To a Muse

Elsaied Abdelghani
2022 / 2 / 18

To a muse

I m feeling you deeply lately,
I don t know why,
But I guess the aesthetic locked unknown is copying your existence in my heart.
I don t belong to any philosophical school
But you know I am a very nihilistic man
And what is happening to conquer my solid brain?
I don t owe even my third eye
That can t see anything nowadays
Except for some nuggets of meaning.
I hope I can t send what I wrote
I hope I can t be naked in front of your vision.
It s not metaphors I write,
Or it s not metaphors that haven t deep feelings.
Now I want to dance
In front of you
In front of your khold eyelashes.
I know it s weired
But weirdness is the heart of people who are filled with unknowns.

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