Thus we sing...(2)

Rita Odeh
2007 / 12 / 5

Another piece of bob corn; coincides with the announcement of the presenter on the fall of a tribe of innocent people who tried to flee the terror of death, under the rubble of a house; were shot by (smart) missiles on the public highway.

Many other pop corn pieces...
When will the order arrive..?!
It is being delayed beyond any patience of waiting.
My blood began to curdle. Paralysis conquers my mouth.
A door knocks!
I take the order.
What a beautiful coffin? It is exactly my size.
I lay inside it.
Death is a defeat, but who cares..?!.
My death will pass peacefully.
No mouth will come to mourn me.
Do I care..?!

A moment before pulling the coffin cover over me, the smell of moldiness, emerged from various directions, with different intensities.


Dec. 2007

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