Democracy in Iraq

Ahmed Al-Shahmani
2007 / 4 / 24

Democracy is the first essential core in building new free prosperous nation; it should not be as just a word in a missing book over a dusty forgotten shelf ; instead it has to be coexisted according to certain principles and ideologies in order to prove its entire success.
Iraqis warmly hailed the new era of the so called democratic transformations; they are enthusiastic enough to see their country in new phase of liberation from all colors of dictatorship , tyranny , suppression and injustice that colored their lives for more than three decades of time in which they painfully paid very high taxes in terms of gross graves , long destructive wars , genocide which caused to stop the wheel of progress in all fundamental aspects of life :economically , culturally , politically , communicatively and scientifically due to the mistaken policy of the former dictator regime.

Today we are seeing a new era of democratic changes warmly welcomed by the rise of new generation whose hearts burn for democracy and freedom. We have already witnessed within a period of one year the pretty festivals of the three political processes of the two elections of 31 January 2005, 15 December 2005 and referendum of 15 October about the new Iraqi constitution which really gave a pretty impression to all countries over all the world that Iraqis are lovers of democracy and will dedicate themselves for watering the fresh seeds of democracy by their pure blood so as to be as lovely flowers in the garden of Iraq regardless the barbarous acts of the terrorists who strongly aim at stopping the wheel of democracy from taking its real action in Iraq. For Iraqis, I would dare say, democracy is the spark that will definitely create a different Iraq with a different political system.

Iraqis are optimistically laying the stone of gigantic foundation of real democracy which will be the beginning of correct road towards prosperity, peace, equality and progress though the beginning is always difficult yet the true enthusiasm, cooperation and solidarity of all Iraqis will make it easy.

To move towards true democracy and overcome the obstacles that might obstruct it from the very beginning , I believe we need to be truly transparent , fair and serious in applying certain aspects that strongly push the wheel of mutual understanding of all Iraqis forward ; we need to exercise and activate the real principles of reconciliation among all colors and categories of citizens in order to keep away from exercising the destructive policy of racial discrimination through sticking to the language of ethnicity , religion , gender , color or division according to the preferable geographical areas ; we need also to keep our word in dealing with reconstruction of the whole damaged infrastructure of all civic institutions and government offices which play great role in restoring the missing confidence and tranquility to the Iraqi citizens who somehow seem to have lost the least trust and credibility because of the tremendous errors committed every day in the broad day light in terms of administrative corruption , favoritism and the political bias ( influence) of some category since the most important essence in the democracy is to provide the sufficient atmosphere for all people in fair opportunities in the sense of finding equal work opportunities , finding good economical level for all poor families , dealing intelligently with the most necessary demands of everyday life , finding rapid logical solutions to the problems of increasing prices, dealing seriously with the problems of environment in all Iraqi provinces , public facilities , put an end to the problem of unemployment , civic education and welcoming the opposite constructive opinions or allowing the peaceful demonstrations to express whatever might be said frankly without resorting to the use of physical force.

I believe to achieve a very successful democracy in Iraq; we have, for instance, to follow the good examples of democracies being established in some western countries such as Germany, Republic of Czech, Yugoslavia and some others through holding continuous training courses in order to make full use of these ideal experiences; that consequently create a sort of intermarriage of democratic ideas which might possibly be applied into fruitful action.

We have also to remember that democracy is built on certain common foundations that should transparently and flexibly be taken into consideration: These are:-
o Freedom of speech.
o Freedom of assembly.
o Free economy.
o Freedom of political affiliation.
o Freedom of press.
o Independent judiciary.
o Freedom of worship.

In addition to that we have to strongly encourage the civil society institutions to take a great role in monitoring and evaluation the political process; giving women the real fair opportunity through participation in the political process and establishing a leadership institute to train Iraqi women on civic and political leadership skills, organizing and implementing public advocacy campaigns which support the new born democracy in Iraq.

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