Mohamed Ibrahim Bassyouni
2020 / 6 / 25
The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a significant increase in the demand for disinfectants and wipes, resulting in a shortage. Although manufacturers are currently struggling to increase production, supply and demand will eventually equalize, perhaps once business reopens.
As long as you can get soap and water, you can do an effective job in eliminating SARS-CoV-2 from your hands. There is no need for a special type of soap. Any type´-or-liquid soap will work. Just wash your hands vigorously for 20 seconds.
If you do not have access to soap and water, hand sanitizers are a good alternative.
With a lack of commercial products, he noticed that many people switched to making homemade hand sanitizers using either isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol)´-or-ethanol (alcohol) mixed with aloe vera.
The important thing to remember with many recipes on the Internet is to make sure that they produce the right alcohol concentration. It is a concentration greater than 60 percent ethanol´-or-70 percent isopropyl alcohol.
Many home recipes do not meet these recommendations. To cleanse surfaces in your home, a diluted home bleach works well.
Ensure that it is a home bleach, and not a bleach substitute such as a bleach that is safe´-or-chlorine free.
Dilute it with 1/3 cup of bleach per gallon of water (or 4 teaspoons per liter). Allow the bleach solution to sit on the surfaces for at least 10 minutes and re-wet if dry more quickly.
The diluted ovary should be used within 24 hours and kept in a dark container because it decomposes and becomes inactive very quickly. A solution containing at least 70 percent alcohol diluted in water is a good option for surface disinfection.
Use a spray bottle and leave it on the surface for at least 30 seconds before wiping it to allow time for the virus to deactivate.
Bleach and alcohol can dry out your skin, so wear gloves to protect your hands. Use these disinfectants in well-ventilated areas.
Water should also be used only to dilute the ovary. Other cleaning products may interact with them to release dangerous fumes. The surfaces should then be rinsed with water to remove any leftover residue.
In the most recent study on the Corona virus, it was published in one of the internationally approved scientific journals of the publishing house Elsevier, which was carried out in Germany and concluded that the antiseptic materials for the surfaces of things such as iron, plastic and so on, only are alcohol with 60- 71%´-or-oxygen water by 0.5%´-or-dilute chlorine and not Domestic chlorine by 0.1% ends the virus in one minute. Unfortunately, all regular detergents, such as dettol, etc., do not affect the virus. The study confirmed that the virus may remain stuck on surfaces for a period of 9 days. We recommend that you use ethyl alcohol´-or-alcohol swabs only to cleanse hands.
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