Change mind to change life

Midia Habash
2020 / 1 / 11

How to stop your inner critic in an instant and calm your mind
• Try to see objectively where your ego is coming from. Take a look underneath the critic s judgment to see how it s trying to SERVE you.
Thank your inner critic for doing its best to help you, but also remind yourself that there is no need for achieving PERFECTION as it s not necessary & realistic.
• Forgive yourself for any judgments that your ego made and be open + receptive to its suggestions that might help you approach things differently and thus, succeeding where your old approaches failed.
• Be easy on yourself. Don t beat yourself up if you didn t hit all your goals. Remember, there is only feedback, never failure.

How do you quieten your inner critic and make your higher self & your ego become homies who work as a team?
Befriending and aligning these two voices in my head has been such a journey for me, but it has leveled up the quality of my thoughts in so many ways.

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