Creators, and the Arab communities in the United States: The absence of support, and solidarity

Ghazi Imam
2023 / 2 / 5

destiny has driven me to discover a precious treasure. This treasure represents the thought and creativity embodied by the distinguished painter, and artist Mr. Said Elatab, through his magnificent and distinctive paintings....
Said Elatab, is an artist, who deserves recognition, praise and appreciation as a creative Arab-American visual artist...
He deserves to be recognized, and to be given all rights to be appreciated, despite his current suffering due to the Arab community s neglect towards him, and his creative art, where he lives now At his residence in Patterson, which is his current home town in New Jersey.
After being outside USA to Costa Rica, and upon my sudden return to Patterson, New Jersey, where the artist Said Elatab, lives, I was really honored to be his guest in his home.
I have found, where he lives, has been turned into an amazing museum gallery of Arts.
Said Elatab practices fine art´-or-visual art in his home, his drawings, and pictures have embedded various distinguished ideas, concepts, and creations, that can be seen through his paintings.
You will also notice different and various pieces of art, and paintings inside his amazing museum and gallery, which are decorated with beautiful colors that will create a feeling of joy, admiration, and makes you focus looking at each of them for a while, influenced by awesome color and beautiful images.
Mr. Said tried to convey through them an existing reality that lived in his thought and imagination that overflows with his emotions and his heart .
He expressed his feeling through realistic and expressive fantasies touched by symbolic realism, expressive classic reality....
Many of these creative paintings follow in its drawings and colors the impressionist school that influenced by the nature and social climate surrounding Said Elatab s mind and heart.
These images was translated into pictures and drawings that embody his exhausting feeling and sensations.
Artist Said Elatab, also adopted the emoji school that depends more on the artist s impression of the scene rather than photographing and transmitting it by vision.
The artist Said Elatab, in his drawings, relied on describing the neglected things in life, such emancipation of women who were being treated unfairly and exposed to punishment by backward societies governed by laws influenced by those of Stone Age, as well as the expression of the Palestinian and Arab cause ...
He painted the suffering of the Arabs in their long political and social struggle with the Zionism. Also portraying the reality of suffering for the poor and needy. The purpose of this method in his drawings is to show the importance of the subjects he is drawing, and the need to pay attention to the details that affect our feeling and daily life.
.Also in his drawings you can find paintings depicting the surreal school that depended on the embodiment of dreams and ideas.
They were painted through his memory, not transmitting by sight.
However, I say it unfortunately that our Arab community does not care about these drawings,´-or-those who draw them. and does not offer any support to such arts, as much as their interest in eating, food, collecting money by any means and opening restaurants, supermarkets and gold shops.
Reminding them that the arts in Europe contributed to its transfer from the era of darkness, to the era of enlightenment,´-or-what they call Renaissance. for example, the Italian civilization reached the stars by Davinci, Modeliani, Rafael, Varmando Tista ...
The museums, for example, such as the Louvre in France, are considered to be a great national income, and great attraction for tourism and luxury...
Our Arab community in USA was supposed to initiate through businessmen, press and media to support artistic talents, and publish them publicly and in all USA media, to refute the idea that Arabs are just terrorists and criminals and this is what the artist Said Elatab, did trying to change the concept of fear of Islam´-or-the so-called Islam Phobia through his fine human paintings..
He made a great effort to show the civilized image of the Arabs opposite to the images known by Europeans, and Americans thought and perception of Arabs as bad people.
This images painted by artist Said Elatab are not welcomed by some Americans who don t like and accept them. And also not welcomed by those who don t want Arabs to publicly appear to Americans in a civilized manner, as the Arabic artist Said Elatab did, by following the path of international creators such as the Dutch painter Vincent van Khokh, the late Palestinian Naji Al-Ali, the late Syrian Louai Al-Kayali, the artist Abdul Hamid Fayad, and other painters who embodied thought and word through their beautiful and expressive paintings.
As I return to the personality of the artist Said Elatab, his idea, even his personality, I would say that the way he behaves, and look seems to be similar to the qualities of the authors and thinker, who have suffered difficulties in their lives and suffered a lot of disappointments in society, also suffered from the environment and the people around them, for example, the Lebanese philosopher, writer, author and painter Gibran Khalil Gibran.
It is clear that after Gibran migrated from Lebanon to New York, which gave him his right by appreciating his creativity, and writing, especially when he expressed the grievances of his family, people in Lebanon and the Arab country in general.
Gibran was creative in everything he wrote, especially his masterpiece book of letter "The prophet" which became famous after his death and made him immortal and even a prophet in the eyes of his people...
Gibran was depicted and described as an insane man despite being genius and very intelligent man of letter.
He was subject of marginalization, greediness and hostility in Lebanon and the Arab world, and on the contrary, he was distinguished by fame, success and appreciation in his diaspora in the new land by the Americans.
I guess Said Elatab, was similarly suffered by the Arab community, where he does not find any praise´-or-appreciation for all the creative and expressive paintings he paints to the extend that someone went so far to describe him as "Lunatic person" , and this is the last thing I personally find out as a truth .
I would say truly my opinion of Mr. Saeed Al-Atab through my personal experience, where I have known him for many years, and I have found in him, nothing but respect, kindness, chivalry, intelligence, and his love in helping everyone, who knocks on his door to offer him everything that can make him happy and pleased, apart from being a very talented artist, and super intelligent person.
You will never be able´-or-judge Said Elatab properly and correctly, unless you got to know him closely , and there is a Bedouin proverb that says:
"Whoever doesn t know the hawk, he will roast him".
Syrian-American translator

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