In the streams of virtual and reality - elsaied abdelghani

Elsaied Abdelghani
2022 / 7 / 11

In the streams of virtual and reality
Bi mission and the only one to a lonely poet.
Face is engineered
By the ancient standards of creation
Modernity is a fault to the unknowns.
I am only when I am alone
Sketching goddess
With some of my real blood on your fingers and oil.
It s weird when there are standards
By robots, religions, regimes, and so on.
I can watch you now
In the mirrors of metaphors
Even if you are in the dark
And I am not at any there.
Oh, poetry bites my mind
And I do not get relieved.
I know the details of daily lives
I know I am a distorted spectrum
But it s there in the outlines of the dystopia I live and I will always.
I live everything literally
I remembered The butterfly that entered my heart
At the beginning of my life
I have never betrayed.
To the metaphors
To the damaged oil and acrylic and language
Everything will go.
I don t know how to end anything
Because I am always in the

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