Mahmoud Said Kawash
2023 / 8 / 23

Mahmoud Said Kawash

My dream leads me to you
I respond to my feelings latent inside my depths
I close my eyes
I draw you as a lonely departed spectrum, as myself
Your whispers touch me and let my heart dance
I hear them with love, perhaps better than you hear mine
You respond to my special wishes and demands
So I rest with you the for longest time I can
Then I depart with you to a nap of my time
To an island that has not yet been trodden, even by dreams
To an island teeming with natural life and warm sun
Which announces a departure without promises of return
To the orbits which do not belong to this existence
Which take me back to the memory of the past days
Dreaming rooms of deaf walls inhabit my soul
Carrying nothing except your love words
Like a flute that sings my silence
My heart follows the prayers of a legend
To show you the real love I keep for you
I flow inside you like the autumn’s blossoms falling
Like the falling of my age
Why do you look sad and does the blade of whispers annoy you?
I sniff a smile through my mouth
To wipe away all your sadness and tears
I live in cities of no return
I show you a spectrum of candles
I give you a lifetime of legends
I hear you with the voice of lovers
I die a thousand times when I see you there
As far away as the moon!!

[email protected]

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