The accomplished doctor who specializes in dentistry in the Tataouine Governorate in the southeastern Tunisian KADI YOUSSEF: Medicine: ethics, professionalism, and noble human spirit

Med Mansouri
2020 / 3 / 19

To start with, I am referring to being neither a professional of praise nor a master of throwing roses on this..or that, I hope that I will preserve my cultural pardon, as the late Egyptian Doctor Mahmoud Amin says .. except sometimes I find myself obliged - forced will - to praise some men Haddenoa age days and laughed part of their lives to do good and win what possessed Amnahm for the poor, the sick and impaired case in accordance with the words of Almighty God: It is not righteousness that they turn away your faces before the east and Morocco, but righteousness believes in Allah and the Last day and the angels and the book and Alnabiy Wati money on his love of kin and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and beggars in the necks and set up prayer and bring Zakat and Almovon Bahdhm If the covenant and steadfast in Alboads and adversity, while bass those who believe, and those are the righteous (177) (cow)
He who lends to God a good loan will multiply it to him many times over, and God catches and simplifies, and to him (Return):
Medicine is a noble profession honored by God, which is an industry besides being a science that needs to be studied, and an art that needs practice. It is also a noble human message presented by its bearer to whoever needs it as a friend´-or-enemy. This industry surpasses all other trades and professions.
It is well known that medicine has an indisputable position for Arabs since ancient times, and doctors have an undeniable dignity. There is a famous saying attributed to Imam Al-Shafi’i, may God have mercy on him (I do not know the most noble and forbidden knowledge of medicine), because medicine, which contains buried secrets about disease and the sick, needs a noble knight who adheres to the sword of virtuous morals to wage the battle of an individual’s life towards recovery.
Nobility is a beautiful and majestic creation, and it is assumed that the one who shows it must approach himself with the perfection of the best morals and the best qualities.
If we live in an abhorrent material age, in which vice morals are overshadowed by greed, selfishness, ingratitude, and cruelty, and sublime concepts and values. Doctors must stand in the way of a bulwark in front of the tyranny of this material revolution because ethics and medical ideals are the basis of the medical profession at all times and places.
In all countries of the world there are government laws and regulations that largely regulate the practice of the medical profession, but in reality it is far from the laws and regulations. Doctors ’behavior in the practice of the medical profession is governed by ethics that are not imposed by laws but are voluntarily accepted by all workers in the profession.
These ethics are self-originating and originated thousands of years ago and are called ethics profession
Medical ethics means respectful practice of the profession, this practice self-regulates the relationship of physicians to each other, and determines the doctor’s relationship with the patient, then the doctor’s relationship with society.
Professional ethics impose more restrictions and duties on the doctor than government legal restrictions.
We are currently in greatest need to stimulate and stimulate anxiety in the hearts of the medical profession to revive those ethics and adhere to and activate them, to be a beacon to follow as they have always been throughout the ages in the nobility of ethics and the transcendence of values. They will be the best role model for those who come after them and wish to practice the medical profession.
Dr. Al-Fath A (a specialist in dentistry) is the righteous son of the governorate of Tataouine in the southeast of Tunisia. He grew up for many years in the -dir-ection of Tataouine until he became a righteous son of this city, which lies on the boundaries between living hardships and challenging difficulties. , With high morals and a compassionate heart that helps patients, especially those in need, and gives alms to what you have left over on people with empty stomachs and stomachs.
Here, I remind the noble reader of the virtues and benefits of charity: doubling reward and reward twice as much for those who spend and give in the way of God from his good halal gain, whereby the charitable one will come on the Day of Resurrection to find his good deeds like the mountains as a result of his good work and in the hadith: (Who gives charity after a date from a good earning, And God does not accept anything but good, for God accepts it with his right hand and then raises it to its owner as one of you raises it up until it is like a mountain). [2 ---] Expiation of bad deeds and sins, as charity as stated in the noble hadith extinguishes sin as water extinguishes fire. Al-Motassadeq shade under the shadow of the Most Merciful on the day there is no shadow except its shadow Increasing money, blessing and development thanks to charity, and in the hadith: (There is no shortage of charity money). [3] In order to protect the servant from evils and calamities, Ibn al-Qayyim, may God have mercy on him, mentioned this wondrous effect that is felt by him who gave his money even if he was an infidel´-or-unjust. The supplication of the angels to the charitable ones, for there is no day except two angels which will be from the supplication of one of them, O God, granting a successor, and the other says, O God, giving hold of the damage [4] to purify the soul of the Muslim, and cleanse it of scarcity and miserliness, and to give it the meanings of goodness and generosity, [4] The Almighty said: ( And whoever yearns for scarcity, these are the peasantry.) (5)
I remembered the doctor-who gave birth to the governorates of Tataouine together, and gave birth to a tall doctor in the field of dentistry to assure that charity and good are indispensable for them. Your prayers dwell for them and God is all-knowing. ”Repentance / verse 103.
The noble verse shows the virtue of charity and that it is an atonement for sins that erases sins, and commits its owner to purify it and exalt himself.
And with all the credit for charity, its merit is greater and its effect is greater if it is in Ramadan, because it is the most honorable of the months and the reward for it is multiplied many times over. The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was the finest of people, and he was the finest in Ramadan, he was better than good from the sent wind,

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