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Modern Discussion  » Political campaigns,campaigns for the defense of human rights and freedom of opinion and conscience DETAINEES

Political campaigns,campaigns for the defense of human rights and freedom of opinion and conscience

Articles Nr in this Category - 105 -
Show From - 26 - To - 50
Title Name Date
26 Why Trump killed al-Baghdadi now Mahmoud Abbas  2019 / 11 / 2
27 Open letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations Salah El Din Mohssein  2019 / 9 / 6
28 la fleure rouge de la république nationale khattabienne démocratique socialiste populaire et Mohammed Mohamed fakkak 2018 / 7 / 14
29 « comment réaménager notre pays , comment sortir de la grande nuit » mohammed mohamed fakkak 2018 / 1 / 20
30 Why is the rise of the extreme right in America and Europe ? Mohssein Salah El Din 2017 / 5 / 7
31 Protest against those who threaten the Zoroastrians Dengekan 2017 / 3 / 8
32 Calamities make Celebrities (1) Freeyad Ibrahimh 2016 / 10 / 17
33 Ye Mighty and Despair Freeyad Ibrahim 2016 / 9 / 17
34 We are not monsters mr Marco Rubio Mohanad said 2016 / 2 / 28
35 Rabat – la république démocratique socialiste populaire révolutionnaire de l’épervier de la révolution internationale : le prince Mohammed ibn Abdel Karim el kha tabi. Mohammad Mohammad Fakak 2016 / 1 / 27
36 el mahdi ben baraka, -cest laudace, le courage, les pensées sereines,une roche, voilà ce quilest, un coeur plein damour dabeilles mohammed mohammed fakkak 2015 / 10 / 26
37 la seule façon de trouver des solutions ,des remèdes pour vos problèmes, alors, marocains,cest la révolution-;-le conflit,la lutte de classe, la résistance Muhammad Muhammad Fakak 2015 / 10 / 25
38 Turkey: DI Condemns Sacking of Respected Journalist DI Media Committee 2015 / 9 / 5
39 Political campaigns and their role in the formation of political awareness on the part of the individual hanane saouli 2015 / 8 / 31
40 Khouribga – la voie démocratique radicale progressiste, républicain, avant –garde, socialiste marxiste – léniniste révolutionnaire : Mohammed Mohamed Fakkak 2015 / 7 / 15
41 What is Dwekh Nawsha : Iraqi Christian militia to fight Islamic State qusay tariq 2015 / 2 / 18
42 Free Vanessa and Greta! Release the Free People of this World! khalil Issa 2015 / 1 / 17
43 Viagra Freeyad Ibrahim 2014 / 12 / 2
44 Russia is back again sabri magdaci 2014 / 4 / 12
45 Why entitled to the others, what is not entitled the Kurds sabri al magdaci 2014 / 1 / 10
46 Free Call from Tunisia Hazem KSOURI 2013 / 8 / 14
47 Very important message to all free people of the world Nidal Naisseh 2013 / 7 / 25
48 November24: International day of action against executions in Iran the International Committee against Executions (ICAE) 2012 / 11 / 13
49 Israel, Iran, nuclear weapons and a Shakespearean invitation Campaign for a Nuclear Free Middle East 2012 / 4 / 22
50 Barzani Lost Credibilty Freyad Ibrahim 2011 / 12 / 22

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