University of Bahrain - Religious totalitarianism

Moosa Rakan Moosa
2016 / 7 / 13

University of Bahrain - Religious totalitarianism

University of Bahrain is not an Islamic University , They are taught disciplines is not confined to Islam , also The students and teachers are not one religion – But , nevertheless , we find presence of religion heavily , at the University of assumed that it is not Islamic .

Manifested manifestations of religious attendance are as follows :

* The relationship between students based on religious grounds , but sometimes a sectarian bases .
* The relationship between some teachers and students based on religious grounds , but sometimes a sectarian bases .
* Allow the Niqab , in the University of Bahrain .
* Attend the Hijab heavily -;- and looking at the Non-Hijab : as women sinners and prostitutes .
* Posters and supplications (religious) in multiple places at the university .
* The emergence of religious blocs pressure among students -;- linked to religious associations outside the university , and received something of a indulgence suspicious by the Dean of Student Affairs Osama Al Jowder .
* Attend religious discourse in the elections of the University of Bahrain .
* Take to prove existence and cancel the other is in many ways , most prominent of which religious way .

# Heavy attendance of religion at the University of Bahrain is not innocent , As the various forms of fraud , repression and corruption gets through it -;- Religious totalitarianism - And that one of them dared to criticize this religious attendance and the harm that it brings , Being charged with contempt of Islam ! .

Although delve into religious topics taboo in the University of Bahrain [ Beside politics and sex ] , However , it also seems not a taboo on some categories , But it is forbidden to other voices -;- Those that can make the difference , for the better .

At the University of Bahrain must do the following steps :

* Enhanced (university relations) between students , and between teachers and students -;- acceptance of differences and diversity .
* Prevent the Niqab at the University of Bahrain .
* Prevent posters and supplications (religious) at the University of Bahrain .
* Prevent the religious discourse in the elections of the University of Bahrain -;- actually , do not just ink on paper .
* Allow other voices to express and deal with topics related to the Islamic religion -;- provide social studies on the hijab , the religious relationship and religious blocs .

# No religious totalitarianism , At the University of Bahrain .

Moosa Rakan Moosa .
To communicate : [email protected]

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