Why is it imperative to support the BDS movement?

Omar Yousef
2020 / 2 / 2

In the wake of the Deal of the Century, a unilateral Israeli- influenced deal with a capital I, rejection voices are growing louder and louder. Coronavirus, however, overshadows the deal altogether. Despite the gravity of the modern day plague, when it comes to prejudiced human rights, something of a more pressing nature always takes over.

In China, 10,000 coronavirus cases were reported bringing the death toll to 259 in the past few hours. All of a sudden, the world is alarmed by the outbreak of unrest. Economics dwarfs the impact of the epidemic and scare-mongering works best in view of the circumstances.

Should facts and figures be reported? Is it a biological warfare targeting China? Is it a means to distract the world from events with a much higher death toll? Is it a biological weapon serving the pharmaceutical industry stock market?´-or-is it simply a tool of unrivaled effect to pave way for smooth implementation of the deal that would restructure the world from the Middle East outward?

Speaking modern day death tolls, Iraq war casualties following the US intervention arrived at one million and counting, 151,000 of which were violent deaths. Remaining deaths were inaudible and indifferent just like the death of those infected with coronavirus. On the executor’s end, between 480,000 and 507,000 people have been killed in the United States post-9/11 wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Deaths in Syria were estimated by 585,000 and counting. 24,000 people were killed in Myanmar and 47,000 in Kashmir. In Palestine, it’s a different story, 5 million deaths have been reported since 1948 and counting.

Interestingly, the world has never been alarmed! Obviously, the right to life has never been the issue.

Post the announcement of the Deal of the Century, Israeli forces carried out their usual activities but this time starting afresh with youthful vigor and enthusiasm. Israeli bulldozers demolished 70 Palestinian homes, blocked access to Al Aqsa Mosque and kept on with the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. The world looks the other way as coronavirus has more of a fear factor to it. Palestine is far, coronavirus is within reach.

Jared Kushner, a total outsider but a Jew, which gives him the right to stick his nose in just about any Middle Eastern affair, suggested to forget about the past and rock the cradle of pragmatism. Practicing what he preached, it would have been about time for the world to forget about the holocaust. Not with a Jewish hand rocking the cradle!

The Israeli proposal scares the wits out of the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly demanding their endorsement to what fundamentally challenges their own Charter and undermines their integrity as human rights preserving bodies. Likewise, the International Criminal Court, the International Court of Justice, other tribunals and the Interpol are bullied into sweeping aside any claim filed before them against an Israeli, which defies the very foundation of the entities in question.

The ultimate deal reads “the PLO and the Palestinian Authority shall:
2. Take no action, and shall dismiss all pending actions, against the State of Israel, the United States and any of their citizens before the International Criminal Court, the International Court of Justice, and all other tribunals-;-
3. Take no action against any Israeli´-or-United States citizen before Interpol´-or-any non-Israeli´-or-United States (as applicable) legal system.”

What about boycott?

While boycott is the most peaceful method of protest that falls within every individual’s freedom of choice, the Deal of the Century criminalizes boycott against Israeli products. “The emergence of this new reality of regional integration will require a fundamental change in international politics. In the diplomatic sphere, in particular, the Arab countries, along with the State of Palestine, should cease to support anti-Israel initiatives at the United Nations and in other multilateral bodies. In particular, they should not lend their support to any efforts intended to delegitimize the State of Israel. These countries are expected to end any boycott of the State of Israel and oppose the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (commonly referred to as BDS) movement and any other effort to boycott the State of Israel. The United States views the BDS movement as destructive towards peace, and will oppose any activity that advances BDS´-or-other restrictive trade practices targeting Israel.”

The BDS movement advocates the same principles behind the NAACP boycott carried out by African Americans in the sixties in demand for racial justice. The supreme court upheld the NAACP boycott on grounds of composing of elements protected under the First Amendment. Speech, assembly and petition are rightful and boycott legality depends on the goal of boycotters. The court concluded that boycott is entitled to even greater protection when justice is sought.

Jews were once in the shoes of Palestinians, only then, boycott was a right preserved for Jews against Germany. The Anti-Nazi Boycott of 1933 stands witness to an international Jewish call for boycott of German products in response to violence. Identical to Israelis today, Nazis denounced the boycott and depicted it as an act of aggression calling for extreme countermeasures. In early 21st century, American Jews boycotted Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz and BMW for assumed connection with Nazism.

The BDS movement, like all boycotts throughout history, makes a difference. If a one state solution is at all viable, it has to advocate equal rights and a blind folding both eyes of lady justice. Equal rights, include without-limit-ation, the right to boycott, the only approach available to achieve justice in the case of Palestinians.

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