A Tale, Nizar Qabbani

Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef
2022 / 2 / 3

A Tale
Nizar Qabbani

Translated into English by Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef

I was running in the almond forest..when
He told me, mother, that I am sweet..
And above my ear lies a pink bud fell a,
And a buttonhole slipped off my shirt..
He said what he said, the shirt is hell
Above my chest, the dress is dripping with rapture
He told me: My smile is a raspberry leaf
He said: My chest is wealth
He told me stories about breasts
two springs of wine and coffee..
A flask of perfume and light
two hills that hug each other,

Am I sweet? He awakened a female
In my veins, he cracked a hole for the light to pass...

In his voice is a soft decision
And in his eyes there is a sparkle of prophecy
A free cheek as the light flooding
And a mouth full of pride and cruelty
He kidnaps kisses... and I accept
It is nice that kisses are taken⁴-;- by force
I turned my eyelids back from him in shyness
And the modesty of women in love is an invitation
My eyeballs are ashamed.. My chastity inquires
About his perfume, as if chastity had a desire.

You.. you will not deny my burning too
Amid the blazes of fire.. we are all women.

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