أخبار عامة - وكالة أنباء المرأة - اخبار الأدب والفن - وكالة أنباء اليسار - وكالة أنباء العلمانية - وكالة أنباء العمال - وكالة أنباء حقوق الإنسان - اخبار الرياضة - اخبار الاقتصاد - اخبار الطب والعلوم
إذا لديكم مشاكل تقنية في تصفح الحوار المتمدن نرجو النقر هنا لاستخدام الموقع البديل

الصفحة الرئيسية - الادب والفن - انعام الهاشمي - الثلاثية المقدّسة لفائز الحداد: المجدليَّة


الثلاثية المقدّسة لفائز الحداد: المجدليَّة

انعام الهاشمي

الحوار المتمدن-العدد: 3503 - 2011 / 10 / 1 - 14:41
المحور: الادب والفن

The Magdalene

ترجمة للإنجليزية

الثلاثية المقدّسة لفائز الحداد : القصيدة الثانية - المجدليَّة

توطئة: هذه هي القصيدة الثانية في الثلاثية المقدسة لفائز الحداد، وهي تلي الترجمة للقصيدة الأولى فيها "يوسُف" التي نشرت من قبل..

القَصِيدَةُ الثانِيَةُ التي تدخُلُ الثلاثِيَّةَ من أبوابِها العريضةِ هي، َبلا شكٍّ، "المَجدَلِيّة"، واقتطف لقارئ العربية منها مطلعها:

(شاهدكِ المقدّس في الربوبة..

ما تألـّه بذات يمينكِ.. الشفاعةُ والكتابُ

وما تبارك جسداً.. في جلالة الصليب


تبصمين بروح الإله على صدر القناعة..

بأن الحبَّ رقيمكِ الأوحد

وإن لكِ مسيحا يشبهه مسيحي بعلامته الفارقة

لكنّه.. أخ رضاعة عنيد!!

ارفعي يدكِ مدلاّة كالهيكل.. بعينين ثاكلتين تنشدان الرؤيا..

"فأنتِ أوّل شاهدة على قيامتي.. وأوّل زائرة لقبري الحي ".)

و قد تَحَدَّثُتُ عَنها ببعض ِالتفصِيلٍ في مقدّمَتي عن الثلاثية المقدَّسة التي نشرت مسبقاً بالعربية والتي أقتطف منها ما اخترته لقارئ الإنجليزية هنا. فعلى قارئ اللغة العربية الرجوع إلى المقدمة بالعربية

وإليكم رابطها:

الثلاثية المقدَّسة لفائز الحداد - مقدِّمة

ترجمة القصيدة الأولى: "يوسُف"

Fayez Al-Haddads Divine Trilogy

The second poem:"The Magdalene"


"The Magdalene", which I am translating here from Arabic, is the second poem in Fayez Al-Haddads Divine Trilogy; the first is "Joseph" that I have translated into English as well.

This poem differs from its predecessor "Joseph" in that the poet puts the "beloved" in the status of Mary Magdalene, and puts the "lover" in relationship to her as that of the Christs to the Magdalene, then he pours dawn upon her a barrage of passionate reverence placing her in the ranking and the sanctity of saints; no wonder in that, as she is his Magdelene and he is "magdalized" by her and in her; no one knows how to be "magdalized" other than the poet, who has invented this word and many other literary words and verbs derived from the name of his beloved, the Magdalene, giving the reader the freedom to roam in the wide space of imagination.

Before the opening of the poem, the poet makes a comment about the "Magdalene" to lead the reader to the reference on which his poem is based, saying:

(Mary Magdalene:
Of the most important Christian figures mentioned in the New Testament is the most important women of the disciples of Christ and witness to the resurrection and the first going to his grave According to the Bible.
_ ".. But I am certain she was his wife that he loved")

I think that the word "almost" was inadvertently omitted from the last sentence, I believe it is more correct to say: (I am almost certain that she was his wife that he loved) as an expression of personal belief; To be absolutely certain, is a statement indicating a case of categorical proof or consensus; no documentation of such evidence or consensus has been provided to warrant a basis for the poets affirmation.

Then, starting with the opening of the poem he brings us, directly, to the divine atmosphere leaving no room for doubt or a question as to what the relationship between Mary Magdalene and the poets beloved, who is the subject of the poem, and the extent of her identification with the Magdalenes historic relationship with Christ, and his own connection with Christ, metaphorically, as a "breast-brother":

(Your holy witness in Deity is

all that was deified in the essence of your right,

manifest in the intercession and the book,

and the blessed body in the majesty of the Cross.


You sign with the spirit of God on the bosom of conviction,

that love is your only inscription,

and that you got a Christ resembling mine

in his mark of distinction;

but he is a stubborn breast-brother!!

Raise your suspended hand as an armature,

with bereaved eyes seeking vision,

"You are the first witness to my resurrection,

and the first visitor to my living grave.")

The verb that the poet derived from the name of the beloved "Magdalene" is repeated in many forms and tones as if he sings his passion for the person of the beloved in the name "Magdalene" over and over in the different forms that he derived from it..

(I will be Magdalized in your desired night a priest

who wouldnt shed off his garment,

and no woman would slit his garment from behind!

But, I fear, for your sake, my charm on the nuns;

They will search for your shadow in the folds of their braids,

when, I have braided my day in your tomorrow,

and have never left my scent with a beautiful nun.

You may find me as delectable as holiday sweets,

and I may find our celebration in the heat of autumn;

I have fasted, and fasting had its toll on me,

while waiting for my birthday cake on a golden plate.

Ive got a thousand Jesus in my pocket waiting for me a christ,

and youve got a thousand guillotines for my sins.

What need do I have for all these judgment forums,

when the arrow of your sideway glance is enough

for me to get my verdict?)

He promises her not to betray her love; how could he when the arrow of her sideway glance is enough for him to get his verdict?

He also states that all the charges against him before her were instigated by his crime of poetry, which he carried only to impress and to enrage, and that all the women in his poetry, were left unquenched, when he came to her "with eyes thirsting as parched gardens " to quench her thirst for him and his for her, as her reasons came to be "the inspiration for the body of what he worships."

(Was I an outcast, accused of poetry and women,

some childish temptations and vows of the desert?

Thus your reasons turned an inspiration

for the body of what I worship?!)

And later, saying:

(I know I‘ve been judged guilty when I was innocent,

and innocent when I was guilty;

I carried the crime of poetry a cause,

to enrage the water and the havens;

And the women who streamed through my palms,

like prayer beads,

and whose names I prayed

without uttering the Creed,

I divorced their prayers with eyes thirsting as parched gardens;

Yet, I quenched your thirst, as I did mine.)

Then, he announces his commitment to her in holding on to her as he would "The Golden Gate of Jerusalem"; he makes a clear reference to a sacred and religious symbol, which is linked directly to the Magdalene and her Christ, as she awaited his return and passage through (The Golden Gate of Jerusalem), as it is the belief in Judaism and Christianity; but soon, the poet reverts to his worldliness with his Magdalene and poetry:

(My Magdalene,

I will hold on to you

as I would the Golden Gate of Jerusalem;

Ill let the poems flow down your cheeks

as honey sweet spring water

and let the kiss take me to the hidden and the unknowwwwwwwwwwwwwn!

I will inscribe my passion for you with the blood of ink and white,

and scatter the beads of your rosary all over my body;)

The poem escalate in the usage of symbols of holiness from the first line to the end, starting with the holy witness :

[ the holy witness / intercession and the book / majesty of the Cross / Spirit of God / Christ / Bibles / baptism / Ascension / Adam / Eve / worship / verses of your beautiful names / purification / mihrab / alter/ tayammum / prayer / praise /Al- Hallaj / Tawasin / prophecies / hymns / worship / Apostles/ havens / priest / nuns / Jesus / prayer beads / The Creed / ablution / secrets of prophecy / prophetess of spells ]

Are examples of symbols linked to the beloved, Magdalene, casting halos of divinity on the rituals of love between the two lovers:

(You may purify your alter with the ashes of my blood,

so that I may complete your ritual with "tayammum" (1)

I am your mesmerized disciple;

I cant comprehend prayers without your argument,

and after you,

I will not praise drums not beaten by the Heavens.)

Then, in a quick twist he refers to Al-Hallaj (2); and by connecting himself to Al-Hallaj, he is connecting Al-Hallaj to Jesus Christ as well: this connection is justified as Al-Hallaj himself made such connection between himself and Christ, and as both sacrificed their lives beliefs that were different or misunderstood by their communities :

(Perhaps, they wasted my blood

so that I atone for the sins of Al-Hallaj,(2)

and retire in the eyes of the "Tawasin" (3)

applauding, the pitfalls of deceit,

and the players of tin tambourines!)

Then, he proclaims, with confidence, that he owned her fortune telling pieces, beads and pores and the secrets of prophecy, and that he has chosen her, out of all the others, his Magdalene, the beloved, swearing by the "Lord of her revealed passion and the gods of kisses!"

(I claim, and hold to be mine,

Your fortune telling pieces, your beads, your pores,

And the rest of the secrets of the prophecy and the sanctuary,

as Ive chosen you to be my wine, along with the spittle of the book;

Oh prophetess of the belated spells!)

Finally, he ends the poem with a dramatic move that brings the reader to the notion displayed by the first few lines of the poem :

(By the Lord of your revealed passion, and the gods of kisses,

from your lips, I probed sweet sap out of salt,

and learned that the bees are your workers in hunting nectar;

So, did we hunt each other in the deadly kiss???

Oh, mercy upon me!

My Magdalene

Its love that I want

For eternity.)

He wonders about the deadly kiss as he seeks eternity in love! How does the deadly kiss intertwine with eternity in love? Is he going to be resurrected? It seems that this is the implication; his Magdalene will be the first witness to his resurrection, and the first visitor to his living grave, as he stated at the first few lines of the poem.

•·A note to Arabic readers: please refer to the Introduction to Fayez Al-Haddads Divine Trilogy in Arabic as referred to above.

The Magdalene

Arabic Poem by: Fayez Al-Haddad

Translated into English By:

Inaam Al-Hashimi (Gold_N_Silk)

Mary Magdalene:
One of the most important Christian figures mentioned in the New Testament, and one of the most important women of the disciples of Christ; she was a witness to the resurrection and the first going to his grave according to the Bible.
_ ".. But I absolutely believe she is his wife that he loved"

Your holy witness in Deity is

all that was deified in the essence of your right,

manifest in the intercession and the book,

and the blessed body in the majesty of the Cross.


You sign with the spirit of God on the bosom of conviction,

that love is your only inscription,

and that you got a Christ resembling mine

in his mark of distinction;

but he is a stubborn breast-brother!!

Raise your suspended hand as an armature,

with bereaved eyes seeking vision,

"You are the first witness to my resurrection,

and the first visitor to my living grave."

Your bibles, that took me a dervish,

are platforms marked by colonelcies,

and wars that craft guillotines for accusations

and baptize doubt in certainty!

My certainty is that

I will not reach the crown,

nor will your ascension reach me;

You have Adams reasons in the blood of the apple

And I have your reasons in the blood of Eve;

Those that

seed fields of worship

with verses of your beautiful names

and gardens of not-to be-returned conferment.

Was I an outcast, accused of poetry and women,

some childish temptations and vows of the desert?

Thus your reasons turned an inspiration

for the body of what I worship?!

You may purify your alter with the ashes of my blood,

so that I may complete your ritual with "tayammum" (1)

I am your mesmerized disciple;

I cant comprehend prayers without your argument,

and after you,

I will not praise drums not beaten by the Heavens.

Perhaps, they wasted my blood

so that I atone for the sins of Al-Hallaj,(2)

and retire in the eyes of the "Tawasin" (3)

applauding, the pitfalls of deceit,

and the players of tin tambourines!

As you were the cord of prophecies in the tunes of hymns,

I worshiped the Unseen, and was "magdalized" by you;

So, "Magdalize" me with all the Magdalizing powers of the Apostles ;

Havens will dance in your hands,

And I will sing for your pulse as it flirts with the seas,

and capture the deserts;

Be all the women in a silk character

Splintered as light on a mirror of letters

And make me the chosen vowel.

I will be Magdalized in your desired night a priest

who wouldnt shed off his garment,

and no woman would slit his garment from behind!

But, I fear, for your sake, my charm on the nuns;

They will search for your shadow in the folds of their braids,

when, I have braided my day in your tomorrow,

and have never left my scent with a beautiful nun.

You may find me as delectable as holiday sweets,

and I may find our celebration in the heat of autumn;

I have fasted, and fasting had its toll on me,

while waiting for my birthday cake on a golden plate.

Ive got a thousand Jesus in my pocket waiting for me a christ,

and youve got a thousand guillotines for my sins.

What need do I have for all these judgment forums,

when the arrow of your sideway glance is enough

for me to get my verdict?

I know I‘ve been judged guilty when I was innocent,

and innocent when I was guilty;

I carried the crime of poetry a cause,

to enrage the water and the havens;

And the women who streamed through my palms,

like prayer beads,

and whose names I prayed

without uttering the Creed,

I divorced their prayers with eyes thirsting as parched gardens;

Yet, I quenched your thirst, as I did mine.

My Magdalene,

I will hold on to you

as I would the Golden Gate of Jerusalem;

Ill let the poems flow down your cheeks

as honey sweet spring water

and let the kiss take me to the hidden and the unknowwwwwwwwwwwwwn!

I will inscribe my passion for you with the blood of ink and white,

and scatter the beads of your rosary all over my body;

So, slay my innocent jealousy, and dont be jealous.

All thrones without you are dead;

they couldnt offer ablution with the light of wisdom

to a lover,

and wouldnt intercede for those

who passed by a great king with dignity;

I claim, and hold to be mine,

Your fortune telling pieces, your beads, your pores,

and the rest of the secrets of the prophecy and the sanctuary,

as Ive chosen you to be my wine, along with the spittle of the book;

Oh prophetess of the belated spells!

Oh, blood of the orange in the smack of the salt!

Oh, tickle of the canine on your desired peaches!

By the Lord of your revealed passion, and the gods of kisses,

from your lips, I probed sweet sap out of salt,

and learned that the bees are your workers in hunting nectar;

So, did we hunt each other in the deadly kiss???

Oh, mercy upon me!

My Magdalene

Its love that I want











Translated July 2011

By Inaam Al-Hashimi

Footnotes: (Added by translator)

•(1) Tayammum: Washing/ablution with clean sand or earth when water is unavailable.

•(2) Mansur al-Hallaj (c. 858 - March 26, 922) Persian mystic, revolutionary writer and pious teacher of Sufism most famous for his poetry, accusation of heresy and for his execution, in Baghdad, at the orders of the Abbasid Caliph Al-Muqtadir

•(3) Kitab al Tawasin: a book written by Al-Hallaj which included two brief chapters devoted to a dialogue of Satan and God, where Satan refuses to bow to Adam, and he staes in the book: "If you do not recognize God, at least recognize His sign, I am the creative truth -Ana al-Haqq-." Al haqq is known to be one of the Ninty nine Beautiful Names of God. Also he claimed, pointing to his cloak, " Nothing in my cloak but God" and similarly, pointing to his turban " Nothing wrapped in my turban but God"

القصيدة الأصل

فائز الحداد

مريم المجدلية:

من أهم الشخصيات المسيحية المذكورة في العهد الجديد ومن أهم النساء من تلاميذ المسيح والشاهدة على قيامته وأول الذاهبين لقبره حسب ما ذكره الإنجيل.

_ "لكنني أجزم.. أنها زوجته التي أحب "

شاهدكِ المقدّس في الربوبة..

ما تألـّه بذات يمينكِ.. الشفاعةُ والكتابُ

وما تبارك جسداً.. في جلالة الصليب


تبصمين بروح الإله على صدر القناعة..

بأن الحبَّ رقيمكِ الأوحد

وإن لكِ مسيحا يشبهه مسيحي بعلامته الفارقة

لكنّه.. أخ رضاعة عنيد!!

ارفعي يدكِ مدلاّة كالهيكل.. بعينين ثاكلتين تنشدان الرؤيا..

"فأنتِ أوّل شاهدة على قيامتي.. وأوّل زائرة لقبري الحي ".

أناجيلكِ التي أخذتني درويشاً..

منابر مهموزة بالزعامات

وحروب.. تفصّل المقاصل تهما،

وتعمّد الشك في اليقين!


لن أبلغ التاج، ولا معراجكِ يدركني

فلكِ أسباب آدم في دم التفاحة..

ولي أسبابكِ في دماء حواء

هاتيك التي :

تبتذر حقول العبادة.. آياتٍ بأسمائكِ الحسنى،

وجنائن إنعام لا تعاد

أكنت منبوذا، بتهمة الشعر والقوارير..

وبعض غوى الطفولة ونذور الصحراء

فاستحالت أسبابك.. وحيا لجسد ما أعبد؟!

لك أن تطهرّي محرابك برماد دمي..

لأكمل طقسك بالتيمُّم

أنا مريدك المتيَّم.. لا أفقه الصلاة بغير حجتك،

ولن أسبّح بعدكِ لطبولٍ لا تقرعها السماء

ربما أهدروا دمي لأكفـّر عن ذنوب حلاجي

وأتقاعد في أعين الطواسين.. مصفّقا،

لمزالق الدجل، وأرباب تنك الدفوف!؟

ولأنكِ وتر النبوّات في عزف التراتيل‏..

سجدت للغيب، وتمجدلت بكِ

فمجدليني بما أوتيتِ من مجدّلات الحواري

سترقص الفراديس بين يديكِ..

وأغنّي لنبضكِ.. حين يغازل البحار،

ويؤسر الصحارى

كوني كل النساء‏ في همزة حريرية..

تتشظّى كالضوء في مرايا الحروف‎

وتختارني حرف علـّتها

سأتمجدل في ليلك المبتغى قساً،

لا ينضو ثيابه.. ولا تقدُّ قميصه امرأة من دُبرٍ

لكنـّي.. أخشى عليك سحري في الراهبات..

سيبحثـنَّ عن ظلك طيّ جدائلهن‎َّ ‎

وقد جدّلت يومي بغدكِ..

وما تركت عطري عند راهبة حسناء

ربما ألفيتني كطعم حلاوة العيد

وألفيتُ عرسنا برمض الخريف

وصمتُ.. وأرهقني الإمساك‎..‎

منتظرا كعكة الميلاد على طبق ذهب

فألف يسوع في جيبي ينتظرني مسيحا

وألف مقصلة لكِ في معصيتي

ما حاجتي لكل هذه المنابر الجانية

وسهم طرفك الشازر.. يكفي لأنال جزائي؟؟!

اعرف أني قد تجنـّيت بريئا، وتبرّأت جانيا‏

وحملت جناية الشعر حجة

لأغيض الماء والجنات..

‏ والنساء اللواتي جرين بين كفي‏، كخرز المسابح

وسبّحتُ بهن َّ دون شهادة..

‏ فطلقتُ صلاتهن َّ.. بعيون الحدائق العطشة‏

وأرتويتك، وارتويت!!

مجدليتي.. سأمسك بك كرتاج القدس

لينهال الشعر على خدكِ سلسل شهد..

وتأخذني القبلة للخفايا والمجاهيييييييييييييييييل

سأدوّن عشقكِ بدم الحبر والبياض..

وأفرط خرز مسبحتك على جسدي

انحري غيرتي البريئة، ولا تغاري..

فالعروش دونك موتى

لا توضئ العاشق بضياء الحكمة..

ولا تشفع لمن مرّوا كراما بملك عظيم

لقد ملكتُ ودعكِ والخرز والمسامات..

وما تبقّى من سرِّ النبوءة والملاذ

واصطفيتك نبيذاً، كرضاب الكتاب

يا نبيّة التعاويذ المتأخَّرة

يا دم البرتقال في لمظة الملح‏

يا دغدغة الناب على خوخك المشتهى

وربّ عشقك المبين، وآلهة القبل..

من شفاهك، سبرتُ نسغ الشهد ملحا

وعرفت النحل عمّالكِ في اقتناص الرحيق

فهل تقانصنا في القبلة القاتلة..؟؟؟

رحمااااااااااااااااك يا مجدليتي..

فقد شئتُ الحبَّ..:







حرير و ذهب (إنعام)

الولايات المتحدة

#انعام_الهاشمي (هاشتاغ)      

اشترك في قناة ‫«الحوار المتمدن» على اليوتيوب
حوار مع الكاتب البحريني هشام عقيل حول الفكر الماركسي والتحديات التي يواجهها اليوم، اجرت الحوار: سوزان امين
حوار مع الكاتبة السودانية شادية عبد المنعم حول الصراع المسلح في السودان وتاثيراته على حياة الجماهير، اجرت الحوار: بيان بدل

كيف تدعم-ين الحوار المتمدن واليسار والعلمانية على الانترنت؟

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- بكين تستقبل بوتين بأغنية -أمسيات موسكو- السوفيتية (فيديو)
- لماذا قاطع طلاب خطاب الممثل جيري ساينفيلد؟
- وفاة المخرج السينمائي السوري عبد اللطيف عبد الحميد
- ماذا قال زوج ممثلة الأفلام الإباحية ستورمي دانيلز عن قضيتها ...


- أبسن: الحداثة .. الجماليات .. الشخصيات النسائية / رضا الظاهر
- السلام على محمود درويش " شعر" / محمود شاهين
- صغار لكن.. / سليمان جبران
- لا ميّةُ العراق / نزار ماضي
- تمائم الحياة-من ملكوت الطب النفسي / لمى محمد
- علي السوري -الحب بالأزرق- / لمى محمد
- صلاح عمر العلي: تراويح المراجعة وامتحانات اليقين (7 حلقات وإ ... / عبد الحسين شعبان
- غابة ـ قصص قصيرة جدا / حسين جداونه
- اسبوع الآلام "عشر روايات قصار / محمود شاهين
- أهمية مرحلة الاكتشاف في عملية الاخراج المسرحي / بدري حسون فريد


الصفحة الرئيسية - الادب والفن - انعام الهاشمي - الثلاثية المقدّسة لفائز الحداد: المجدليَّة