Pretend Azmi Bishara Is a Syrian Citizen

khalaf Ali Alkhalaf ý
2008 / 8 / 5

I never concealed my admiration of Azmi Bishara’s fluency when he ýtalks about Israel, unmasking it in public, and using the Arabic language ýtoo, especially that I don’t know any other languages to understand what ýhe says in Hebrew, under the Israeli Keenest or even the German ýlanguage which Azmi Bishara is very good at. ý
Despite this admiration, whenever I see Azmi Bishara with his confident ýface and sedated words, I feel a psychological stomachache, sever ýschizophrenia and "unknown" psychological diseases which I never read ýabout in the books of Freud "the Jew". Whenever I hear or saw him on a ýsatellite or ground channel, I curse my failure and the complicated ýcircumstances around me, and I feel a great disappointment. I may not ýexaggerating when I say that I become malicious and malcontent of my ýpersonal conditions, my place of birth, and my home, because they are ýthe main reasons that I could not become a great struggler “which is the ýcharacteristic preceding the name of Azmi Bishara in the Arab mass ýmedia”. I do not think that this is due to the lack of my struggling ýabilities, or lack in eloquence and delivering speeches, since I was a ýý“pioneer” in the school level, and the neighboring schools, when Al-ýBaath Pioneers Organization “the revolutionary” hold competitions in ýeloquence, in the Elementary stage. This means I began my struggle ýahead of Azmi Bishara who began his struggle when he was in his ýsecondary school. ý
The second problem, which is more grievous is that, when I hear Azmi ýBishara, I become to more admire the Zionist entity “as we was taught in ýthe Arabic national studies at schools and universities” our mortal enemy, ýand this is a dangerous matter in my opinion, which may be called ýpsychological gargling. I might not be disclosing a secret when I say that ýinsinuations and hallucination (May Allah protect you from) urge me ýsometimes to say, that if I was an Israeli citizen, I would have become a ýstruggler easly. This, as you see, is referring to my personal failure, to ýgeneral reasons out of my hand. Let us be logic and discuss the matter ýseriously away from my swollen ego (according to the translated English ýexpression). Therefore, I will accept your consultation and your judgment ýin modifying my struggling course if it became clear that the failure was ýdue to me personally, not to my conditions which I curse at day and night. ý

What if Azmi Bishara was a Syrian citizen, and a member of Syrian ýPeople of Assembly? This "what if" which opens the route before devil ýý(Allah forbids) applies to all Arab countries which enjoy elected ýassemblies (or to be more precise, elected by the authorities), but I took ýSyria as an example for reasons. Firstly, it is my country and the place ýwhich witnessed my first struggling failure, and Secondly, because I ýknow the consequences of the matter. ý
We will not think about unimportant nominal matter which is the ýimpossibility for Azmi Bishara to have a seat as a free thinker and ýstruggler in this Assembly. Let us compare some simple struggling ýmatters only, and we will get away from grievous matters such as Azmi ýBishara, the Syrian MP meets the Israeli President publicly and on TVs ýwhile we are at war with Israel. Not only that, but he discloses this ýmeeting after all. ý
We will not mention normalization holocaust which affected Arab ýthinkers and writers who met Israeli thinkers and writers on the occasion ýof international conferences and called for fair peace that includes ýrecognizing Israel. Azmi Bishara, for sure, knows how Ersan’s Union ýexpelled Adonis from the union because Ersan was sure of the existence ýof Israelis in the conference attended by Adonis. ý
I recall one of the appearances of Azmi Bishara (this was not long time ýago) on the Syrian Satellite Channel when they phoned him in Israel (I do ýnot know how) but he was not on the phone. So, they sent a message for ýhim on the moving news bar in the channel and some who was watching ýthe Syrian channel told him (in Israel) about the matter, and then he came ýat once. How terrible! This is a public contact with an enemy state. Let us ýimagine that one of the enemies of Azmi Bishara who became a Syrian ýMP wanted to punish him and asked somehow the Israeli broadcasting to ýbroadcast the song of Um Kulthum "Take me to your affection" claiming ýthat the song is a present from him i.e. Azmi Bishara to our struggling ýpeople in Galil and not to Sharon and the matter became known to the ýSyrian intelligence. At this point we do not need to imagine, and you ýhave to read what the Syrian prisoners wrote about this matter. ý

Let us expand our imagination and reach the fantasy of Syrian drama ýseries written by Hany Al-Saadi, and directed by Nagdat Anzor. Let us ýimagine that the Syrian MP Azmi Bishara announced (not on Israeli TV ýbut on Al-Jazeera Channel) that Syria is not a democratic state and it is ýnot for all those who lives in it. If Azmi did not know what will be ýinflicted upon him, I only tell him briefly that: you will be a food for ýbirds and what Allah has destined in a twinkling of an eye. ý
Let the Syrian MP, Azmi Bishara, demands (not through satellite ýchannels watched by millions of people but secretly in Al-Rawda café ýwhere he will spend most of his time as a thinker, that the detainees in the ýSyrian prisons must set free. How terrible! He is blaspheming and you ýdon’t need to imagine this point since the all evidences are known. ý
Imagine the Syrian MP, Azmi Bishara who enjoys immunity, speaking ýunder the doom of the people s assembly (metaphorically speaking as our ýassembly has no doom), not about the demands of equity of Syrian ýopposition, nor about corruption without even naming any corrupt, nor ýabout the right of the Syrian Kurds who are deprived from obtaining ýtheir nationality, but he is speaking about what is the security department ýwhere the Syrian writer Ibrahim Zoro was gone for few days only; and ýeven without demanding to release him or to release the rest of the ýpolitical detainees, and without even inquiring about the reasons they are ýin prison in the first place. Let him announces at the time being free that ýhe is traced for political reasons and the Syrian authorities “after he ýbecame a Syrian" uses judiciary in its political fight with him. He must ýremember that the immunity which Riyad Sief and Mamoun Al-Hamsai ýenjoyed for years while in the prison though they did not demand to ýchange the identity of the state the way he does. ý
I think Azmi will know what will happen to him if he opens his mouth ýwith any of these words as he will suffer a lot, and I feel the necessity to ýadvise him to read the series written by Yassin Al-Haj Saleh about the ýworlds of political detainees to know how to adjust with the situation ýafter he gets out of prison in case he remains alive, and released after ýtwenty years. I am sure that he knows all these as Azmi Bishara ignored, ýeven when he is enjoying Israeli immunity, to refer to Syrian political ýdetainees during his frequent visits to Syria, Arabic Satellite channels or ýhis articles about democracy and human rights; as he does not want to ýspoil his struggling relations with Syrian authorities because of some ýhundred Syrian detainees. Enforcing struggling relations is more ýimportant than these marginal issues. ý
Azmi and other great nationalistic may not comprehend my comparison ýregarding demanding him to release the prisoners and detainees in the ýIsraeli prisons and his ignorance of the Syrian detainees (and the Arab ýdetainees in general at least in the countries he visits and meets its ýleaders) in national prisons and detention camps. Those detainees are in ýnational prisons, on national and independent land, supervised by national ýwarden and even most of torture instruments are national innovations. ý
You may recall for example the attitude of Azmi Bishara under the dome ýof the Keenest defending the right of Hezbollah to resist occupation, and ýyou may imagine him while a Syrian MP demanding the right of legal ýexistence not only for the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood (which has a ýsuspicious start and black history according to a three volume books ýpublished by Al-Baath Party) as this is a grievous issue which may cause ýAbdul Qader Qadura to suffer an immediate clot and may even cause all ýMPs including the independents to clot; nay, the right of legal existence ýwill be claimed for the People s Democratic Party (as an example) of ýleftiest secular tendency, whose members are always imprisoned because ýthey are members of an underground organization aiming at overthrow ýthe regime and opposing the slogans of communist revolution. ý
The comparison is lengthy and it is meant only to justify my struggle ýfailure and persuade myself that if I was in a state like Israel I would have ýeasily become a struggler without my mother dying wanting direly to see ýme or even spend half of my age in prison, or my bones become broken. ýThe Arab struggling writers will rush to join Azmi Bishara, the national ýstruggler, in the face of the aggressive attack of the Zionist departments ýagainst an Israeli MP and whichever the case that these departments will ýfabricate, this fabrication aims surely to affect the resistance of our people ýinside the green line "the Israeli Arabs". As it is said by the mass media, ýthe accusation against Azmi Bishara is still unknown, and it is necessarily ýthe contact with a state enemy to Israel. This accusation which Azmi ýBishara acquitted from it only with a notice from the Israeli jurisdiction ýcounselor; while at the same time some educated persons are still in the ýSyrian prisoners because they only visited America which we are not in ýthe state of war with, and is not an enemy state, rather the Syrian officials ýwish to visit it and someone receives them. ý
Allow me, Azmi Bishara, you and the Arab writers not to unite with you ýwhatever the fabricated case is, because you never united with any ýdetainee in my country, but this does not prevent me from admitting that ýyou are always welcome in my country in case you decided to stay out of ýIsrael as some predictions claim. As you know, you are always welcomed ýfrom our hospitable people as well its regime (and the opposition too) and ýour country s authorities may grant you the Syrian nationality ýimmediately (overstepping the national decisions) as well as a ýmembership in the new people s assembly. On this stage, I will ýbe ýawaiting to hear about your “struggle”. ý

Translated by Nuha Hanifa

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