Rezgar Akrawi
2021 / 11 / 18
Independent leftist – Iraq
I presented the beginnings of the Electronic Left concepts “E-Left” nearly twenty years ago and I touched upon them in key points in various articles and dialogues. We also see that many of those raised points proved a lot of their credibility, and I think it is now necessary to expand on clarifying the most prominent intellectual and organizational foundations in more details.
It is possible to understand the term “electronic left” that it transforms the institutions and parties of the left from their traditional form to the use of information technology and the Internet only! In my opinion, it goes beyond that very significantly. A new trend presents contemporary, modern scientific concepts of the left and its political speech. As well as the mechanisms of its organization and work in line with the development and scientific progress, knowledge and human rights in various fields, and the great change that occurred in the mechanisms of dealing, communication and organizing the people due to the massive technological and information revolution.
The most prominent intellectual and political foundations of the electronic left
As leftist forces, we struggle against the capitalist system in its various forms and work to change it, towards other social-democratic systems that are more just and humane regardless of their names. However, the question here is whether we will be able to change it through literal adherence to texts, political speech, traditional work, and organization mechanisms that are largely outdated! It is confined to rigid molds, and is largely incompatible with the dialectical and progressive thinking of Marxism and the left, while capitalism is developing itself in all fields in every hour, even by the minute! In addition, it adapts quickly and effectively to different crises, get out of them, and renews itself? Will we use “very old weapons” and I mean here the speech, the mechanisms of action and the organization in this great and complex conflict, and guarantee victory? In my opinion, the answer will be "no" for sure, and the current reality imposes it on us and justifies it!
Therefore, we must confront capitalism with its advanced “weapons”, modern sciences and continuous innovation and development in all fields, and surpass them, and so did Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. (Marx Engels pointed out in the preface to the 1872 German edition of the Communist Manifesto only about a quarter of a century after it was written:” Today this program has aged in some points under the influence of the huge progress which has been made by major industry during the last twenty-five years.”.........).The-limit-ed development which has taken place in that short period to which Marx and Engels refer is incomparable with any form with the tremendous development that has taken place now, and accordingly, what will be their opinion now?!..... If they lived in our stage after all these enormous changes?
It is very necessary to keep pace with the current era and the great and continuous modernization and keep pace with the tremendous scientific, knowledge and human rights development in various fields, make maximum use of it. We should use it in our struggle for change and to develop, modernize, renew the speech and programs of our left-wing parties, the mechanisms of organization, leadership and dealing with the masses, facing complex and great challenges, interaction rapidly with local, regional, and global changes. Which can contribute to activating the local, regional, and global dialogue between the forces of the left, to develop, modernize left organizations, establish democratic leftist frameworks and alliances, fundamentally committed to the spirit of cognitive, organizational and human renewal of leftist thought on the one hand, and the spirit of the technological and information revolution on the one hand.
Accordingly, I see that the most prominent intellectual foundations of the electronic left are:
1. A scientific left based on the rational cognitive and legal development of leftist and humanist thought, and international human rights charters, benefits from the positive aspects of all the different Marxist, leftist and progressive trends, and recognizes the multiplicity of leftist intellectual references, and does not consider any theory´-or-ideology as a sacred religious text. It should work to benefit and use the technological, scientific, knowledge and human rights development in his political, organizational, media, economic, social, cultural and environmental work. Let us have dozens of different solutions to work according to and try them to plan and -dir-ect our left struggle and its mechanisms in order to achieve the greatest possible degree of social justice, equality and freedoms and with a socialist horizon.
2. Scientific and rational alternatives according to what is now possible and not what is required! If we proceed from the theoretical side and according to what is required of us now, like most leftists, it is certainly a democratic socialist state, a classless system, and complete equality to a large extent, but the question here is whether it Is it possible now feasible and in light of objective and subjective conditions? Will we continue to be prisoners of ideology and repeating revolutionary phrases, and proceed from what is required in theory in the absence of the scientific method in how to implement this major and comprehensive societal change, and not proceed from what is now feasible in practice on the ground?
Therefore, the electronic left tries to propose scientific, rational, and realistic policies, programs and alternatives related to the concerns of the toiling masses and the general community, their aspirations and their daily life and their change for the better, even to-limit-ed degrees. Based on realistic capabilities and the capabilities of the groups it defends, the existing conditions and the privacy and degree of development of the societies in which it works and local, regional, and international conditions and variables in determining its practical and interim tasks based on modern science and various left and progressive ideas.
So that the left does not stray from its goals and theses, be-limit-ed to repeating revolutionary sentences and ready-made classic recipes, and wanders in delusions´-or-rigid theoretical texts, many of which are outdated at the present time. Which unfortunately has been transformed by many leftists into “sacred and rigid texts” and absolute and eternal religious truths that are infallible, valid for all times and places, and in many cases the theoreticians of Marxism, the left and some party leaders have been “worshipped and deified.”
It is necessary to liberate the left from the absolute theoretical texts and what they produced of worshiping individuals in order to overcome that stage, and to return the great leaders and thinkers of the left to the category of “humans” after they were transformed into “gods, saints and religious elders”. Which created a negative state of ideological intellectual stagnation that greatly harmed the left and its development and role in our societies.
Changing people’s lives for the better is the basis for the electronic left, albeit with-limit-ed and gradual steps. Through offering realistic interim alternatives, based on reality and in the light of which it is -dir-ected towards the various leftist, progressive and humane theories and ideas that can be benefited from to change according to the situation, conditions, and development of each country and not the other way around. Which must be subject to a process of continuous criticism, development and renewal closely interrelated with the scientific, political, social, economic, legal, cultural, and environmental development of humanity.
3. Socialist and leftist experiences: It calls for a review of Marxism and the various leftist schools and their heritage, and an evaluation of the socialist and leftist experiences. For example (the Soviet socialist camp, the Chinese experience, the local socialist and leftist experiences, and the experiences of democratic socialism, especially in the Scandinavian countries…..etc.) in a scientific manner in accordance with Its historical context is based on the local, regional and global conditions at the time and from all its aspects. It studies the positives and negatives according to a critical reading and analysis and a scientific methodology that is not intolerant of this current´-or-that´-or-of specific leftist personalities in order to take advantage of the positive aspects and avoid the negative aspects.
4. It aims to build a secular democratic state with a just political, economic, social and environmental system. It emphasizes the rejection of all forms of class exploitation and is based on the authority of the people, in which the role of religion and nationalism is neutralized. It is based on equal citizenship and respects national pluralism and the right of peoples to self-determination, and the rule of law based to international human rights charters, respect for freedoms, equality, social justice, guarantees, the right to organize, demonstrate, strike, separation of powers, an independent judiciary, and a free media open to all intellectual and political orientations. It stresses that the human person and his full rights are the basis, and in a global concept, regardless of race, religion´-or-gender´-or-the political and intellectual orientation, which opposes the death penalty, and moves away in its work and alliances from governments and authoritarian, religious and nationalist forces that oppose basic human rights.
5. -dir-ecting its programs and policies mainly towards workers, toilers, all exploited and marginalized groups, young energies, and all groups thirsting for modernization, change, justice, and equality in society. In addition, as a reform stage, it calls for a just and transparent economic system in which the greatest possible amount of justice, welfare state and equality are achieved, through policies various economic sectors in which the public, cooperative, mixed, and private sectors participate. Moreover, it is in accordance with the collective management of the economy, giving importance to the role of the state in central economic planning and under the supervision of a mass democracy, and is based on progressive taxes, social justice, security, appropriate social solidarity, poverty eradication, equal opportunities, combating unemployment, human capacity development and employment. The rational and efficient scientific resources of the country, free education, health, social care and all other public services, and the participation of all in the welfare of society so as to ensure an appropriate level and quality of life for all citizens.
The conventional struggle does not contradict the continuous struggle for a gradual change towards a political-economic system that achieves complete equality, eliminates all economic differences between the classes of society, and achieves social justice to the greatest extent possible, regardless of its names. The peculiarities and nature of each country, class and political balances, local and global conditions.
6. A left that transcends totalitarianism and believes in the democratic process, pluralism, the peaceful democratic transfer of power, and gradual change towards more just systems according to the orientations of the majority of the masses. A left that creatively combines democracy, equality, social justice and secularism, rejects all types of dictatorships, whatever their labels and any legitimacy based on them´-or-the claim of monopoly Absolute truth. As well as the concept of a single class´-or-party that monopolizes power in any name, and follows different methods of mass and democratic struggle, whether in power´-or-opposition. Respects the opinions of male and female voters in a democratic atmosphere in which the appropriate level of equality is available for all parties and political orientations according to the situation of each country. .
7. Works to build and strengthen independent, unified labor, professional federations and -union-s that defend the groups they represent in accordance with the charters of workers’ rights the generality of workers and international thought, trade -union- freedoms agreements, the protection of the right to -union- organization. Avoiding turning them into political-partisan interfaces that more implement the policies of this´-or-that party, and even sometimes they are part of his struggles, and this does not negate the existence of different political currents within those -union-s, coordinating and working together to achieve common professional goals.
The subordination of labor and professional -union-s and -union-s to the power and influence of parties is a negative factor and leads to their weakening, and the outbreak of internal conflicts that contribute to their dispersal due to the attempts being made to impose certain narrow partisan agendas on them. As well as their insertion into the labyrinths of external and internal organizational and partisan conflicts that plagued the left as a result of the positions of most the puritanical left elites, who still refuse to coordinate and work jointly with each other and even between their mass and -union- organizations.
8. Demands full equality for women and positive distinction, and the establishment of an ascending quota in its institutions until real and complete equality is achieved. It is -dir-ected towards achieving this in all its basic and leadership bodies and its various activities, works with organizing mechanisms that allow and provide great flexibility in women s leadership positions and the development of their leadership capabilities. As well as supporting and contributing to the formation of independent and unified women’s federations, working in accordance with international women’s rights charters. Most of the forces of the left are still patriarchal to large levels and the role and influence of women is clearly-limit-ed, especially at the leadership levels.
The struggle to achieve full equality for women with men is not a condition to be linked to the need to change the capitalist system and replace the socialist alternative by reducing it to the class dimension. Even if it has a close interconnection, as many reforms can be achieved now under class systems, and documented statistics and facts indicate Most of the countries in which women have been able through their struggles to obtain many rights, gains, and relatively advanced degrees of equality until now are still classified as capitalist countries, the Scandinavian countries for example.
9. Neutralizing the role of religion from the state: The electronic left proposes neutralizing the role of religion from the state while ensuring freedom of religion and belief, and respecting the freedom of personal religious beliefs for the public as a relationship between man and his religion without imposing coercion on others. The state must be secular and at an equal distance with all Religions, and provides support to religious institutions as mass organizations, on an equal basis according to the degree and level of religiosity in society. Accordingly, all religious institutions must be under the supervision of the state, and workers in religious institutions are educated in government educational institutions, based on neutralizing religion from the state and accepting intellectual and religious pluralism, rejecting violence and fanaticism, and imposing the authority of religions and ideas in society.
It does not view religion as a major contradiction issue as it is the product of economic, political, social, cultural and historical conditions and its effects, role, survival and demise are related to that. A scientific leftist, praising the positive and progressive aspects in it, and benefiting from it for social change, and a calm scientific criticism of the negative aspects according to the historical context, so that it would have a positive impact on the believing masses, albeit in different proportions according to the nature of each country.
The fanatical religious forces that work for regimes based on religion, whether Islamic, Christian, Jewish, etc. are reactionary forces and use religion to promote their backward agendas that contradict leftist, democratic and human rights thought. From supporting and working with all enlightened, reformist and libertarian religious trends, which offer modern, innovative readings of religious texts and heritage and Anastasia, through which it aims to modernize, modernize, and secularize religions, and harmonize them with the intellectual, scientific and legal development of humanity, which has become in stark contrast to religious fanatic and puritanical thinking.
10. The multiplicity of left-wing platforms, alliances, and joint action: Many of the left’s forces in general suffer from dispersal, organizational fanaticism, and preoccupation with internal conflicts, antagonistic relations, denial of the other, and waging the “cold war” -dir-ectly and in-dir-ectly against each other, and there is a kind of “puritan political sectarianism!” Focusing on the differences related to long-term strategic theses, and quite a few left-wing forces practically reject every other leftist trend that differs from it, and in many cases betray them and make them atone for the left, and reject any form of joint action at all levels. Despite the very many commonalities and points of convergence between most of the forces of the left in our countries,-limit- that if you bring their newspapers and statements and only remove the names of the parties and organizations that issue them, you will not find significant differences in the existing theses and policies, especially in temporary matters. Its presence is normal in any democratic leftist party, which accepts the internal ideological difference, which is a healthy phenomenon that develops from the leftist speech.
Therefore, the electronic left presents work and struggle within the framework of a broad social left movement, which aims to strengthen and strengthen the role of the left and progressive current in society in general, bypassing the traditional narrow partisan frameworks, and rejects organizational, elitist and personal fanaticism, and calls for multi-platform leftist parties and alliances, and joint action. For the left, progressive and humanitarian forces, which has become a common thing, a necessity, and a vital demand overall world.
It is necessary to study and pay attention to the experiences of alliances and joint action in the world and the region, to benefit from and apply them in line with the political situation of each country. Working at all levels internally and externally in order to remove the effects of organizational intolerance towards others, bypassing the narrow partisan organizational frameworks, renewing and developing its structure Intellectual and political focus on alliances and joint action. The conviction that the fate of the broad social movement of the left and changing the lives of the working classes and the whole of society for the better is more important and greater than the interests of a specific leftist organization.
It is also very important for the forces of the left to work in their independent line “without mixing flags” according to certain points of convergence with the different political, intellectual, democratic, secular and humanitarian trends. In order to change the tyrannical dictatorships in our countries, confront the forces of religious and national fanaticism, establish a democratic, secular, institutional rule, provide security and services as a democratic program to the minimum. Certain tactics and alliances must be followed according to the necessities of the stage and society and the balance of class forces, and constructive dialogue with those forces must be continued and points of disagreement with them should be criticized.
The left-wing struggle at the level of any country is linked to regional and global conditions. Therefore, coordination and joint action between the leftist forces in the region and the world is necessary, benefiting from each other’s experiences, and forming alliances and regional and international organizational frameworks that enhance this and strengthen the role of the left’s forces globally.
The most prominent organizational foundations of the electronic left
The global trend in general is towards the Internet and its applications in various fields. Statistics indicate that it is constantly and continuously increasing in a very large way, even in the countries of the so-called third world. It has become a major and indispensable part in the management and work of the various joints in society, the very large scientific and cognitive development and the dominance of the Internet and social networks, which has turned as a fait accompli into the “fifth power.” In most societies, it leads to:
A. Creating new forms of awareness and its expressions
B. In the public’s view of change and its mechanisms,
C. It enabled the public to communicate transparent and free
D. Moreover, put all matters, including very sensitive ones, publicly, and participate and interact in the formation of facts
E. Bypassing all frameworks based on centralization and closure, and geographical, security, organizational, national and religious restrictions...etc.
F. Promote freedom of public criticism without any restrictions
G. And they did much of their potential in a wide space after they were in a state of relative stagnation and received to a large extent,
H. This contributed to raising the level of awareness, follow-up and the desire to revolt, and the development of democratic awareness through access to many other opinions and interaction with them, and thus an increased acceptance of intellectual and political pluralism locally, regionally and globally.
This great development in cognitive and democratic awareness, transparency, methods of expression, protest and criticism has led to the reluctance of a very large number of belonging to traditional forms of organization. As their concepts, requirements and expectations for organization have changed and developed, and in general they are now alienated from the old patterns of organization, including left-wing parties and organizations. Many of them still suffer from bureaucracy, hierarchy, excessive centralization, and lack of transparency, and most of them use work and organization mechanisms that are clearly and largely outdated.
Some of these leftist parties and organizations, and because of these old mechanisms, turned into organizations that repel and repel members instead of attracting and incubating more members in general and especially among the younger generation, and the average age in them has become sixty and above!,´-or-they have turned into parties with leaders without rules.
The new generation does not reject party work and the values of the left. Rather, it cannot work according to those very old mechanisms and forms of party organization and does not find itself in them now. Where we see now that most young people use and innovate to present and organize themselves in new and modern organizational forms, using the Internet and communication networks. They effectively influence the social reality many times over what many left-wing parties do, creating a spacious space for them and motivating them to express themselves and violations they are exposed to different types of development, dialogue and criticism without any organizational´-or-intellectual restrictions, and at the time and manner that suits them.
A culture, political speech, and new organizing mechanisms of their own were formed, embodied in various electronic groups, which contributed to the convergence of views as well as the identification of popular demands, struggle, and protest, and became representative of various political and social movements led by young people. Their beginnings emerged in the uprisings of the so-called “Arab Spring”, which I called the “The Unorganized Electronic Left Revolutions” in an article I published in 2011. For their use of modern technologies and following new patterns of organization and mobilization in accordance with scientific and technological development, and they put forward clear leftist demands, bypassing the traditional opposition parties, including the left.
Protests, demonstrations, various activities... etc., on the ground are the basis and test for any radical change. However, the Internet and social networks have become very important now, and they have a fundamental and pivotal role in the formation of awareness, mobilization, organization and protest, and support and coordination of field activity for the masses, and provided Enormous possibilities of struggle and movement, regardless of place and time, and at the lowest costs.
The Internet and the revolution of information and communications and communication networks led to the creation of a democratic, transparent, open, and very large world, became the main engine of the protests, and greatly affected the development of administrative and organizational thought and leadership patterns, towards more transparency, decentralization, flexibility and collectiveness.
It also led to a reformulation of the concept of “the role of the masses and their interference” in connection with the strength of mobilization and the flow of information and news from the place of the event to any place in the world. Which accumulated in crystallizing the strength and impact of the mass protest and the pressure of spontaneous popular public opinion, which until now and in general -dir-ects in specific -dir-ections. According to the strength of the owners and supervisors of communication networks, media and satellite channels, who have the capabilities to organize and control mass movements and benefit from them for their political purposes.... etc., which are generally right-wing forces and institutions that oppose their just aspirations and demands.
Here comes the role of the electronic left in organizing these various activities and protests.... etc., and -dir-ecting them towards the right -dir-ection instead of being under the influence and captivity of the anti-left forces and the masses and their aspirations. Through the great development and modernization of the mechanisms of organization, leadership, work, and interaction, coinciding with optimal and efficient use The Internet and the communications and information revolution, which will surely serve the mass struggles in quantity and quality, develop and organize them greatly, and enhance the role of the left and progressive forces.
To achieve this, as well as to treat the great separation and divergence that occurred between the new generation and the left organizations, the electronic left proposes a great scientific development and modernization in the mechanisms of organization, work and struggle, democratizing them and engaging the collective mind to the largest possible level. In order to keep pace with the new situation and interact with it through:
1. New patterns of organization: It goes beyond the traditional central pattern that gives monopoly and great control to the leading bodies towards internal systems and new flexible democratic organizational mechanisms for organizational construction as a kind of “alliances, networks,´-or-federal participatory coordination” that does not adopt strict hierarchical centralization and severe administrative dependency. It also allows a measure a great deal of independence, decentralization and democracy, the great freedom of party and mass organizations, alliances, groups and other different forms of organization in approving their policies, whether they are at the ideological, geographical,´-or-regional level´-or-according to different demands issues....etc. The delegation of powers and coordination in all fields, where It is necessary to give the various organizations, blocs and groups within the organizations more powers in approving policies, programs, and action plans according to their jurisprudence and the needs of the regions in which they operate,´-or-the groups they work with and target. It is necessary to use the concepts of modern management, scientific research, technical, cognitive and legal development in modernizing the mechanisms of organization, management and internal and external communication.
The various forms and mechanisms of organization, whether it is a party, an alliance,´-or-participatory coordination, etc., must be of great flexibility without a static central structure and in continuous change and modernization according to the needs and requirements according to:
A. Technological, cognitive, and legal development.
B. The degree of democratic, political and legal development.
C. The level of freedoms and possibilities of organizational work in every society, whether covert´-or-public.
D. Local, regional and global regulatory frameworks.
E. The type of issues raised and the target parties, and accordingly the type of organization required is chosen.
F. The work and needs of different organizations, blocs, and groups.
G. Building special organizational structures for specific periods´-or-cases.
H. Studying the level of influence and evaluating the work as independent leftist organizations,´-or-working individually´-or-as groups within parties, movements´-or-large alliances that are influential in society, and have a relatively progressive character. In addition, allow a multiplicity of blocs and intellectual platforms within them, including leftist trends, according to the class scales and the political situation of each country. For example, the experience of the leftist “Berry Sanders” bloc within the Democratic Party in America, according to which the choice is made, whichever is more appropriate and effective in favor of strengthening the role and position of the left in society.
I. The necessity of caution and great accuracy when choosing the names of leftist organizations, parties, alliances and networks according to the degree of development of societies, class and political balances, and the peculiarities of each country, changing many of the current names, and avoiding names that may have negative effects more than positive ones. Since the communist words, the socialist... etc. in the name of the organization does not necessarily mean the leftism and the rightness of that organization. The mass action on the ground and the extent of its contribution and impact in changing the lives of workers and toilers, and the whole of society for the better is the basis and test for any evaluation´-or-realistic credibility of any leftist organization. In addition to the negative effects of the anti-left propaganda, the experience of the collapse of the “Soviet camp” must be taken into account.
2. Foundations of Membership and Member Rights: The electronic left proposes new policies and mechanisms in organizational membership so that the member has more possibilities to influence and formulate policies and programs, and complete freedom to work according to his intellectual and political orientations, which can be compatible with all party organization policies. The leftist´-or-part of it, and it enhances the spirit of the individual’s voluntary belonging to the group and the sense of political and organizational responsibility, as well as transcends all kinds of excessive centralization, organizational secretarial and strict party discipline, according to which left organizations must be voluntary democratic -union-s based on free self-discipline and not military institutions.
It calls for the abolition of any rules´-or-provisions that prevent´-or-impede the right of members to express their opinion inside and outside leftist organizations. They must have complete freedom to present their intellectual and political ideas in the manner they deem appropriate, and to actively participate in the formulation and approval of party policies, concepts and items such as:
A. “Put your opinion within your party body, in internal party bulletins,´-or-through a letter to the party leadership.”
B. “Obey, then discuss”
C. "Blind Iron Obedience"
D. “The complete subordination of the members to the authority of the leadership, which alone undertakes the thinking, analysis, and issuing decisions, and the basis for their implementation without any objection.”
E. Advancement in party positions based on loyalty to the leadership
F. .......
Concepts that may have been accepted to some extent decades ago, but now they have become totalitarian, weak democratically and largely outdated, and have very negative effects, and have kept members, especially the youth, the information revolution generation very largely away from the left parties. It is possible for them to publish several public posts in social networks, on Internet sites, expressing their opinions and debating about them freely and without any restrictions, and they reach a very large number, while most left-wing organizations will prevent them from public expression. In addition, will ask them to wait for the meeting of their party bodies after a week´-or-a month,´-or-published in internal party bulletins,´-or-through a private message to party leaders in order to put forward and express their opinion about it in a secret and not public manner! It reaches a very-limit-ed number and does not even reach all party members, let alone the general community! Considering, political, intellectual discussions and the opinion of the members as an internal matter and should not be announced to the outside means preventing the masses of the left from accessing and evaluating the various ideas, theses and dialogues within the left organizations. As well as preventing the arrival of opinions different from the official line to the masses, thus weakening interaction and mass control of society on us, we turned into closed religious-leftist sects.
Leftists, we ask a lot of society, and we demand democracy, pluralism, transparency, -dir-ect elections, public participation in decisions, individual and public freedoms, the right of public expression, difference and other opinion, open and diverse media...etc. However, it is also important to ask ourselves whether these matters and very important and basic rights exist. It is available and allowed for members of our leftist organizations, and to what extent is it applied, and this is reflected in its organizational, political, and intellectual work??! We have a great contradiction, deficiency, and defect, and the matter needs a radical review and reconsideration, modernization, and great development. Accordingly, the most prominent foundations of membership and the rights of the party-member according to the electronic left are:
A. Membership is based on the concept of alliance, cooperation, and teamwork to achieve certain goals, and not on belonging according to a hierarchical concept and with a strict central authority. In addition, the member-e has the main and basic role in approving the general policy of the party. The participation of members and cadres in formulating the party’s policy from the bottom up, i.e. from the bottom up “leadership” is necessary and important. The appropriate capabilities, mechanisms and conditions must be created within the party, and members must be developed Encouraging the spirit of diligence and creative analysis among the members, regardless of whether it conforms to the official line´-or-not, in order to strengthen the struggle at various levels and to develop and benefit from initiatives among the members.
B. Choosing different forms and degrees of flexible membership (active, auxiliary, temporary, etc.) that allow organizational work according to personal and life circumstances, as well as according to cognitive, scientific and legal development and organizational patterns.
C. It is guided by the general lines of the organization, whatever its form, and is active in accordance with and in accordance with it.
D. Publicly expressing his opinion inside and outside the organizational platforms in a civilized and constructive manner, and in the appropriate ways, without any restrictions, hesitation´-or-fear of organizational procedures because of the difference and announcing it.
E. He has the right to fully and publicly criticize official organizational policies that he does not comply with.
F. He has the right not to implement official policies he is not convinced of.
G. The right to be elected, to nominate himself´-or-others to various regulatory bodies, as well as to participate in the removal of members of the leadership who do not prove their competence in carrying out their duties.
H. He has the right to “combined membership” i.e. joining more than one leftist party´-or-organization at the same time. Another focuses more on the environment.
I. The right of members to make blocs within the party and the right of the various blocs within the party to use party channels and inform the party´-or-issue its own media to promote its policies and their differences from the official line of the party.
J. Avoidance of arrogant dealings with members, parrot indoctrination, methods of attenuation, exclusion, isolation, and treason due to intellectual, political and organizational differences.
K. Abolishing the penalty of expulsion from the party as it is a kind of “political and organizational execution” and replacing it with lighter reform penalties. For example “complete freezing”, so that the human and political dignity of the member is preserved until he decides to stay´-or-not and is given an opportunity to change. The exit must be voluntary as membership in the party, the penalty of expulsion is a very harsh punishment. In many cases, some democratically weak leaders can use this penalty to settle political scores against those who disagree with them´-or-criticize them.
L. Introducing and developing mechanisms and rules for electronic membership that go beyond the traditional patterns of membership, country frameworks, nationality, place, age, etc., and here it is very necessary to take into account the security aspects and study them carefully.
m. Finding flexible democratic political-organizational mechanisms to deal with independent leftists who do not want to join any organized organizational activity for any reason, and to take advantage of their capabilities as much as possible and in a manner that suits them from a superior point of view.
3. Multiple platforms, right of expression, difference and free media: to ensure and strengthen the party’s unity and development, to avoid divisions and elite conflicts. That are one of the chronic and destructive diseases of the left, large resignations and emigration of members, and commitment to democratic principles, the electronic left acknowledges the multiplicity of platforms, jurisprudence, and various left-wing intellectual and organizational blocs within the institution organization, whether it is a party´-or-any other organizational style.
In the media, it presents a free and open party press, as the party media should be a broad platform for everyone in the party and outside it, bearing leftist, progressive and humanist ideas, and even critical of the left and its organizations as a kind of acceptance and respect for the other opinion and interaction. All members, blocs and different ideas within the party have the right regardless of their position on official party policies, using it to express their opinions will lead to a positive dialogue between the different trends, and to an active interaction and dialogue within the party, thus developing it internally and externally and making rational decisions.
Just as we raise the need for an independent and impartial judiciary in society, it is also necessary to build a judicial system, professional courts, independent and elected investigative bodies within the left-wing parties. To ensure fair and public judicial “trials” in the event of “violations´-or-differences” and the party member´-or-party bloc has the right to appoint a lawyer to defend it from within´-or-outside the party´-or-alliance, and -dir-ecting sanctions should be the last method he uses. This must give a wonderful judicial-legal impression in the work of the judicial left in managing organizations and institutions if it receives the rule of society.
4. The party base is the source of authority: We also argue, “The people are the source of the authorities” in the state and society. The “party base must be the source of powers” in the left parties and organizations, and the collective mind and decision should be the basis of the left’s electronic organizations. Policies and programs are formulated from the base and discussed openly, important and major decisions are approved through public, Democratic Party referendums and according to democratic foundations under the supervision of independent and impartial committees in which all members and members of the party participate, and preceded by an open public dialogue on the issues raised for the referendum. Very large and very cheap.
5. Collective mind and conferences: Conferences constitute one of the most important foundations of the party´-or-the left-wing alliance, and it is the main station for reviewing, evaluating, and approving new policies and mechanisms through broad participation of the party’s collective mind. Therefore, it is necessary to hold periodic and public conferences according to:
A. Public committees in which all-party levels, leadership, bases and various blocs in the party participate carry out A. Preparing for conferences. The preparation should not be-limit-ed to the leading bodies only.
B. A broad public preparation that ensures the participation of everyone from different trends and blocs inside and outside its institutions in the dialogue related to the party s policies and programs, and respect for the opinion and the other opinion.
C. Holding open, democratic elections under the judicial supervision of conference delegates-;-
D. Youth and women quota for conference delegates
E. Members of the former leadership attend as guests and for evaluation if their party bodies in which they work did not elect them, and the leadership is not entitled to assign “delegates” to the conference without an election from their party bodies and for any reason.
F. Committees are formed at different party levels to manage conferences and are changed two´-or-more times per day.
G. Conferences are broadcast openly to the masses,´-or-at least to party members, according to the circumstances of each country, and modern technologies provide this in a very easy and almost freeway.
H. An evaluation of the party s policies must be presented between every two congresses, in which it addresses the aspects of success and failure, and the reasons for that, which are discussed and approved in the congress.
I. Holding open democratic elections for the leadership of the party after the conference under independent and impartial judicial supervision from outside and inside the party. Preceded by a public election campaign inside and outside the party for female candidates and candidates, to promote their policy in the event that they assume leadership positions in the party, and they are elected -dir-ectly by all members and members of the party. In addition, not only by the delegates of the conferences, in order to reflect the collective reason and decision of the party in its broadest possible form.
In general, all partisan bodies must be in a state of a “permanent conference” and modern technologies provide this, by presenting all policies, programs, and data at the different partisan levels on a permanent basis for collective dialogue about them in a specific period, voting on them if required, and approving them before they are put into the public eye. Whether it is on the whole of the party´-or-local organizations´-or-private bodies ... etc. In Internet groups´-or-in closed communication networks for members only, and other groups for the masses of the party in villages and cities ... etc. and finally throughout the country, in order to reflect the collective mind of the party members and masses to the largest possible level, rather than being confined to the leading bodies only.
6. Interaction and public control over the party: It focuses on mutual interaction with the masses and the external environment as part of “monitoring the party’s activity and policies” and inviting them to actively participate in approving and evaluating its policies and dialogue on them through:
A. Presenting its programs, documents, and internal systems for public and open discussion on a permanent basis through advanced websites that allow different opinions and allow interaction, comment, vote...etc., and in social networking groups, and benefit from programs that provide analyzes and scientific statistics on the number of visits, the degree and forms of interaction and readable topics. ...etc. for evaluation and development
B. It benefits from the opinion and scientific analysis of personalities and scientific and research institutions in approving policies and programs.
C. On a continuous basis, feedback´-or-feedback is requested by scientific methods from different groups of society
D. In order to analyze and evaluate the different policies at various levels, evaluate them, measure their success and the level of achieving the desired goals, reconsider them periodically accordingly, and diagnose errors and deficiencies and correct them as possible.
E. Only the one who works does not make mistakes. Therefore, when left-wing parties make mistakes in certain policies, it is necessary to offer public apologies to the masses and members for those mistakes and their negative effects to ensure that they are not repeated.
7. Collective leadership: Abolishing all positions that could consolidate individual authorities such as - Secretary-General, Secretary, President, and Leader... etc. Strengthening the collective leadership in the party and both genders and creating coordinators and coordinators in different departments and spokespersons for the party in different fields. For example Spokesperson for the party in the field of (youth, economy, women, defense, parliament, foreign policy…...etc.) so that powers, responsibilities and experiences are shared among the party’s leadership cadre in a collective and specialized manner. Development and creativity according to responsibilities.
8. Deliberative, youth leaders with the masses: Unfortunately, until now, we see that some of the leaders of the left in the Arab world are competing with the rulers and kings of the Arab world to remain in the leadership seat, and some of them have even turned them into “hereditary family kingdoms!” In addition “absolute private ownership.” In addition, there are cases of subjectivity, excessive narcissism, and veneration of their role. In many cases, we see that left-wing leaders do not change, and it makes and elect the party base, not the other way around!
Which created a negative situation that greatly harmed the left, and led to a theoretical, practical and organizational stalemate, which is far from the left democratic traditions. Therefore, the electronic left focuses on the deliberative leadership, and considers it a key item in its internal systems so that it is not permissible to occupy leadership positions for more than two electoral cycles and an upper-limit-. 6-8 years.
It also focuses on youth leaders, sets specific percentages and rates for ages in the leadership of the party, gives importance to the class slope in assuming leadership positions, and works to highlight and form new cadres and leaders on an ongoing basis. It must be from and with the masses leading and present with them in gatherings, protests, demonstrations and strikes. ... etc.
It also believes that it is very necessary, in order to propose rational policies, close to reality, to formulate a clear and basic clause in the internal regulations, related to the necessity of the presence of all members of the organization’s leadership within the country among its permanent residents. Thus, realistic and actual participation in the leadership of the daily fieldwork of the organization and its various bodies, work and struggle among the masses. it is not allowed to accept the nomination of any member for a leadership position if is present´-or-living abroad permanently´-or-semi-permanently. Except in very exceptional cases due to a force majeure security risk,´-or-very necessary party tasks that require staying abroad for a period is-limit-ed. The leading member must resign and leave the position to another comrade if he decides to live outside the country,´-or-if he cannot continue as a political and organizational leader for personal, family,´-or-professional reasons...etc.
9. Transparency and finance: The world in general is moving towards transparency, as the Internet, modern technologies and communication networks have made it possible to break the barriers of censorship and conceal the facts from the masses, and even from members of many left parties and organizations. Therefore, the electronic left relies in its work on complete transparency in all its internal activities and foreign affairs, except for those that could cause great security damage in authoritarian countries.
Party members provide financial contributions to the party as well as various types of material support. So all its bodies, leadership and members must abide by full public transparency, especially financial at the party and personal levels, and provide detailed financial reports periodically on how the finances are used for all members of the various party bodies. As well as it is necessary, all members disclose their financial disclosure, especially the candidates for the various leadership bodies, to ensure integrity and no conflict between partisan and personal interests.
In order to confront corruption within the left-wing parties and the negative exploitation of the position and to promote integrity, it is necessary to use the principle “Where did you get this, comrade-e?” “In cases of questionable issues.
The “progressive party” tax is also imposed, i.e. a percentage of the salaries of party representatives working in government jobs´-or-other types of income because of the party’s position, transferred and handed over to the party’s financial institutions, according to the circumstances and privacy of life in this´-or-that country.
10. It develops the capabilities of its members and leaders to absorb and use technological, technical and scientific development, especially information technology, the Internet and communication networks, to the maximum possible and available-limit-s and develop them continuously in order to:
A. Promote the ideas of the left and human and civic values in general, the concepts of citizenship, equality, social justice, secularism, democratic socialism, and full equality for women in particular. Breaking the monopoly of the -dir-ected and financed media, which is usually controlled by dictatorial governments, capitalist institutions, and fanatical religious forces, and using contemporary scientific marketing concepts to deliver them to the largest possible number and at the lowest costs, and largely abandon the expensive paper flags, which reach a very-limit-ed number.
B. Effectively using them in the field of organization and the work of party bodies for administration, communication, and dialogue, for making rational and rational decisions that reflect collective opinion to the largest possible level, enhancing interaction and internal dialogue, and strengthening the spirit of “teamwork” and positive cooperation.
C. Live and influential interaction with the external environment.
D. and its effective use in intellectual and political development,
E. In general, it is used in various political, media and organizational fields.
F. Using it in the development of new and modern mechanisms for organizing, demonstrating, mobilizing the masses and electoral campaigns, which will lead to the development of work in both quantity and quality, and to a reduction in expenses in light of the chronic financial crisis that most of the left factions suffer from.
G. Using it effectively in electronic mass protests and labor and professional strikes, for example, to launch campaigns, form electronic groups, etc., and even stop work in a technical-electronic manner and in various ways in order to pressure to achieve certain demands.
H. It is heading towards acquiring advanced and rapid technical capabilities that allow it to reach the largest possible number of parties and groups it targets.
I. It can also confront opponents’ intrusions, sabotage campaigns, espionage and electronic wars, protect the party’s electronic systems, organizations and members, and develop rapid capabilities to absorb technical-security strikes and -restore- the organization’s height as quickly as possible.
J. and sometimes an email reply when required,
K. In addition to the possibility of penetrating, disrupting and destroying the technical networks and systems of totalitarian governments, especially the repressive security, political, military, economic and media…when necessary,
L. It must be in a process of continuous development at the technical and informational levels, so that the electronic struggle becomes one of the main forms of struggle.
In conclusion, the forces of the left with all their factions, especially in our countries in middle east, are working and struggling now in very difficult and extremely complex conditions, with very weak capabilities and subjected to various forms of repression and many restrictions and obstacles. Despite the shortcomings, dispersal and regression, they are the great and fundamental human progressive hope for building a better world in our countries. . The Electronic Left is a modest contribution to getting the left out of its crises, stopping the decline, moving the dispersed and stagnant situation towards the modernization and development of its political speech, work mechanisms, organization, and administration. According to my political, organizational and media experience in many of the Iraqi left parties and organizations, and in the civil dialogue institution with its traditions of transparent democratic teamwork, It is my personal professional work as a specialist in building and developing systems of leadership, management and e-government.
The concept in this sense may be in a great and continuous development on the level of practical reality. It is certain that it accepts the right and wrong, and needs time and collective efforts in order to develop more and more. It is presented for discussion for everyone who is interested in modernizing and developing the left and the social-democratic horizon, towards new scientific and modern forms from the political speech and the mechanisms of organization, and the struggle for a better, superior and possible political, economic, and social, human rights, cultural and environmental alternative.
Arabic version
Kurdish version
Rezgar Akrawi: Brief Introduction:
An independent leftist writer, politician, and media person, the first who introduced the concept of electronic left (E-Left).
Date: 1966 Location: Aqra - Iraq
Political activity:
1984-1990 Iraqi Communist Party.
1990 - 1992 Communist Movement Organization.
1993 - 2000 Iraqi Worker-Communist Party.
Joint action by forces of the left:
He presented many practical proposals and initiatives to bring the forces of the left in Iraq closer together and enhance coordination and joint action among them. On the basis that the complex Iraqi situation and in the region can accept different leftist intellectual and political interpretations and no one has a monopoly on the absolute truth, and according to the concept of focusing on points of convergence and civilized dialogue Building on the points of difference between leftist and progressive forces. He believes in the necessity of forming a unified, left-wing party with multiple platforms in Iraq and throughout the Arab world.
- One of those calling for the abolition of the death penalty, and one of the founders of the Right to Life Center for the Abolition of the Death Penalty in the Arab World.
- Activist in the field of defending women s rights and their full equality, and one of the founders of the Women s Equality Center.
- Participated in many meetings and conferences on the left and human rights in Iraq and the entire Arab world.
- He has authored dozens of studies, research, and intellectual and political articles.
- Contributions to translation and revision work.
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