Mahmoud Said Kawash
2023 / 7 / 31

By: Mahmoud Said Kawash

It is destined to make me live in a dream of meeting him
It is destined for my soul to dwell in the caves of his waiting
I feel as if he lives inside me…Inhabits me
The ringing of age’s phone heralds me of my destiny
So I rise up and collect the features of his voice from my soul
Then I imagine that I am the spring flower of his youth
For his eyes I wish to be all women
I wear the spirit of the spring smile
Enjoy the summer night breeze
Enjoy the mystery of autumnal bloom
Enjoy the calmness of winter warmth
My clothes do not reflect the desires of his eyes
I put them on while I listen to his hymns of love, which revive my longing for him
So I send him a flaming longing
To burn the remnants of time between me and him
My joy is flying around me, blowing the stillness of my skies
All the spaces will not accommodate my madness when I see him!!
My moment stops at the ticking of the clock
Announcing the birth of a happy meeting
Embracing my flowers, I water from the heartbeat of my life, to dedicate them to him
After stripping of all the thorns of existence and cheering to my love
Yes, I miss him
As if I live my life to wait for that moment only
The ticking of the clock alerts me of the birth of the meeting
No, no, no
The ticking of the clock awakens me to death
Woe, woe from my dream
My eyes feel cold!!
When his eyelids embrace the light of life
The dream finishes and the warmth vanishes
Leaving me behind to catch my longing for him
Silence exceeds my-limit-s
I beg the night to quench my thirst
Even from the grains of fog
He may come back again
No body knows, God knows!!

[email protected]

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