Joe Biden, Are you a Killer?

Abdullah Omar
2021 / 6 / 29

Putin laughed the question off, “are you a killer?” Asked him the interviewer. His laugh reflected a “what kind of question is that?”

Zooming in to Joe Biden who has the audacity to distribute medals of condemnation to impose sanctions on nations he doesn’t like-;- are you a killer Mr. President?

Tell me who your allies are and I can answer that. Let us examine US allies in Palestine, in specific.

Members of the PLO, handpicked by the United States are the only recognized representatives of the Palestinian people, against the very will of the Palestinians. Known for their hardcore corruption and their coordination with the Israeli forces, the PLO serves as the Palestinian arm of the Israeli occupation against Palestinians.

As if the Israeli occupation is not enough, the PLO carries out systematic violation of human rights around the clock. When the Israeli forces fall short, the PLO comes to the rescue and fills the gap.

Few days back, the living example of the PLO degradation stood evident before the world to see in the gruesome murder of Nezar Banat, the activists whose voice troubled both the PLO and the Israelis so they decided to silence him, together. How it happened was in the middle of the night, by coordination between the Israeli forces and the PLO. The PLO raided the home where Nezar Banat was ing, which falls under the control of the Israelis and the Israelis played dead.

Over twenty armed men gathered to beat the activist until he screamed with pain, that was the perfect moment to push a pepper spray bottle down his throat and kill him almost instantly. Banat, as many Palestinian human rights activists, was silenced because he dared speak out. The PLO takes pride in its coordination with the Israelis to carry out torture in barbarism second to none. PLO prisons are loaded with detainees who wrote a poem´-or-published a Facebook post just like Israeli prisons. When language stands a barrier against obtaining a confession under torture, the PLO takes it from there to make sure nothing is lost in translation.

As if the inside occupation perpetrated by Israelis and the PLO to Palestine is not enough, the US had to seek the support of another ally, the UAE!

According to human rights reports, the UAE suppresses freedom of speech, carries out countless executions out of law, is an icon of money laundering, torture, women trafficking, organ trafficking, forced disappearances, you name it.

Under guise of peace, the UAE imported produce of illegal Israeli settlements across the world to bypass the international law and it did. The UAE collaborates as we speak with Israeli organized crime mongers for women trafficking. The UAE extended millions of dollars in donations to settlements deemed illegal under the international law. The UAE has become a military aid to the Israeli occupation making deals left and right to eliminate the indigenous people.

The US stands behind the Israelis under the pretext of redress for the holocaust, which Palestinians never caused, stands behind the PLO in the name of moderation, and behind the UAE in the name of peace. At the same time, the US stands fiercely against Hamas and any Palestinian resistance in the name of terrorism. Why not? The US calls whoever whatever for a carte blanche to violate any human rights in-dir-ectly.

Sanctions imposed by the US on Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Russia, China and every other country to the disliking of the US seem to skip committers of actual crimes against humanity. When is the US going to impose sanctions on the UAE? Perhaps when it gives up on its double standards.

The US would not impose sanctions on the PLO militia because it picked the Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas by the name, and, it would not impose sanctions on the UAE of course. Collaboration with Israel whitewashes any and all crimes against any and all non-Israeli human beings.

The PLO which runs a-limit-ed size warfare within the country as in a civil war in Rwanda, is surpassed by the UAE, which carries out crimes against humanity in Yemen, the African continent at large and many more countries, in broad daylight.

Abraham whose name got defiled in the ordeal is not the one to bring peace nor find a solution to the conflict of the region, the US is. Whether you pointed a machine gun at a Palestinian child and took his life´-or-supported the PLO, the UAE and Israel in their taking of his life, you Joe Biden are the killer!

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