Ahmed Shekho
2021 / 6 / 18
Some may ask why focus on Turkish intervention when there are so many interventions in the Arab world?
Is Turkish interference the most dangerous threat to Arab national security among other external threats and challenges?
Can the Kurdish people be considered as part of Arab national security, and obtaining their natural rights to administer their regions, will it strengthen Arab national security and reduce the threats coming from Turkey and similarly from Iran?
We can say that national security is the availability of the possibility as well as the ability to protect the identity and internal values and the reasons for the advancement, freedom and prosperity of peoples, societies and countries from external threats and challenges (regional and global), and it is linked to various fields, including political, cultural, economic, financial, social, military and security, and others. From media, energy and water.
There is no doubt that national security includes both external and internal threats, as they are affected by each other and complement their subversive roles on peoples, societies and states.
It is important to note that the national security of a society´-or-people is closely linked to the geography that embraces them, as well as to the location and position in which they are located, and not only with the political will´-or-the authority that governs them.
It is said that national security appeared in practice with the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648 AD with going to national formulas, but Amos Jordan and William Taylor trace the emergence of national security as a term to World War II, while Joseph Nye and Robert Keohan believe that it is a product of the Cold War. With some emphasizing the economic aspect, they say that national security is development and without development there is no security, because society´-or-countries that lack the means of development cannot achieve a stable life, as well as express their identity and self-being among nations and thus lack security. In addition to the importance of the ideological dimension of security for the importance of preserving the prevailing values, beliefs and traditions, not tradition, as well as protecting the freedom of thought and the expressive ability of the meanings of private life.
If we want to understand and realize the danger of Turkish interference on Arab national security, as well as on the security of the peoples and societies of the region, we can refer to it in several points, including:
1_ The Turkish intervention in the Arab world and the region is part of the total intervention of the global hegemony system, and therefore many of the people of the region cannot understand the truth of this intervention and its danger as long as they see the Turkish intervention is only to -restore- the Ottoman Empire in a new form. Rather, it should be realized that the formation of Turkey with its current geography since 1923 AD, the world system turned a blind eye at the time, as well as the current massacres of Turkey against the Armenians in 1915 and the Kurds from 1925 to 1938, as well as from the seventies and eighties until now, and the Assyrians, Arabs, Greece and Pontes in the beginning of the twentieth century and others within this new geography “Current Turkey.” The role of this newly developed country was to empower the pillars of the global system, especially in the region, to strike the region’s material and moral strength, its historical and civilizational values, and to fragment its faculties and its cultural, emotional and spiritual integration.
2_ The Turkish intervention is a continuation, extension and facilitation of other regional and global interventions, especially Iranian and Israeli, which were not able to fully achieve their goals. Therefore, the Turkish intervention was brought and given a role, knowing that these three interventions are the foundations of a single project that transcends the will of the Arab world and the region and its security in its various fields.
3_ The Turkish intervention is based on the exploitation and use of the Islamic religion and the Sunni doctrine that the majority of the peoples of the region embrace as a means and tool. As well as Turkey s use of the terrorist organization "Muslim Brotherhood" and the incubator for all terrorist organizations from al-Qaeda, ISIS and others. And even that this organization, due to its treachery and its association with the agendas of global and regional foreign interventions, has been enabled and imposed in several Arab countries, whether at the level of governments, parliaments,´-or-political groups and parties on the Arab peoples and the peoples of the region, and this gave Turkey a means that was not available to the rest of the interventions within countries and penetration in Arab societies. What is strange is the absence of Erdogan s distortion of the image of Islam, Muslims, and the image of the Arab people from the minds of the fraternal herd and some liberals who benefit and opportunists. While emphasizing that the current Turkish authority, as well as Erdogan, is a nationalist Islamist model, that is, a fascist, in fact, but with an Islamic color and booth, according to the common and affecting the others.
4_ The Turkish intervention uses cultural, media, visual and humanitarian soft powers and communication platforms. Perhaps the Turkish media -dir-ected to the Arab people, as well as the Arabic-speaking Brotherhood channels in Istanbul and Ankara, which are a means of the Turkish private war, which broadcasts a discourse of sedition, hatred and hypocrisy sponsored by Turkish intelligence, as well as Turkey’s humanitarian organizations from TIKA And (IHH) as well as religious schools, imams and centers that Turkey opens under different titles and names to pass its policies.
5_ The Turkish intervention aims to change the identity and composition of the population of the areas it targets and occupies, in addition to destroying the values -;--;-of those societies and countries and practicing the policy of ethnic cleansing, demographic change and the policy of hostages through them´-or-through their rejection of terrorist mercenaries. Perhaps what Turkey is doing in Afrin, Serękaniyę (Ras al-Ain) and ira Girę Sipî (Tal Abyad), as well as in al-Bab, Azaz, Jarabulus, al-Bab, Idlib and areas of western Libya and even inside Turkey in the Kurdish areas in Bakur Kurdistan (southeast of Turkey) and also in the areas it occupies in Baş-;-űr Kurdistan ( Kurdistan Region of Ethnicity).
6_ Turkey s use of the Arab peoples, as well as the peoples of the region, as hotbeds of tension and hatcheries for terrorists, their training and organization, as well as as refugees to threaten the world to obtain concessions from global powers, as happens with the European -union-. None of the countries intervening in the region could use the people of the region as a refugee card for the world, as Turkey does. Perhaps Turkey set up tents a few days before the events of Jisr al-Shughour 2011 in Syria, as well as dragging the Syrians to Turkey to work on them, as those who can bear arms are forced by the Turkish intelligence to join its battalions composed of the so-called “Syrian National Army” formed by the Turkish intelligence from rotating al-Qaeda And ISIS, while the rest are used by Turkey as refugees´-or-as tools for its policies such as demographic change.
7_ Because Turkey is a member of NATO, it uses its presence in it and its military, security and technical capabilities that it brought from it during its interventions against the Arab region and others.
8_ Turkey chose a comprehensive intervention after the events of the so-called "Arab Spring", knowing that it paved the way for these interventions at an earlier time by soft means. Many Arab brothers at the time believed that Turkey and Erdogan were the expected model of Islamic rule, rational and open, but when the time for events and revolutions came and a discussion Peoples sought solutions to their problems and crises, then Turkey intervened at a selective time in the presence of power vacuums, as well as chaos, anxiety and tension. In a period less than other interventions, it became controlling Arab capitals such as Doha, Mogadishu and Tripoli, and it had military bases and influence in many other Arab countries, and even occupied more areas of the Arab world than the areas in which Iran and Israel intervened.
9_ Its encirclement of the Arab world and its countries from four -dir-ections from the north-east through its occupation and the establishment of dozens of military and intelligence bases in northern Syria and Iraq and its attempt to encircle the Arab Gulf from Qatar and Yemen in cooperation with Iran and its tools and attempt to encircle and infiltrate the countries of the Maghreb and Egypt through Libya, Tunisia, Mauritania and Somalia.
When thinking about how to achieve national security, we must realize that national security cannot be achieved nationally, ethnically´-or-partially, but rather is an integrative issue for the peoples of the region that requires a comprehensive vision that includes building the human being and ridding him of ignorance, poverty and need and the concepts of nationalist, religious, gender and scientific extremism so that he can protect Its security and the security of its society, administration and state in the face of interference and challenges. Also, achieving national security requires a vision of cooperation, solidarity, integration and alliance between the various peoples of the region who are affected by the same threats, risks and challenges and who have a common history and culture and therefore a common destiny. Perhaps the presence of the Kurds in Turkey is about 30 million, and Iran is about 17 million, and in northern Iraq and northern Syria in the areas close to the Turkish border, and therefore from areas from the city of Boyer Ahmed and Kermanshan over the Persian Gulf in Rojhalat Kurdistan (west of Iran) to the Iskenderun and Adana district in Turkey makes the people The Kurdish, by virtue of its geography, is a shield between the Arab countries on the one hand and Turkey and Iran on the other. This is in addition to the project that the Kurdish people carry (the project of the democratic nation, coexistence and brotherhood of peoples) with its largest political and social organizations such as the Kurdistan Society system and the Kurdistan Workers Party, which makes the Kurdish people and their access to His national and political rights, as well as his right to administer his areas, are part of Arab national security, as well as an important element to reduce, refrain, and even end the threats coming from Turkey and Iran to Arab countries and peoples, as the Kurds obtaining their rights in Turkey and Iran will make them democratic countries and therefore not threatening the neighborhood and unwilling to interfere and threaten Arab national security, as a major and important part of Turkish internal and external policy revolves around the fact that the Kurds do not obtain any rights´-or-constitutional recognition,´-or-even an international forum, that recognizes their existence and their natural rights like the rest of the peoples of the region.
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