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A look at teaching methods between the rigidity of indoctrination and the problems of modernization Tayseer A. Al Alousi  2023 / 5 / 27 Rights of children and modern education 
Strategic Crops Between Due Consideration and Targeting Tayseer A. Al Alousi  2023 / 5 / 25 Research topics and political essays 
Iraq�s water shares and their impacts between the climate change and the political decision Tayseer A. Al Alousi  2023 / 5 / 25 Research topics and political essays 
Iraqi Christian: Searching for safety and Participating in Public Life Tayseer A. Al Alousi  2021 / 1 / 2 Nationality, minority rights, and the right to self-determination 
There is no retreat in the revolution, but connected episodes of competence Tayseer A. Al Alousi  2020 / 4 / 30 Civil society 


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