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Swedish EconomyRight-wing and the Hamid Kashkoli  2024 / 4 / 29 Abolition of the death penalty 
Den fö-;-rtrollade fisken och Johans gå-;-va Hamid Kashkoli  2024 / 4 / 24 Literature and art 
The trial and execution of Judge Mohammad Hamid Kashkoli  2024 / 4 / 9 Nationality, minority rights, and the right to self-determination 
About U.S. U.S foreign Aid to Middle East States Hamid Kashkoli  2024 / 3 / 5 Research topics and political essays 
Vem �r jag Hamid Kashkoli 2015 / 10 / 26 Literature and art 
Den sjuka b[ten Hamid Kashkoli 2015 / 10 / 23 Literature and art 
Tv� dikter om Valentine Hamid Kashkoli 2013 / 2 / 14 Literature and art 


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