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To Judith butler elsaied abdelghani Elsaied Abdelghani  2022 / 7 / 11 Literature and art 
In the streams of virtual and reality - elsaied abdelghani Elsaied Abdelghani  2022 / 7 / 11 Literature and art 
To a Muse Elsaied Abdelghani  2022 / 2 / 18 Literature and art 
From poetry book Game of Null Elsaied Abdelghani  2022 / 2 / 18 Literature and art 
god of null Elsaied Abdelghani  2022 / 2 / 17 Literature and art 
criticism of theology 1 Elsaied Abdelghani  2022 / 2 / 17 Secularism, religion, political Islam 
My surreal dreams Elsaied Abdelghani  2022 / 2 / 17 Literature and art 
Escape from the room and society Elsaied Abdelghani  2021 / 8 / 2 Literature and art 
from the ruins of the first formation Elsaied Abdelghani  2019 / 7 / 22 Literature and art 
poem - My angry caves - Elsaied Abdelghani  2019 / 7 / 22 Literature and art 


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