لص الادب المحترف

خديجة صفوت
2013 / 9 / 15 - 21:03     

كائن بنفسية دودة بامتياز[1]

ان السرقات الادبية و الفكرية افعال عدوانية بامتياز . فان تطلق على احدهم صفة سارق افكار يعنى انك تصمه  الى الابد بوصمة يستحيل عليه التخلص منها طوال جياته This is an act of aggression of the most cruel kind. To call someone a plagiarist is to brand him for life -هذا اذا كان لدى ذلك الشخص ذرة من ضمير اوحياء. و لكن اذا كان مثل ذلك السارق محترف فانه لن ينفظم من السرقة..فمهما كان العقاب فانه لن يرعوي. ذلك انه ان كان السارق كاتب عاطل عن الابداع  فانه ما ينفك يقنع نفسه انه ند للكتاب الكبار فيسرق عملهم ليتساوى معهم. سوى ان ذلك المخلوق لا يدرك انه ان كان  الفكر العبقري ينتج بطبعه نثرا عبقريا مثله فان سارق الفكر يعجز بطبعه عن ان يفرز نثرا متميزا. و قياسا فان يسرق  الكاتب الردئ فالكاتب الجيد قد يقتبس و يسجل ذلك امانة و اقتدارا.  اما الكاتب  الردئ فيسرق لينتجل دون اي اقرار بالمصدر. بل يتعين الكاتب الردئ على استلاب صوت صاحب العمل الاصلي. وحتى يغرب السارق صاحب العمل الاصلي يصادر السارق وجود صاحب العمل الاصيل باغلاق السبل و المنابر فى وجهه ويحاول اغتيال شخصيته و صولا الى اصدار حكم بالاعدام المدني عليه.. فاقسى ما يتمناه السارق ان تختفي ضحيته او ان تقضي. The plagiarist wishes the original writer his victim dead; he tries to make him or her disappear. The plagiarist wished that the victim is served with a CIVIL DEATH sentence و قياسا فالسرقة الادبية جريمة كاملة و السارق مجرم بامتياز a plagiarist is a criminal and he or she can be a virtual murderers. و مع ذلك تظل افكار الضحية ملك  صاحبها فهو-الذي يملك انتاجها فى كل مرة واعادة انتاجها لانه هو وحده الذي يعرف كيف يضعها فى كلمات تخصها. فتلك الافكار لا يمكن ان ينتحلها من لم يجترب ما افرزها حياتيا و ذهنيا كما ان السارق يستحيل عليه اعادة  انتاج ناهيك عن انتاج اي شئ الا بالسرقة مرة بعد مرة  و هكذا. فنحن ازاء سارق محترف serial plagiarises لا يسلبه ذلك الاحتراف الشرف وحسب و انما يسرق النوم من عينه. فهو فى بحث دائم عما  يسرق وفي حالة فزع من مغبة افتضاح امره فيما لا ينفعه سعيه لاخفاء اثار جرائمة المتفاقمة صباح مساء. فالسرقة الادبية وظيفة  الكليفتومانيا و السارق سيكوباتي. Plagiarism is a form of kleptomania. Plagiarism is psychopathological. A serial plagiarist is a psychopath.
The serial Plagiarist
Khadiga Safwat
Oxford 19.8.2013
  A plagiarist is a criminal and he or she can be a virtual murderers. This is an act of aggression of the cheapest kind. To call someone a plagiarist is to brand him for life; that is if he has a modicum of consciousness. But if he is not a serial plagiarizer he may never recover. This is an act of racism sometimes of sexism when it is directed towards a woman. That makes the act of plagiarism as such more complex and despicable.
The anxiety which should disturb the victim of plagiarism is not insignificant in the process until he or she gets back his or her voice. That voice is inside the writer who writes originally and independently of most of what the main stream salivates about and encourages, because that voice is original hence it temps plagiarizers.
You become a writer because you have read books and are a keen observer of life not an ignoramus, a floater, gliding on the surface of life. The books and the observations and your life experience inspire your thoughts the plagiarizer cannot come between you and those books and thoughts by steeling your voice. When a plagiarizer does that he seeks to overshadow the writer and to eliminate him or her from the scene. For that to happen, the plagiarizer strives to debar the original writer from any possible platform and tries to discredit him or her. The plagiarist wishes the original writer -his victim- dead; he tries to make his victim disappear. 
But the original writer recovers back that voice which was his before the crime.  He/she can do that by continuing to write until that voice-sure as the sun rises from the East- comes back more powerfully and best inspired.  And the original writer knows what his real faculties are by resisting tremendous difficulty and more seriously realizing the vile metal of the plagiarizer. In the process the original writer realizes the mendacity of thought turning into words in the way in which he or she has thought them to be and that those thoughts could never be stolen by someone who had never experienced those thoughts in the first instance That is because when the plagiarizer puts the stolen words on paper he cannot ever reproduce thoughts he never experienced.
A good writer borrows while a bad writer steals. Plagiarism is a form of kleptomania. Plagiarism is psychopathological. A serial plagiarist is a dangerous psychopath.
-أنظر(ي): Some of the above ideas are informed by “The sense of literature” BBC Radio 4 Monday 19th.Auguts 2013

[1][1] نفحة قصيرة كريهة من تاريخ لص الادب  المحترف  ن ج