019.

5.       ‘UK growth. A new chapter.’ LSE Growth Commission. 2017.

6.       ‘The UK, an imbalanced economy.’ Cambridge Econometrics blog, 11 March 2019.

7.       ‘Regional inequality in Europe: Evidence, theory and policy implications.’ Iammarino, S et al. VoxEU. 13 July 2018.

8.       ‘Catching up´-or-falling behind? Geographical inequalities in the UK and how they have changed in recent years.’ Institute for Fiscal Studies. 2020.

9.       ‘Levelling up. Where and how?’ Chapter 7. IFS Green Budget 2020. Institute for Fiscal Studies.

10.    ‘Getting skills right: United Kingdom.’ OECD 2017.

11.    ‘Industrial Strategy and the Regions The shortcomings of a narrow sectoral focus.’ Centre for Regional Economic and Social research, Sheffield Hallam University. 2017

12.    For an impartial survey of economic analyses of Brexit see ‘Brexit: Everyone Loses, but Britain Loses the Most.’ Peterson Institute for International Economics. Working Paper 19-5. 2019.

13.    ‘EU Exit. Long-term economic analysis.’ HM Government. 2018.

14.    ‘The impact of Brexit on UK firms.’ NBER Working Paper 26218. 2019.

15.    ‘An Assessment of Brexit Risks for 54 Industries: Most Services Industries are also exposed’. Los, B et al. City-REDI Policy Briefing Series, December 2017.

16.    ‘Huge trade surplus underlines UK global competitiveness in finance.’ City UK, 16 December 2020.

17.    ‘EU Exit. Long-term economic analysis.’ Table 3.5. HM Government. 2018.

18.    ‘OECD Survey of the United Kingdom.’ 2020. OECD Publishing. Paris.

19.    We measure competitiveness using Symmetric Revealed Comparative Advantage, which is a bilateral measure of trade specialisation. For an explanation of the method and application, see: Trade Liberalization and Revealed Comparative Advantage , Balassa, B. (1965). The Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies, Vol 32, 1965. 

20.    ‘Unpacking the Brexit Deal: What It Means and Where It Takes Future UK-EU Relations.’ Tony Blair Institute for Global Change. 31 December 2020.

21.    ‘Liberalizing trade in services: Lessons from regional and WTO negotiations.’ Hoekman, B and Mattoo, A. International Negotiation. 18. 2013.

22.    ‘UK Balance of Payments, The Pink Book.’ ONS 2019.

23.    ‘Manufacturing and Brexit.’ The UK in a Changing Europe. 2020.

24.    ‘Why distance matters in trade.’ LSE Brexit blog. 23 February 2018.

25.    ‘The gravity model: What does the data say about international trade and distance between countries?’ PWC 2017.

26.    ‘Gravity without weight. How does distance affect the UK’s trade in services?’ PWC 2017.

27.    ‘The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement in detail.’ Pinsent Mason Out-Law Analysis. 30 December 2020.

28.    ‘Brexit, batteries and the fate of the British car industry.’ Hancke, R and Mathei, L. Brexit Dossier. Political Economic Analysis and Consulting Strategies. January 2021.

29.    ‘EU Exit. Long-term economic analysis.’ HM Government. 2018.

30.    McCann et al. ‘The mismatch between local voting and the local economic consequences of Brexit.’ Regional Studies. 2017. Vol 51, 5.

31.    ‘A geographical political economy of banking crises: a peripheral region perspective on organisational concentration and spatial centralisation in Britain.’ Marshall, J. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society Vol 6, 3. 2013.

32.    ‘The UK regional–national economic problem: Geography, globalisation and governance.’ McCann, P. (2016). Routledge.

33.    ‘Economic survey of the United Kingdom.’ OECD. 2020.

34.    ‘Assessing the implications of coronavirus and Brexit.’ Social Market Foundation. May 2020.

35.    ‘UK Economic Outlook.’ PWC. January 2021.

36.    ‘The future of towns and cities post-covid.’ KPMG January 2021.

37.    ‘The death of the city.’ Politico. 27 July 2020.

38.    ‘Can our cities come back from covid?’ Glaesar, E. Policy Exchange. 18 January 2021.

39.    ‘E-commerce and ICT activity.’ ONS 2019.

40.    The time lag between job destruction and job creation as a result of technological change has been dubbed ‘Engels’ Pause’. For an exposition see: ‘The Technology Trap: Capital, Labor, and Power in the Age of Automation.’ Frey, C (2019). Princeton University Press.

41.    ‘The globotics upheaval: globalization, robotics and the future of work’. Baldwin, R. W&N. 2019.

42.    ‘How 5G and the Internet of Things can create a winning business.’ World Economic Forum. Agenda 2020.

43.    ‘Research and Development Expenditure.’ ONS. 2019.

44.    ‘European Innovation Scoreboard 2018.’ European Commission. Brussels.

45.    We use OECD WIPO data on the number of patents by sector attributed to the country of residence of the inventor. We calculate relative technological advantage (RTA) as the share of patents of a given sector relative to its share of patents in the EU, the OECD´-or-the world respectively. A high RTA relative to the EU suggests that a given sector e.g. UK pharmaceuticals innovates more in relation to its European/OECD/Global peers.

46.    ‘The missing £4bn. Making R&D work for the whole UK economy.’ NESTA. May 2020.

47.    ‘Spreading the word: geography, policy, and knowledge spillovers’. Belenzon, S and Schankerman, M. Review of Economics and Statistics Vol 95, 3 (2013).

48.    ‘Is the government’s industrial strategy what we need?’ Tony Blair Institute for Global Change. 24 November 2020.

49.    ‘Whisper it, but here comes a 1920s-style post-pandemic boom.’ Daily Telegraph, 28 July 2020.

50.    ‘Forget Brexit. We must take control of new technologies.’ Sunday Times. 24 January 2021.

51.    ‘Levelling up communities.’ Covid Recovery Commission.

52.    ‘The Sixth Carbon Budget. The UK’s contribution to stopping global warming.’ Climate Change Committee. December 2020.

53.    ‘The ten-point plan for a green industrial revolution.’ HM Government 2020.


Steve Coulter
Head of Industrial Strategy, Skills and Sustainability

#محمد_عبد_الكريم_يوسف (هاشتاغ)       Mohammad_Abdul-karem_Yousef#          

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الصفحة الرئيسية - مواضيع وابحاث سياسية - محمد عبد الكريم يوسف - الأزمة الاقتصادية البريطانية- الجزء التاسع والأخير