What is next in our love?

Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef
2024 / 1 / 18

In the realm of love, where hearts entwine,
Where passions burn, and souls combine,
What s next, we wonder, with hearts so fine?

Will it be joy,´-or-tears to come?
Will our love bloom,´-or-wither in the sun?
Only time will tell, as we move as one,
In this dance of love, where we ve just begun.

Our love is like a rose in bloom,
Ever-changing, yet forever in tune,
With each passing day, it grows and glows,
A bond so strong, that time can t undo.

So let us cherish, this love we share,
And face the future, with hearts so fair,
For in each other, we ll find our care,
And in our love, we ll find our repair.

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