Strolls in the unclean gardens of the mutilated spirit of all mankind.

Imen Marie Agnes Adili
2021 / 12 / 16

Spiritual Blindness
35 Jesus heard that they had thrown him out, and when he found him, he said, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?”

36 “Who is he, sir?” the man asked. “Tell me so that I may believe in him.”

37 Jesus said, “You have now seen him-;- in fact, he is the one speaking with you.”

38 Then the man said, “Lord, I believe,” and he worshiped him.

39 Jesus said,[a] “For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind.”

40 Some Pharisees who were with him heard him say this and asked, “What? Are we blind too?”

41 Jesus said, “If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin-;- but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains.”
Hence the spiritual bankruptcy of the Pharisees and all representatives of sects pushed them to throw Christ Jesus due to His Power embodied through His Word since in their “spiritual blindness” they could see their mental and moral handicap from which they have only advanced a collection of disparate ideas that sink into a mental imbalance attractive to chronic psychopaths that pushes born criminals to wander endlessly on the paths of nocturnal wanderings seeking unceasingly to show their mutilation of all civilisation, I have previously diagnosed this in the followers of sects during the Catholic "teaching" scene called catechism as well as the Islamist indoctrination during my theological research carried out at the "zitouna", That is why they have never considered dialogue with Jesus the Christ, but have just plunged themselves into the nonsense of their incurable hatreds, which reveal their pitiful hypocrisy, which emerges through their common crimes already committed in the darkness, for lack of the virtue of courage.
Therefore the foolishness of the sects, that deliberately fall into the freezing of all virtue of the now absent spirit, making bravery and morality dead beings represented by equestrian statues as historical symbols of all death of the civilisation that I have to remind that it is human.
A dangerous turmoil that settles at the foot of a stone seen as useful in the dead city of statues, useful because it is the chosen means to stone humanity in the recurrent attempts to rule in the court of hell: of the uneducated and the murderous, in order to silence any sense related to the being chosen by God to be human sensitive to virtue and insensitive to the vulgarity of the courts held by good shepherds of the pasture of cows lost forever in conspicuous gluttony except that the true cow has the virtue of not seeking to be filmed when it eats grass.
A muddy stream of faceless figures and mindless bodies lost in wanderings without intellectual´-or-moral purpose, always seeking, in the whirlpool of endless nights, to wade through the mud of unclean gardens in order to perform an operation in the muddy puddles: the useful bloody operation! Since it serves, in its wildest imagination, to strip humanity of its organs in order to celebrate the premeditated mutilation of all civilization .
Considerable reiterated efforts which serve to mutilate civilization of any sign of humanity to make the human being disappear for the benefit of earthly interests tending to further break the link between God and his subjects who reject the substantial quality of humanity making of her just a legendary notion which bristles the books and the collections of indigestible poems that their writers dare to lodge in their manu-script-s a huge jumble of hypocritical ideas on values and virtues that they have never espoused.
Seeking thus to build the somber effigy of a monster "worthy" to be well buried who had the "honor" of making useful resolutions in order to make crime the standard from which we must never derogate otherwise the humanity created substantially to be in opposition to crime must appear "in justice" before the courts of this world: gehenna in order to justify its acts of faith in humanity in order to be indicted and then imprisoned because court cows do not like the virtue of being able to eat grass without being filmed by cameras hidden behind the smelly backstage of a mafia that bristles with the shrill laughter of the witches of the last vestige of humanity being pursued for its human substance elected by God then embodied by human acts carried to its entrails which testify to the miracle of life created by God safe and sound against the false probabilities of a world blown away by the wind of a domain known as the scientific domain!

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