Freedoms Suppression

Mohsen Dhafer GHARIB
2006 / 12 / 7

Dear Ms Ana Maria Cabanellas; Editorial Heliasta S.R.L/ Presidency, Argentina
On behalf of Prinses of Netherland; Maxima & Wajiha ALHOWAIDER
Peace and Freedom Coalition Organization handled the topic of arresting the Saudi Writer
and Resercher Wajiha ALHOWAIDER. She is suffering harassments since 2003. She was
prohibited to publish her work at any media channel upon the resolution of Ministry of Information.

The arrest of the Saudi Writer while she was walking on the bridge connecting Saudi Arabia with Bahrain holding a banner that stated "Give Women their rights". She was arrested on 4 August 2006 because she insisted to practice her right to express her opinion.
Beside the fact that ALHOWAIDER s right to freedom of expression has been violation of the Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination Against Women, which Saudia has ratified.

It is worth mentioning that ALHOWAIDER has won the mentioning that International Writers
Association and was honored in 2004 in Netherland.
The patriot authers and writers are killed migrating outside( I am outside Iraq since 1983 ).

Sincerely Yours
M. Dhafer GHARIB
[email protected]

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