The economic activity

Prof. Dr Moustafa El-abdallah Al Kafry
2023 / 2 / 19

The concept of economic activity, the scholar Ibn Khaldun, explains to us in his famous introduction, as it comes: (If we impose it - that is, the individual - the least that can be imposed, which is the day of wheat, for example, so he only gets it by treating a lot of grinding, kneading, cooking, and each of these three works needs to tools and machines that are only done with multiple industries of mourning, carpenter and who makes pottery, and he gave it that he eats it with love without treatment, as it also needs to collect it for other works more than this cultivation, harvesting and study that comes out of love from the cover of the spoils and each of these needs multiple machines and many industries More than the first). ( )
Therefore, we note that the ability of one individual to secure his needs of food, clothing and shelter is not sufficient. It is necessary to meet individuals and their cooperation, so they get in cooperation with the sufficiency of the need for more than them more than them, so here it seems the necessity of cooperation between human beings to achieve the interests of individuals and society and provide services in the easiest ways and best conditions.
The economic activity in society is clarified by returning to the short daily journey that the individual has been going through since waking up in the morning until he reaches his workplace. The individual must prepare himself to go out, and he needs many products of the goods and materials he uses in his food´-or-to wash and wear clothes. To eat food, he uses tools to equip it and uses other tools to eat. The source of these materials is either agricultural´-or-industrial that has been transferred. On the way to his workplace, he uses one of the means of transportation. And when he reaches his workplace, he finds him standing and equipped with what is necessary to practice his daily activity. During this relatively short journey, we find that the individual has used´-or-consumed many products of goods and tools that have been produced to secure his need. ( )
Starting from this daily morning trip, the trips of other individuals and other groups of individuals can be tracked, and they worked and made the effort to produce goods and services that a person needs on his daily journey. The goal of economic activity is to produce good deeds to meet the human need for food, clothing and shelter, because the individual s ability alone is-limit-ed to securing these needs alone.
The best representation of economic activity is the work of a huge and complex beehive with an endless activity. There are individuals who sell and buy, and others bargain, invest, argue, and threaten. As for the ultimate goal behind economics (and even the goal of this book), is to reach a correct understanding of the complexity of this activity. The question that arises now is: How economists do their work?
Economic activity in society is not done in isolation from social and political activities, but rather is related to all other aspects of life. The farmer, who practices economic activity (produces wheat), is the same individual who practices social activity within his family,´-or-through his relationship with his neighbour’s and other families in society, and he is the same individual who belongs to a political party and practices political activity in society, and it may be the same individual who He practices an artistic activity when it is affiliated with one of the teams as an anti -acting team. Therefore, the individual in his affiliation with a group´-or-social class is the same that practically practices economic activity, social activity and political activity in this category´-or-class.
Prof. Dr Moustafa El-Abdallah Al Kafry
College of Economics - Damascus University

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