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الصفحة الرئيسية - مواضيع وابحاث سياسية - محمد سعد خير الله - Egypt-ACry Before a Resounding Fall


Egypt-ACry Before a Resounding Fall

محمد سعد خير الله
محمد سعد خيرالله عضو رابطة القلم السويدية

(Mohaemd Saad Khiralla)

الحوار المتمدن-العدد: 7506 - 2023 / 1 / 29 - 06:50
المحور: مواضيع وابحاث سياسية

Egypt – A Cry Before a Resounding Fall

1- Initiation and correction is necessary
Everyone deals with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi as a dictator with absolute powers and the fact that the President of Egypt is not a dictator but a military general delegated by the Republic of Soldiers controlling and dominating power since the 1952 coup, for the reminder, Sisi has asked when he was Minister of Defense on 10/1/2014 a mandate from the Military Council:
Egyptian state media quoted Defense Minister Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi as requiring him to "ask the people and authorize the army" before deciding to run for Egypt s presidency.
After Sisi asked the military council to grant him a mandate "to rule Egypt, he achieved what he wanted after 16 days, and the council unanimously approved on 17/1/2014
Egypt s Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) has decided to authorize Defense Minister Field Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi to run for the presidency, at a time when the army commander-in-chief has not officially announced his position on running for elections scheduled for the next three months.
If he is a "commissioner of the Republic of Soldiers inside the Federal Palace" and all his actions, decisions and policies are fully consistent with them and appeal to them, and if this is not the case, in Article 200 of the amended constitution in 2019, which gives them "legitimacy in his removal and handing over power" under all that has been done to neglect the interests and assets of the state.
A report by Al-Hurra website on the constitutional amendments
Article 200 of Egypt s constitution, adopted in 2014, states that "the armed forces belong to the people, whose mission is to protect the country and maintain its security and territorial integrity, and the state alone establishes these forces, and it is prohibited for any individual, body, entity,´-or-group to establish military´-or-paramilitary formations, divisions,´-or-organizations. The Armed Forces shall have a Supreme Council, as regulated by law."
But the new amendment adds to the powers´-or-responsibilities of the armed forces: "safeguarding the constitution and democracy, preserving the basic components of the state, its civility, the gains of the people, and the rights and freedoms of individuals."
The question is, if the waters of the Nile River are not one of the components on which the Egyptian state is based, then what are the components??
* Disclaimer The historical rights of Egypt s share in the waters of the Nile River were lost after Sisi signed the Declaration of Principles Agreement in Khartoum on 23/3/2015 and during the last days of this month the fourth filling is done, which clearly means "full acquiescence" by the Egyptian negotiator to the Ethiopian party and we can foresee the future of a country already suffering from water scarcity, its only resource is the water of the Nile River, numbering 110 million people, and under the current reality, the share will shrink to 35 billion cubic meters at the latest, i.e. Further rise in the prices of all vegetables and fruits as a logical result of the flood, which will hit thousands of agricultural acres, other than desertification and the loss of four million Egyptians to their jobs due to land degradation in the Delta, and all that the Egyptian government promotes to calm the interior desalination plants, whether desalination of seawater´-or-groundwater and the transition to rational irrigation, sewage treatment and agricultural drainage is not related to logic and simply what is the outcome of collecting all solutions if taking into account the value of the loss of 20 billion cubic meters If not more???
Under the title The Death of the Nile River, Peter Schwartzstein wrote this report.
The Nile, the world s longest river, is sick and getting more seriously ill as more people live in its valley pollute it and deplete its waters, while climate change threatens to eliminate it altogether.
Mada Masr website and an interview with researcher Mohamed Bashir on the environmental and economic effects of the Renaissance DamSummary: Some issues related to the Renaissance Dam are technical and some are political´-or-a combination of the two. Some issues seem technical on the surface, but they have a political impact. For example, managing long-term multi-year droughts will have political implications for the allocation of Nile water quotas. Other outstanding issues are of a somewhat technical nature, such as data sharing, socio-economic impact assessment, and dam safety.
Document of principles signed by Abdel Fattah El-Sisi

2- A de-script-ion of what the ruling regime is in Egypt now
Totalitarianism, as we all know, is a concept used by political scientists, writers and journalists to describe the "form of the state" that tries to impose its authority on all aspects of life and at all levels and in all fields without exception hegemony, control and control over everything and anything economic, education, art, culture, public issues, public freedoms and personal morals and in official Egypt.
Now, through the media trumpets officially owned by the security and intelligence services, they determine for us who enters heaven, who enters hell, who is a patriot, and who is a patriot, a strange mixture of "totalitarianism mixed and grafted with a little theocracy", which is a very festering and mediocre version of totalitarian military rule in its latest version.
There is no better´-or-stronger than knowledge when it is supported by numbers, statistics, reports, references and information in order to be the winner in explaining our reality to facilitate the conclusion and foresight of its consequences, and in the next lines I will not talk about an issue of Egyptian issues unless it will be certain supported by what I have already referred to.

First, the army s monopoly on the economy of Egyptian society is now close to 85%
The Egyptian army monopolized almost all fields, there is no economic field in Egypt except and the army s hand extended to it, starting with infant formula, pasta, fish, vegetables, and ending with owning media and press channels and companies to produce drama and -dir-ected films that swim in their praise day and night, and of course competition with them is impossible because they do not pay taxes, services´-or-fees of any kind, and labor is "con-script-ed" by forced labor laws (compulsory con-script-ion), which is very similar to what was done in ancient times and times of Enslavement of human beings "Slavery" Who is the entity that can compete with this monopolistic dinosaur? Asking the question itself is "very comic
Attached are a number of studies of the distinguished "Yazid Sayegh" on the economy of the Egyptian army.
Egypt promises to end the unique position of military companies to get IMF loan
There are doubts about the actual viability of the policy. Former Deputy Prime Minister Ziad Bahaa El-Din noted that most of the mechanisms put forward to achieve policy goals had already been officially adopted at several stages, without noticeable impact. However, many references to this policy were woven into the text of the recent agreement with the IMF, making it difficult for Egypt to prominently drag too much.
The activities of military companies continue
A December 2020 report by the IMF Associate Institution by the World Bank, which noted the military s share in the production of capital goods consumer durables and clothing materials food, beverages and tobacco automobiles and spare parts retail media and entertainment semiconductors and ITS equipment and hard and technological equipment
Throwing the Gauntlet of Challenge: What the IMF Can Do About Egyptian Military Companies
Until recently, both the IMF and the World Bank were quite reticent to address the involvement of the Egyptian armed forces and other military bodies in Egypt s civilian economy. This is a long-standing problem.
Dismantling the Officers Republic
The country is likely to continue to conduct business as usual. But Sisi s criticism of the state s lackluster performance provides an opportunity to discuss the widespread prevalence of thousands of senior military retirees in large state institutions and their disincentive effect on economic performance, particularly on private sector participation in the economy. The model of the "republic of officers," which I described in detail in a previous study, was born in the nineties out of a tacit deal that rewarded senior officers by granting them positions in the bureaucracy after reaching retirement age, often giving them lucrative business privileges in exchange for their loyalty to former President Hosni Mubarak.
The path to reform?
Egyptian authorities must accept that military industries are costly, and must invest in them if they want to maintain local capacity. Most military companies and factories suffer losses despite the fact that a large part of their business has been diverted to civilian production, and despite the increase in their capacity. Their civilian companies have not provided high-quality technology,´-or-significant increases in local content and added value.
Retention of capacity, restructuring´-or-abstraction? Policy Options for Egypt s Military Economy
The military now controls a huge economic portfolio. It manages a large share of total public works in infrastructure and housing. They build industrial zones and produce capital goods (i.e., equipment and inputs for the production of goods), consumer durables (such as household appliances and tools), transport vehicles, heavy freight and information technology equipment. It also carries out associated retail sales, owns commercial media companies and hotels, and rapidly increases its share in agriculture, fish farming and mineral extraction. Since September 2021
The military claims to be creating opportunities for the private sector. If true, the Sisi administration should work in parallel to enable civilian government agencies to fully resume this role, with the ultimate goal of absolving the military of this task. In fact, civil bodies, both public and private, continue to provide the largest share of public goods and services, and of total production in all sectors of the Egyptian economy.

Second, on democracy, corruption indicators, and the human rights situation
"Human Rights Watch Report"
The Egyptian government has not eased the ongoing crackdown on critics in 2022´-or-repealed laws that-limit- fundamental freedoms, Human Rights Watch said today in its World Report 2023. At the same time, the government has made concerted efforts to improve the country s image without undertaking decisive reforms, including launching a national dialogue under the auspices of the president and hosting the UN Climate Change Conference (COP27) in November.
In April of last year 2022, Abdel Fattah El-Sisi announced the re-formation of a committee for presidential pardon, and the task of this committee is to work on the release of detainees held pending cases of opinion, whose number is estimated at least 60,000 prisoners of conscience, and it is enough to show you the comic work of the committee that the number of those arrested after its formation is more than the number of those released, and in light of this reality, the talk becomes about democracy and the right to political participation and the establishment of Independent parties, -union-s, civil work and opinion platforms is a farce in itself, the picture is expressive enough for everyone who wants to see." Attached to Human Rights Watch reports
Egypt: A Year of Burnishing Abuses Despite Acute Crisis
Between April and November, authorities claimed to have released nearly a thousand unjustly detained activists and journalists, but human rights groups documented the arrest of many others, including the re-arrest of some of those released. Prisons remain filled with thousands of detainees because of their political backgrounds, and the government keeps the number secret. Interior Ministry police and National Security agents continued to forcibly disappear dissidents. Egyptian prison authorities and security forces have mistreated and tortured detainees, including through systematic sexual violence to humiliate them with near-total impunity.
Al Jazeera News Website
Sisi announces the activation of the presidential pardon committee and the launch of a dialogue with all political forces without exception
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi announced the reactivation of the work of the presidential pardon committee formed in late 2016, stressing that the homeland accommodates everyone and that differences of opinion do not spoil the homeland s cause, as he put it.
Transparency International.
The 2021 Corruption Index on a decade of stagnant levels of corruption amid human rights violations and democratic decline Egypt ranks 117 out of 180 countries
2021 Report of the U.S. Embassy in Cairo on Human Rights in Egypt
Summary: There have been numerous reports that the government´-or-its agents have committed arbitrary´-or-unlawful killings that occurred while making arrests´-or-detentions of persons´-or-during disputes with civilians. Civilians were also reported to have been killed during military operations in North Sinai.
There have been reports of cases of torture to death and other allegations of killings in prisons and detention centres by security forces. The government has accused, prosecuted and convicted perpetrators in some cases, but the lack of accountability remained a problem.
On May 25, an Italian judge ordered four senior members of the country s security services to appear in court in Italy over their suspected role in the murder of Italian graduate student Giulio Regeni, who was found dead in Cairo in 2016.
Amnesty International s 2021 report on human rights in Egypt
The authorities continued to severely repress the right to freedom of expression, as well as voices critical of it online and offline.
Security forces arbitrarily arrested at least six journalists for their work´-or-critical opinions. On 19 July, they arrested journalist Abdelnasser Salamé after he called on the president to resign. Salameh and 24 other journalists remained in prison after being convicted´-or-continued in pre-trial detention on charges of "misuse of social media", "spreading false news" and "terrorism".
Hussam Shaaban, an aid doctor, was arrested in May after criticizing the authorities ban on demonstrations expressing solidarity with Gaza during the Israeli aggression. Shaaban remains in pre-trial detention on "terrorism" charges.
Authorities continue to block at least 600 news, human rights and other websites, according to human rights organizations.
31 countries condemn violations of freedoms in Egypt before the Human Rights Council
German DW
In a rare criticism of Egypt at the UN Human Rights Council, 31 countries issued a joint statement on Friday (12 March 2021) expressing concern about the human rights situation in Egypt, by "reducing the space" available to civil society and political opposition, and "applying the anti-terrorism law against peaceful critics."
Situation of human rights in Egypt according to the European -union-
UN Special Rapporteurs on the rights to freedom of assembly and association, human rights defenders and the protection of human rights while countering terrorism, have expressed concerns about the Egyptian NGO Law of 2019, the 2018 Law on Combating Cybercrime and Information Technology Crimes, the Terrorist Entities Law of 2015, and the 2013 Law on Public Meetings and Peaceful Demonstrations while according to the Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms, the Egyptian government arrested approximately 734 individuals in 18 Governorate between October 1 and November 14, 2022 .


Third : the systematic crimes of the Egyptian army in Sinai
Human Rights Watch: Egyptian Military Committed Acts Amounting to War Crimes in Sinai, Egypt Describes
UN statement on human rights violations as "crude politicization"
Mass demolitions in Sinai are possible war crimes, andarmy destroys thousands of homes and livelihoods
Human Rights Watch Report
In 2015 and 2018, Human Rights Watch documented large-scale home demolitions in North Sinai beginning in 2013. Until early 2018, the army mainly evacuated residents of residential areas in and around Rafah city, on the borders with Gaza and Israel.
Recent analysis of dozens of high-resolution, time-series satellite images taken between December 4, 2017, and July 1, 2020, found that during that period the army demolished about 4,000 buildings in and around al-Arish city, mainly to build a buffer zone surrounding al-Arish airport south of the city, which was civilian and has been used since 2013 for military purposes.
14 /May 2022
The report of the Sinai Foundation for Human Rights on the recruitment of children into the tribal forces loyal to the army in Sinai is provided with videos
The Sinai Foundation for Human Rights said today that the phenomenon of recruiting children and using them in military actions within tribal groups loyal to the Egyptian army as part of its war against ISIS s "Sinai Province" organization in the northern Sinai Peninsula, which has become increasingly noticeable during the first half of 2022. This recruitment was carried out under the supervision and knowledge of the Egyptian authorities, in flagrant defiance of all international laws and conventions that emphasize the protection of children s rights, especially during non-international armed conflicts.
Fourth, the crimes of espionage that the Egyptian regime commits on foreigners, let alone what it does with opponents
German federal police warned the country s delegation at the Sharm el-Sheikh summit that they could be vulnerable to spying by Egyptian security. While Egypt described reports of spying as "absurd", the United Nations said it had opened an investigation.
COP27: Rights groups and cybersecurity experts "accuse" Egypt of using the summit s spying app
Many, including NGOs and cybersecurity experts, have sharply criticized the official smartphone app set up by Egyptian authorities to "help" participants at the COP27 global climate summit, which opened Sunday in Sharm el-Sheikh. They "accuse" the Egyptian authorities of using the app to spy on summit participants.
Why has Human Rights Watch described the situation in Egypt as a "human rights crisis"?
International and Egyptian civil society groups fear that the severe restrictions imposed by the Egyptian authorities in recent years will impede the full and meaningful participation of journalists, activists, human rights defenders, civil society, youth groups, and indigenous representatives at the climate conference. In addition, the Egyptian government may try to use its role as president of the conference to give an impression of openness and tolerance, even though political repression under President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi s government has caused one of the country s worst human rights crises in decades.

Fifth: Justice and the rule of law
Egypt ranks 135th out of 140 countries
International Justice Project
Social justiceshows the class hitting Egyptian society and the comparison between the summer resorts of the rich and the poor does not end
The report divides Egypt s wealthy into four categories: the first consists of about 17,000 people, each of whom owns a wealth of about one million US dollars, the second is 880 people, the "multi-millionaires", each of whom owns more than 10 million dollars, the third consists of 57 people, each of whom owns more than 100 million dollars, and the fourth category is seven billionaires, each of whom owns more than 1 billion dollars.
Independent Arabia
Sixth, the crimes of the Egyptian army in the Western Desert on the sidelines of Operation Sirli
Nearly 40,000 Egyptian civilians have been killed in the Western Desert claiming to be terrorists while they are civilians smuggling goods from Libya to Egypt, according to Disclose investigative report.
Disclose website in English
Translation of the Committee on Justice (CFJ), an independent association for the defense of the rights of
Human based in Geneva, Switzerland for Operation Cyrly as stated on the Disclose website
Disclose received hundreds of confidential documents (provided by an anonymous source) revealing abuses that occurred during this intelligence mission carried out in the name of counterterrorism, which began in February 2016.
The documents illustrate how this clandestine military cooperation has deviated from its original mission of reconnaissance of terrorist activity and turned into a campaign of arbitrary extrajudicial executions. Those tasks involved state crimes for which the French presidential office was constantly reported but for which no action was taken.
Under the title Mercenaries of Heaven, the French website Discloses presents
Report on the smallest details of armament in Operation Sirli
Same details in Arabic from the site
Translation of the Justice Committee (CFJ) in Switzerland
Since 2010, the French foreign intelligence agency DGSE and the French military intelligence services DRM have worked very closely with CAE Aviation. They call up their services not only to use their aircraft but also their personnel – such as pilots, analysts and technicians – to carry out covert missions in which Air Force Intelligence plays a key role. This was the case for Operation Sirley in Egypt, launched in 2016 as the Combat Terrorism. In fact, the information received from the mission was used by the regime of Abdel Fattah al-Sisi to commit arbitrary executions.
Seventh: the Egyptian regime s spying on activists and human rights defenders
A report by the French website Closes about the Egyptian regime s spyingon activists using French technology
Same details in Arabic from the website of the Justice Committee of Switzerland
To ensure that the system did its job perfectly, dictatorship did not skimp on providing equipment: brand new data centers, the latest generation of Dell computers, huge megaservers from the American company DDN... In Alexandria, the military also had electronic components mounted on submarine cables connecting the state to the internet for better surveillance. The command center of this Egyptian "intelligence" service was located in Cairo at the Almaza military base, 10 kilometers from the presidential palace.
Eighth, the Egyptian regime buys weapons from some European countries in return for silence and turning a blind eye to its crimes
A report by the French website Disclose
Themed Business Deal of Principles
Same details in Arabic from the website of the Justice Committee of Switzerland
The French presidential office has chosen to turn a blind eye to the Egyptian dictatorship s repression in favor of arms exports, ignoring diplomatic reports that have alerted to the deteriorating human rights situation in the country.
For eight years, retired Field Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi ruled Egypt through a terrorist regime that resorted to systematic torture, arbitrary executions and intensive surveillance of its people. Despite this unprecedented repression, successive French presidents François Hollande and Emmanuel Macron have remained silent on these practices, despite being regularly reported by their diplomats on the ground.
Ninth, the situation of prisoners inside the regime s prisons, which is closer to slaughterhouses for torture
Detainees Die Under Torture in Egypt s Prisons
Human Rights Watch Report 2022
At least 52 detainees died in custody due to medical complications, and at least 4 detainees following reports of torture
Amnesty International found that in 2021 alone, at least 52 detainees died in detention from medical complications and at least 4 from reports of torture. In most cases, prosecutors failed to conduct independent and effective investigations into the causes and circumstances of their deaths.
Torture and other ill-treatment are used in particular during the investigation phase and in the initial period of detention to extract confessions and punish dissidents.
to combat torture," as part of separate investigations, arguing that torture in Egypt is systematic and rampant.
Amnesty International
Investigate Circumstances of Suspected Death of Economist Ayman Hadhoud in Detention After His Enforced Disappearance
A new investigation by Amnesty International, based on an examination of official records, interviews with witnesses and sources, as well as analysis by independent forensic experts who examined leaked photographs of Hadhoud s body, strongly suggests that Ayman Hadhoud was tortured´-or-ill-treated prior to his death.
Rights to freedom of expression and of association and assembly have been severely repressed
2021 Amnesty International
The authorities continued to severely repress the right to freedom of expression, as well as voices critical of it online and offline.
Security forces arbitrarily arrested at least six journalists for their work´-or-critical opinions. On 19 July, they arrested journalist Abdelnasser Salamé after he called on the president to resign. Salameh and 24 other journalists remained in prison after being convicted´-or-continued in pre-trial detention on charges of "misuse of social media", "spreading false news" and "terrorism".
Tenth, the army s robbery of the Egyptian people s land through privatization republican decrees
A study of mine published three years ago and it covers the period after the assumption of the interim president Adly Mansour until the date of publication, I repeat three years ago because what was allocated after that is exponentially greater than what was mentioned in the study
It was necessary for President Sisi to come out from time to time with a presidential decree to allocate more land to the armed forces, which are now entitled under the constitution and the law to immediately seize any piece of land in any governorate under the pretext of (military purposes´-or-for public benefit) "after he codified and legitimized his parliament, which is carefully selected by the agencies."

Address at the United Nations 14th Session of the Forum on Minority Issues from 2 to 3 December 2021 (Video)
The speech about Sinai was in Arabic translated into English, in which it demanded the formation of an international language to go to Sinai and to investigate what is happening on the ground of crimes.
Twelfth Egyptian regime violations of LGBT people
Egypt: Arrests for Homosexuality Spark Controversy on Social Media
After the campaign of arrests of dozens of homosexuals in Egypt, Egyptians were divided between opponents and supporters. Some considered it personal freedom and others joined the authorities and saw it as "immorality" and "immorality".
DW German
Human Rights Watch Report on Violations Against Homosexuals
Egyptian police and the National Security Agency (NSA) arbitrarily arrest lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people, detain them in inhumane conditions, and subject them to systematic mistreatment, including torture, Human Rights Watch said today.
Report of Belady Center for Freedoms and Report on Homophobia
Egyptian law does not explicitly criminalize homosexuality. But it criminalizes any behavior´-or-expression of any idea that it considers immoral, scandalous´-or-offensive, so we find the crime of debauchery contained in Law No. 10 of 1961, which stipulates that "shall be punished by imprisonment for a period of not less than three months and not more than three years ... Anyone who is accustomed to debauchery´-or-prostitution."
Thirteenth The Question of Peace and the Relationship with Israel
A study published in three languages in Da-var-inside Israel examines Egyptian-Israeli relations and the issue of peace since the signing of the Camp David Accords.
Can a writer, researcher, journalist,´-or-Egyptian society activist travel from Egypt to Israel without prior approval from the security authorities?
Study in English
Study in Hebrew
Before I move on to another paragraph, I have to ask the question of where Hamas and Islamic Jihad come from with Strela rockets, which everyone watches in military parades organized during some periods? So far scientific progress has not reached the point where rockets are being cultivated??
Intervention with the Israeli Radio Makan
Fourteenth the oppression and abuse of the Egyptian regime against those who face institutional corruption and confront it
About the venerable counselor Hisham Geneina, the prisoner for several years until now, and before his imprisonment, he was removed from his job and the abuse extended to members of his family, and his daughter was removed from her job by a presidential decision, similarly in the same way as her father.
Report by the Malcolm Kerr-Carnegie Middle East Center
Geneina appeared alone despite this huge amount of information and tours in which a number of corruption cases were revealed, as political forces did not show solidarity with him during the trial. On the other hand, Geneina believes that some intelligence agencies led a campaign to overthrow him
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Thursday called on the Egyptian authorities to quash the verdict against Hisham Geneina, former judge and former head of the Central Auditing Organization in Egypt, and to immediately release him.
We are facing a totalitarian regime that has reached an unprecedented and unimaginable level of savagery that monopolized the economy in control of land and resources, killed politics and nationalized the entire public sphere, and with it things reached a state of complete and comprehensive blockage in light of the lowest rates in the world in the quality of education, health care, housing, services, jobs, income, suicides, societal disintegration and violence Enormous permissibility It was natural tomove from power to all groups, and became Imagine a country with a population of about 110 million and the dollar inside its central banks is 30 pounds and the "black market" approached 37 and maybe more until the date of publication "with an accelerated deterioration (lost 90% of its value since Sisi took office and last year only half of its value. The size of the external debt is 165 billion dollars and twice as much as the internal debt,
I hope that I have shed light on all, time is running out and things are going from bad to worse, and beware of the reactions of a people if things explode "and inevitably explode under these conditions" and has become charged with enormous energy of anger breathing despair and inhaling it with bitterness and the handiness of power.
* In the second part I present a proposal
How to get out of what we re about.

#محمد_سعد_خير_الله (هاشتاغ)       Mohaemd_Saad_Khiralla#          

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- مسؤول أمريكي لـCNN: الولايات المتحدة ساعدت إسرائيل في إنقاذ ...
- قديروف يشكر بوتين على لقائه بنجله والنصائح التي قدمها له قبل ...
- غضب على السوشيال ميديا بعد تداول فيديو لسعودي يعذب قطة.. وال ...
- -تايمز- تكشف تفاصيل جديدة حول إقالة زالوجني من منصب القائد ا ...
- زعيم حزب فرنسي يفتح النار على ماكرون: يجرنا مع أصدقائه في أو ...
- وزارة الصحة الفلسطينية في غزة تطلق نداء استغاثة لتوفير مولدا ...
- عاش هناك منذ 210 ملايين سنة.. اكتشاف نوع جديد من الديناصورات ...
- دوديك: بوتين ثروة وطنية لبلده وعلاقاتنا تتسم بالدعم والتعاطف ...
- وسائل إعلام: منفذ الهجوم على رئيسة الوزراء الدنماركية سيمثل ...


- هواجس ثقافية 188 / آرام كربيت
- قبو الثلاثين / السماح عبد الله
- والتر رودني: السلطة للشعب لا للديكتاتور / وليد الخشاب
- ورقات من دفاتر ناظم العربي - الكتاب الأول / بشير الحامدي
- ورقات من دفترناظم العربي - الكتاب الأول / بشير الحامدي
- الفصل الثالث: في باطن الأرض من كتاب “الذاكرة المصادرة، محنة ... / ماري سيغارا
- الموجود والمفقود من عوامل الثورة في الربيع العربي / رسلان جادالله عامر
- 7 تشرين الأول وحرب الإبادة الصهيونية على مستعمًرة قطاع غزة / زهير الصباغ
- العراق وإيران: من العصر الإخميني إلى العصر الخميني / حميد الكفائي
- جريدة طريق الثورة، العدد 72، سبتمبر-أكتوبر 2022 / حزب الكادحين


الصفحة الرئيسية - مواضيع وابحاث سياسية - محمد سعد خير الله - Egypt-ACry Before a Resounding Fall