Mahmoud Said Kawash
2023 / 9 / 6

Poem by Mahmoud Said Kawash

In your presence
I am stripped of everything and there is nothing left for me except you
I deliberately pretend not to live inside you
I try in vain to distance myself from you
But imagining your departure hurts me and causes me internal division
A blade of your light goes far into my darkness
It drains me, hurts me, and makes me cry as I have never cried before
I stretch inside your being
Your longing for me grows and is embodied in my entire being.
It hugs my finer parts
How many lies and false masks do I need to live life without you?
I stand in front of a mirror
I am delirious in the dark of the night
I unite with myself, with a flute and a sad melody
They go beyond the-limit-s of your being
And with a boat that takes me to islands in the dream sky
They missed beaches which your feet can’t tread
Where I migrate to die secretly
But as usual
I see you passing along the spectrum of love
And inhabit the wave travelling to its full extent
Your footsteps carry you close to me as far as I’m away from you
I whisper warm words in your ear coming from the heart and the soul
Words asking you to leave and go far away
You reply and give me some touches in which I feel the mirage of my life
Touches which invite you to be embodied on my land
Words I’m tired of leaving between the lines of my silence
Accompanied by the travelling pen and the wreckage of my thoughts
Words tell you that I am an exceptional woman!
For as long as I waited, I couldn’t wait any longer

[email protected]

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