“To the Nightingale of my soul”

Ahmed Al-Shahmani
2007 / 5 / 8

How shall I make it true?
I can’t believe it
I don’t want to believe it
Oh, world - stand not blind and deaf
Like an old book lying on a dirty shelf
Do speak, do shout, and do refuse the decision
Keep not silent like an inanimate stone
Share me the bitter anguish, share me what I feel.

The sky that once gathered all the stars
The innocent smile that once beautified the scene
The musical voice that once danced the flying birds
The butterfly that once passed from petal to petal
It’s a pity, now is no longer with us.

Without farewell the flower withers
Without farewell the moon disappears
Without farewell you “my sweetheart” suddenly departs
I wonder how trivial our life is!

We’re just memories, tales on the lips of time;
Who’ll stop the wheel of time?
And prevents the unexpected end
And restores the lovely smile
That was once shining on every face
Oh, what a ridiculous joke our life is!
Oh, God - may I have your forgiveness?

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