Subject and Predicate , Madonna Asker

Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef
2023 / 4 / 5

Subject and Predicate
Madonna Asker
translated into English Mohammad A.Yousef

This life is a metaphor for nominal sentences that are interspersed by verbs in shyness.
Whoever can escape the god of the herd? If it goes astray intentionally´-or-inadvertently, the shepherd will --restore-- him by force of hunger and ignorance.
In this huge existence, pulsating with its astonishing movement, bewildering by its abundance of secrets, amazing by the majesty of its system, a handful of dust boasts of its size.
You don t know who you are until the moment you defeat them in front of your simple ego.
The discourse of the gods in the garb of the quasi-gods, the leaven of the rotten dough.
You are not afraid of death for the one you love, you are afraid of suppressing the outpouring of love imposed on you by departure.
Nearly three thousand paces, love dragged her son through the streets of the holy cities.
The truth. No one can peacefully swallow it. Bitterness spills into the soul after infertile years as a fait accompli.
Lambs wrapped in the clothes of the prophets are more deadly than ravenous wolves.
It was said that the word is like a bullet, it goes out and never returns. So what about two, four,´-or-thirty words´-or-chapters that penetrate history, and walk with blood in two parallel lines?
Awareness of love is absence. The death is in it and beyond is a presence.
The understanding of superiority changes as much as the depth obscures listening to the breath of the universe. Nobody touches but the picture.
We are all racists. Do not be deceived by a veil of the color of humanity that does not know about itself except its soil.
The arts have provided us with sustenance for the days of absurd hunger.
Define the light before you walk in it. The shyness of the lights often offended by the word "wind of illusion".
After a long journey, he returned covered in blood. Truth wounded his tired cells, and rebuilt him again.
All this deadly trekking for nothing! Only the grave digger is trained to bury death.
If it is necessary to repent, then it is obligatory and the right to seek forgiveness from the devil. We created him by force and gave him a name and devoted him to evil, then we rejected him in the name of experience and temptation.
You may not see that the mountain is collapsing. You may be stubborn and refer to his pride. You may deceive yourself and fight it to prove that the peaks do not go away. But it is collapsing, and it was not even a mountain in the first place. How many deserts and how great the power of mirages!
All these pink avenues drowned in the fading of time, and those columns studded with the rustle of words and chants, and those wings split from the freedom of birds. All of them, barely ending with mutterings that choke on your mortal throat.
You are not yet. Anxiety appears on the face of your heart, and the soul is wandering in a distant past that does not change unless you are today, now, you. Age is age and days are days. So look into the subtle difference between an eternal sunrise and sunset, and a moment that is worth a lifetime and that brings you down to the deep valleys and then lifts you up to "you". Tear off those pictures behind which you hide behind, and that veil that hangs over faded edges, and go out to the sole sunlight.

Starting from the top is futile. From the supremacy of conscience singular , unique and restricted to names and numbers. The end is violently clear. It is the return to the "peaks", to unification.
Inventions are many and varied throughout history. Of which he known is true for a while, and the unknown is true for what is beyond the time. It requires the bite of a poor man, the submissiveness of a woman, the stray of a captive, and the arrogance of a monopolist of empty structures.
The sky is blue, the sea is blue, and the colors the wickedness of air in its purity´-or-turbid. How lucky is that blind man who won with a stick over the trick of looking!
The real Holocaust is heresy, and the Holocaust hidden in the halls of the gods is real.
The absurdity of Godot is a salvation for those waiting for salvation.
Slandering the gods is an eternal punishment. Who is the true God?
Madonna Asker / Lebanon

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