Factual Observations, Here and There (X)

Ghiath El Marzouk
2022 / 1 / 19

Factual Observations, Here and There (X)

Ghiath El-Marzouk

If you seek to see Death at work all the way,
Watch then yourself in the mirror day after day.
Jean Cocteau

Factual Observations, Here and There!

In that seemingly unrestrained, ‘broad-minded’ world over there: One sees them, in the times of good fortune and the like, attempting as hardly as possible, both in preceding and succeeding manners, attempting to buttress the ‘incarcerated vassal’ so as to endow his/her soul with new life, and to intentionally emancipate him/her from that prospective ‘confinement’!

In this seemingly insubordinate, ‘narrow-minded’ world over here: One sees them, in the times of misfortune and the like, attempting as hardly as possible, and from all possible points of -dir-ection, attempting to give chase to the ‘superciliously liberated’ so as to prohibit his/her soul from any life, and to deliberately apprehend him/her into that retrospective ‘confinement’!

[Factual Observation X]


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