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Was 9/11 a �Natural Disaster�? Sohel Bahjat 2016 / 6 / 18 Labor movement and trade unions 
Was 9/11 a �Natural Disaster�? Sohel Bahjat 2016 / 6 / 18 Secularism, religion, political Islam 
American Confusion in the Middle East: The Solution Sohel Bahjat. 2015 / 11 / 10 Secularism, religion, political Islam 
The Rise of the evil: a new age of Fundamental Islamism Sohel Bahjat 2013 / 11 / 19 Terrorism, war and peace 
Is America going to war? Sohel Bahjat 2013 / 4 / 25 Terrorism, war and peace 
Daniel Pipes, The wrong explanation about Syria! Sohel Bahjat 2013 / 4 / 25 Terrorism, war and peace 
Gilgamesh and the struggle of civilization vs nomadic culture Sohel Bahjat 2011 / 9 / 10 Research topics and political essays 


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