higher education challenges

Hamid Handouri
2023 / 2 / 4

Higher education is considered an out let for students to grow intellectually and develop many skills including what is so called soft skills .through it students can become autonomous and ready to face difficulties and understand how the world “works”. During BA Studies we learn how to use resources and understand our professors discourse which is less spoon feeding then high school’s teachers. We start to get acquainted to reading books specific to the realm of History and Civilization .MA degree -;-however, is completely different and more challenging as a matter of fact , especially that we study abroad and starting it by distance learning mood .
We, History and Civilization Moroccan BA degree, face many hardships when studying abroad one of which is that the way study in our universities is different from how we study now. I mean in the past we used to get knowledge -dir-ectly from our professors. We used to listen to our teacher’s explanations and lectures then take by heart the lessons to answer the tests we set for each semester. Unlike today we are supposed to read a lot in order to synthesize an idea. We feel the heavy responsibility of submitting our research papers every when and while .I believe that it’s going to be very fruitful since we work harder and the supervision of our competent professors is methodic and to the point .
Another challenge that we clearly face in the MA degree , in Adawha institution in Qatar, is that of “English” . In Morocco we study in our Universities the subjects in Arabic, English as a school subject but we don t focus on it . that s why our level is very weak . we come to understand that English is very fundamental to pursue our high studies . We need to learn it as fast as possible . Especially, communicating through it . It quite hard for us to understand our teachers explaining the lessons . maybe the accent of native speakers teachers is different from our Moroccan teachers . Moreover , English is a language of science . I mean most important contemporary references and issues are found in English , this make our research and studies really challenging .
Cultural misunderstanding might be a difficulty since we ,students and teachers, are from different cultural backgrounds , this can cause us some misunderstandings but I guess we are mature enough to overcome them
To sum up , studying here in this institution is an opportunity to show the best in us to develop our skills and to grow .

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