The Noble Prize & Magic

Freeyad Ibrahim
2016 / 9 / 17

The Noble Prize & Magic

By Freeyad brahim

Noble Prize is recently mostly awarded to the literature works that deals with Magic realism and epic themes, imagine.
Imagine the fiction King of Flies, by: William Golding, Danzing Triologie, by: Günter grass, The Blue Eye, by: Tony Morrison, A hundred Years of Solitude, by: Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
It was contradictory for Hemmingway who wrote in his Old Man and the Sea:( Man can be destroyed, but never defeated.)
Yet he himself was finally defeated ending his life in this miserable way.
He took a double-barreled shotgun to the front of the house and.
In the foyer, he put the twin barrels against his forehead, reached down, pushed his thumb against the trigger and blew his brains out.


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