The Concept of God

Butrus Pio
2008 / 4 / 8

The Concept of God
By Butrus Pio
Voltaire once said “Si Dieu n’existait pas il faudrait l’enventai.” “If God did not exist it would be necessary to invent Him”. That was actually what happened. He was invented on the pattern of Polytheistic gods. He loves, He hates, He revenges, He is jealous, He is egoistic, If you do not prostrate and adore Him you would be damned and punished to eternity. In other words He has human characteristics.

On the allegation that God created man in His own image according to the Old Testament Voltaire says, “Si Dieu nous a fait a son image, nous le lui avons bien rendu”. “ If God created us in His own image, we have returned to him the favour”.

Man’s intellect is incapable of thinking of the universe as coming from void and there has to be some being which caused it to happen and that being is God. But the problem is that either God came from void or is eternal, both of these concepts being foreign to the cognizance of man’s intellect.

When major catastrophes like the Black Death, floods or earthquakes occur they are attributed to God and when you ask why the answer would be because people have sinned or we should not look for the reason because God’s ways are unknown, or the bad happenings are attributed to another imaginary being: SATAN. Now the thing which boggles the mind is if God is all powerful how come He has allowed this evil being to survive.

The fact is that if we have to assume the existence of this cause, call Him whatever you wish: Prime Mover, Grand Architect or God He would be too sublime and elevated to care what I do or not do in this world. This cause has presumably created the universe and set the laws according to which the universe is ruled and that is it. He does not interfere with the details but lets the universe evolve within the laws of nature He has set.

I earnestly believe that if man is capable of giving up the belief in the religious mythology he will be living more peacefully and happily than he is at present.

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