How is the fourth power of journalism

Hanane Saouli
2015 / 10 / 25

The press is the fourth authority of the capacity and capability to influence this de-script-ion is fourth authority not to talk, but due to the 19th-century 18 m, when addressing the English Prosecutor Edmund Burke journalists in the House of Commons saying: You are the fourth authority in the state and died in 1797m, had not been allocated told reporters anywhere in the House of Commons, did not happen except after a fire in the parliament which was years 1834m followed by Thomas karlabl in his book "Hero" highlighted the role played by the heroes of men in history and recounted again echoed Bhas considered Burke that there are three authorities in parliament but if we look to the platform of journalists found there is a fourth power the most important of the three authorities are not the analogy´-or-Rhetoric It is a reality enjoyed for us today of great importance was the first who made the press this de-script-ion of Lord Thomas Macaulay said the year 1823 to the neighborhood, stabilize the press had tomorrow the fourth authority of the kingdom.
Since then, pencils Shiite hawzah [seminary] where this de-script-ion of the press as the Fourth Authority and different views on this de-script-ion of the press as the fourth authority between supporter and opponent:
Dr. Ismail Al Ghazal felt that the press is the fourth authority in the state because the most effective means to influence the political authority and public opinion.
While the head of the Egyptian press Mohammad elbaaliki that the de-script-ion of the press of the fourth authority in addition to the constitutional authorities of the three, a non-constitutional because the press is the moral authority and the authority only lies in the extent of its ability to influence public opinion.
In the opinion of Dr. Gamal Eddin elatifi in reviews of another in the legitimacy and freedom of the press described the fourth authority was not sound because freedom of ranged exercised and not the view that must be guaranteed (scheduled in the democratic system) every citizen that de-script-ion of the press will not be a magic stick to solve its problems in developing countries Problemson monopolizing the developed countries technological means and control over the news agencies capable of providing developing countries with information and other problems in addition to the tyranny of the slogans on the contents and promote consensus in favor of approval of the ruling authorities and industry and a withdrawal of the Consensus of constructive opposition made the custom is one pace if not addressing all these problems, any talk of the Fourth Authority would merely repeating slogans And it will continue to reins of freedom problems Between the power of the State Trechah little´-or-is attracted to them without turning into a firm conviction, a legal system of the State, also committed individuals they know in advance the delimitation and controls if the matter power, whether legislative, executive´-or-judicial proceedings that affect the community members be reconsidered the laws´-or-regulations´-or-resolutions´-or-the provisions of according to the validity of the authority granted to it under the provisions of the Constitution, the press is not constitutional authority, thus pratice any mandatory force developing under the Constitution and therefore cannot be described as the fourth authority in addition to the constitutional authorities, there is no doubt that the strong sought political´-or-economic´-or-partisan to contain the press control through its material support for its own interests political´-or-personal in the country assures us that the press played an active role in influencing the policy The State and public opinion´-or-otherwise the sought these powers Statistics on it to make.
Hence the us that the press actual authority influential in the people but not the authority of a legal obligation conferred on them by the constitution can be described as a popular authority but not a fourth power an independent constitutional authorities in the state they affect the people but Syndrome lawWhat is publishedsupport of ideas and opinions and criticism of political, social and economic, where they depend in the popular authority,´-or-actual strength of logical analysis and influential role in the souls which makes people affected by the newspaper opinion and Persuade by the best evidence of actual impact is that most governors In States feel to the organized and restrictions many legal to-limit- their freedom and influence.

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