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American & European�s sanctions on settlers do not provide protection for Palestinians Madeeha Araj  2024 / 7 / 22 Research topics and political essays 
Legalizing outposts in strategic areas of West Bank to prevent establishing a Palestinian State Madeeha Araj  2024 / 7 / 14 Research topics and political essays 
Exploiting war , Smotrich imposes Settlement Plan on the Israeli Cabinet�s agenda, Madeeha Araj  2024 / 7 / 9 Research topics and political essays 
Smotrich dismantles Civil Administration , uses Army to deceive the world and cover up his settlement project Madeeha Araj  2024 / 6 / 30 Research topics and political essays 
West Bank under a massive wave of settler terrorism and water deprivation Madeeha Araj  2024 / 6 / 25 Research topics and political essays 
Arming Settlers increases the destructive activities of Jewish terrorist organizations operating in the settlements Madeeha Araj  2024 / 6 / 10 Research topics and political essays 
Settlers exployed war conditions to expand control over spring water in the West Bank Madeeha Araj  2024 / 6 / 3 Research topics and political essays 
Settlement expansion as react to recognize Palestinian State , reflects impasse of Israels policy Madeeha Araj  2024 / 5 / 28 Research topics and political essays 
Settlers and Occupation State : �two sides for the same coin� Both use violence to displace Palestinians Madeeha Araj  2024 / 5 / 20 Research topics and political essays 
After Civil Administration, Right-Wing Settlers plan to take control of Military Central Command Madeeha Araj  2024 / 5 / 12 Research topics and political essays 
New appointments in Isr. Army�s Staff enhance settlement and foretell serious consequences Madeeha Araj  2024 / 5 / 6 Research topics and political essays 
American Sanctions do not stop settlement nor deter settlers� terror Madeeha Araj  2024 / 4 / 29 Research topics and political essays 
Unprecedented level of confrontation between Palestinians & Isr. Occupation in the West Bank Madeeha Araj  2024 / 4 / 22 Research topics and political essays 
Smotrich storms Al-Auja Spring , gives ettlers green light to burn Palestinians houses in the area Madeeha Araj  2024 / 4 / 8 Research topics and political essays 
On the immortal anniversary of Earth Day .. Israeli authorities seize the largest area of land since Oslo Madeeha Araj  2024 / 4 / 1 Research topics and political essays 
Israeli Settlers hold Settlement Division of Civil Administration, Turn their back to international Sanctions Madeeha Araj  2024 / 3 / 26 Research topics and political essays 
Facilities for settlers by Civil Administration to establish more outposts & Settler Farms Madeeha Araj  2024 / 3 / 17 Research topics and political essays 
Symbolic sanctions do not stop settlement nor provide protection from displacement and ethnic cleansing By: Madeeha Al-A�raj Madeeha Araj  2024 / 3 / 10 Research topics and political essays 
Israel launches a massive settlement wave in the West Bank in par with its brutal war on Gaza Madeeha Araj  2024 / 3 / 5 Research topics and political essays 
Military checkpoints, iron gates tear up the West Bank in an Isr. apartheid regime Madeeha Araj  2024 / 2 / 27 Research topics and political essays 


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