The Syrian Democratic Forces forced Erdogan to bargain with the Syrian Regime.

Kawa Nader Qader
2022 / 9 / 12

The Syrian Democratic Forces forced Erdogan to bargain with the Syrian Regime.
Kawa Nader Qader
The Turkish regime s threats to Rojava Kurdistan have disappeared from Turkish media and platforms in the past few days. They started repeating, last May, their threats to launch a new attack on some areas west of the Euphrates. It appears that it is betting on improving relations with the Assad regime in order to strike the Syrian Democratic Forces ("SDF") in an attempt to thwart the self-administration project. According to news sources, the heads of Turkish and Syrian intelligence met in secret on Wednesday, the seventh of this month, under the auspices of Russia, without specifying where they met to discuss the normalization of relations between Ankara and Damascus.
Last August, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared, "Turkey does not intend to remove the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria," confirming Turkey s plans to improve relations with Damascus. Turkey still poses a threat to Rojava, despite lowering its threats:
_ Turkey is an aggressive, untrustworthy state that built itself at the expense of other neighboring nations and countries, especially the rights of our Kurdish people.
_The Middle Eastern state of Turkey is predicated on the premise that it must eradicate the Kurds in order to survive, and that the presence of the Kurds will lead to its demise.
The Kurdistan Regional Government and the Democratic Autonomous Administration in West Kurdistan have established themselves as a fait accompli in the region, and the Turkish state believes that any Kurdish entities´-or-Kurdish national gains in any region of Kurdistan pose a threat to their national security. Due to the success of the two Kurdish entities, particularly the "Rojava Autonomous Administration," through military and political settlements, the Turkish state has lost its equilibrium and is attempting to make all concessions to other nations, but it may be said:
_The military-political balances of the great powers militarily present in the region will not allow Turkey to do what it wants to act against the Kurds, not for the legitimate rights of the Kurds, but rather because those threats intersect with their interests and strategies in the region.
_ The Kurdistan National Liberation Movement has become a powerful military force that cannot be ignored´-or-bypassed in the military equations in the Middle East.
Therefore, the fear of the Kurds at this stage was intractable to a solution, and it was difficult to overcome them militarily and politically. Their survival would lead to further progress and development at the internal, regional, and international levels, especially at the international military levels that currently exist in the country. The region does not allow the Turkish expansionist project in Syria and Iraq (the neo-Ottoman) to pass on Kurdistan, so Turkey resorts to political bargains and concessions across regional balances in order to prevent the Kurds from political progress and development. There is a popular Kurdish proverb that says, "If a bald man is a doctor, he should treat his head, not the head of others." It is better for Turkey to deal with its problems, not to get more involved in the problems of neighboring countries.
September 10, 2022:

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