Mahmoud Said Kawash
2021 / 5 / 20

“A poetic thought”
By: Mahmoud Said Kawash

Why did most people’s compasses deviate from their healthy destinations?
Why were visions lost and things mixed?
Why were their national affiliations lost?
Why did humanity, eminence, magnanimity and dignity die in them?
Why did passion dry up in their veins and arteries?
Why has disease entrenched in their hearts and weakened them?
Why do they no longer have any regard for morals, religion, land, nation and principles?
Why did their eyes lose their colours, turn to look frequently at the forbidden, their shyness diminish and their crying became scarce?
I will write the guarantee of hopes, but where are they fulfilled?
Where are their fulfillment? Where?
Oh from the sick souls whose doctors have given up
Oh from the sounds of sermons whose respondents have been silenced!!
The graves of sins blew up, leaving the bodies without hearts and minds
Where are the feelings and emotions?
Where are the perception and the meditation?
Why did most people’s compasses deviate from their healthy destinations?
What happened to the people?
What happened?

[email protected]

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