My theories on a valuable subject of ozone depletion and climate change

Hadi Nasser Saeed al-Baqir
2016 / 7 / 2

My theories on a valuable subject of ozone depletion and climate change

Hadi Nasser Saeed al-Baqir

SUMMARY Knave and my proposal on the subject and documented in the Central Library .. and the hypotheses of my own .. has begun achieved discoveries which were only Allan recently ".. but in my serving and kills is its ignorance on every initiative is a national .. and this causes delayed us???!!?. thwart In my country is Alo? .. and the success of the failed? ..
Firs-t :Before getting into the subject of research, and as an introduction to the basic search .. has to be noted that the problems of environmental pollution .. can not be considered local problems .. but the problems are global in nature as a result of the unity of the environment and is blessed with soil and its water. The basis is the globalization of the unit in the environment and the universe .. and the original unit in humans .. unity and unification starters my God .. we infer from this ((.. and the globalization of environmental problems and the globalization of environmental disasters ..)) .. recent Floods in Europe and in Asia, advanced backward. . quoted in both man to the level of one of the weaknesses .. Vtaatsawoa in underdevelopment and pain was tougher than the European pain isoform redneck .. Underdevelopment is a state of disaster ... and continuing problems of pollution of the environment must be resolved in a manner (globalization) .. any scientific cooperation .. the international and popular .. and sustainable development in the environment must be a way (globalization) ... but that imperialism and colonization of trying to distort the meaning of (globalization) .. to make them the globalization of banking and capital exploiter and companies big corporate and state control powerful military one .. This contrasts with environmental laws and globalization based on the will and the planning, but Leahy. Colonial states seeking to make it the subject of environmental pollution and narrowing of globalization colonialism Hlthakik two objectives:
1 - stop the growth of developing countries .. This means
death .. growth and evolution of environmental law
2 - transfer of heavy industries devastated the environment .. borne to developing countries ..
Secondly, let s look
first: What is ozone? And how it is made up?
Ozone is a gas .. a three-O3 oxygen´-or-oxygen while consists of two atoms and O2 .. Ozone is a gas .. Blue color gives the hemisphere to those considered by the blue color of outer space surrounded by a blue .. and the blue of the sky is the bluest of the ozone .. and the blue of the ocean is the blue of the sky .. and is on the ground, ozone gas is harmful to humans .. In the upper layers is a layer works as a shield protects the earth from the risk of radiation that comes from outer space, solar radiation such as ultraviolet wavelength:
1 - (3200-3900) Ankströ-;-m 2 - (2400-3200) Ankströ-;-m 3 - (2000-2400) Ankströ-;-m
Q: How Ozone is formed? O3
1 - First of all we have to know how to consist of oxygen? O2
A - prevailing theory: that the process of representation Alkruvili plant produces oxygen O2 and this is true .. but the proportion of oxygen resulting from this process produces about 30% of the total production of oxygen .. mostly breathe plant and animal .. while the fires consume a lot of oxygen .. as well as Oxygen is necessary to sustain the process of self-purification of the ocean bio .. because any contamination consumes oxygen to get rid of cleaning and purifying the environment and perpetuate cycles elements B. C. O. D, B. O. D. Pollution greater in the environment whenever exhausted .. more oxygen so you must maintain a lack of overtaking the quantity and speed of pollution .. on the carrying capacity of the environment and the speed of their ability to self-purification .. This key starters in environmental protection and conservation.
B - and then came the theory (Lamont Cole, 1970) .. which between them that 70% of the supply of oxygen in the -
Earth comes through chemical decomposition of water vapor in the upper atmosphere H2O into hydrogen (2H2O H2 +2 O2) so there is no fear of depletion and the disappearance of oxygen, because it constitutes the ozone, hydrogen and water one block constant intervention in the transformation of a continuous cycle.
How does a gas ozone O 3? Is by chemical decomposition of the oxygen molecule O 2 in the upper atmosphere by ultraviolet rays
Oxygen atoms O + O O2 partial oxygen
Oxygen atoms O + O O2 partial oxygen
Oxygen atoms O + O O2 partial oxygen
O3 + O3
Destroy all three molecules of oxygen, ozone is produced in two parts
Q: Why rising gas molecule ozone O 3 to the peaks of the ozone layer? The partial ozone is heavier than oxygen molecule O 2 is supposed to be deposited molecule ozone down into the atmosphere.
Find Suppose two new assumptions:
A - The first assumption is that: - the ozone molecule is heavier than oxygen gas ... but milder air from the perimeter, which consists mostly of 70% nitrogen gas N 2 ... so it floats on the surface of the ozone layer of the atmosphere more than the Ambassador Tropas phere to be in the ozone layer layer Astra Tose-var-Stratus sphere .. while the neutral oxygen gas with the weight of the atmosphere remains widespread distributed in the atmosphere by 21%.
B - The second assumption: that the planet has their own attractiveness as a body attracts him objects located him, but the globe working as a body magnetic his lines of magnetic connected from the North Pole to the South Pole consisting room looks like a magnetic shield (such as belt Van Allen) .. and these magnetic liken membrane surrounds flattened and covered Kalsdfah Oyster Pearl surrounded inside ... and magnetic lines come out of a small circle in the Arctic circle like it extended to the South Pole ... In the poles in self eliminates the effect of magnetic force (gravity) .. On these points weaken the magnetic force It consists detente between the magnetic lines in the Arctic, as in the Antarctic ... and this membrane´-or-magnetic shield located layer of miso ambassador and the end of the Ainu ambassador .. and shipment molecule ozone strong triple negative O3, they are attracted to the membrane magnetic lines to gather there in the form of belts stratified ozone gas to be the ozone layer in the layer AstraTosevar.

What is magnetism?

No one knows adjusts ... and says the official text of the College of Engineering on the field magnets (1) (It should be noted that the magnetic ground is very complex in spite of the imposition of the new German (Walter) (2) based on currents fluid in the heart of the earth. Because still facts by lean and well-known of which things are conflicting on the theory true about the origin of geomagnetism is elusive) (According to Maxwell s equations in a magnetic field: the iceberg field depends on the value of the shape vector of the field and on the value of real-time pass in the article. value format depends on the movement of the axis and inclination angle ). From this ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ
(1) the theory of Gog and Magog, as contained in the Koran about the story Zulkarnain
(2) the theory of the German Alhgnatise W

We see that there is a clear link between earthquakes and the magnetic force of the planets. And look to see that the earth seismic line is located in the northern hemisphere, which makes the land in the north and near the pole more flood magnetically so that they can Imlie notch´-or-watching generated from the vacuum caused by the magnetic lines ..
Unlike so we see that the area surrounding the Antarctic Pole At the same .. they are free of the iceberg magnetic composition has the ability to fill in and bridge the notch formed.
Third, the question now is: When is the oxygen? O 2 .. and when the water be? H 2 O to answer these questions relationship research and biography .. Scientists believe that hydrogen H 2 is one of the elements appeared in the universe after the Big Bang the universe then asparagus did not respond indicating that they spoke about the presence of oxygen.
However, the Quran came verse (30) of the Al-Anbiya what I have concluded that the presence of oxygen in the early stages of the evolution of the universe be. In the name of God the Merciful ((not those who disbelieve, that heaven and earth were sewn together and made from water every living thing
believe IFLA)) Almighty God. (1)
A - She verse clarity after the Big Bang the universe -dir-ectly to Almighty God decided to create the life of water and water composite of elemental hydrogen H 2 + and an oxygen O 2 .. Wherever there is water in the universe there is life .. It is the same picture of life on Earth .. The unity of the universe had to be unity of life ..
B - guide and search another hypothesis that oxygen was present in the ancient land and atmosphere, unlike other theories Fterdah ..
We find that the oxygen constitutes about 48% of the earth s crust and 29% of the Earth s mass, and 65% of the human body and life .. This is proof he was already heavily with hydrogen in the earth material and the gaseous envelope surrounding it when the land mass of inflamed ... and because of the heat massive burns hydrogen combined with oxygen and the process of a large, ongoing, consists of water H 2 o in the form of (gas) in huge quantities, and because of the heat was a gas water rises far into space, where cooling is due Mtkatva cooled the earth s atmosphere and for millions of years has become a globe surrounded by huge quantities of water vapor and clouds and began unloading the electric component of the massive rain and ozone, which lasted millions of years Fberd Earth s surface and topography formed and collapsed The seas and oceans. The decomposition of water vapor into oxygen and ozone into this .. shall be atmospheric ozone layer .. then Basmkha great life began to emerge and appeared neighborhoods giant animal and plant .. then exposed to the age of the Earth from volcanoes .. Turan began decreasing the ozone layer and climate change is torn .. The ice ages began Vankarzt giant creatures .. and start a new T. stages of its evolution over the land and the current climate .. and man at the head of organisms ..
The fear now .. the evolution of human and scientific and technological ability that he took affect adversely affected by boiling the environment and climate, which began sabotaging reflected the ozone layer .. This raises fears of climate change and rupture of the ozone layer and the start of a new ice ages.
Fourth, parents Mickey balance of oxygen in nature
A - is the theory of hypothetical search. New default and demonstrated the validity of search logically. The ozone layer
depends on the process (balance parents Mickey oxygen nature) that the percentage of oxygen always maintain stability atmosphere of 21% .. as Azadt burn the land and if I strangle the life .. and the percentage of oxygen fixed necessary for snakes and water purification is 14 / part / million .. The soil in the class of agricultural (30 cm) is 21% oxygen free .. If increased production of oxygen ocean of life, it moves to shift to ozone shall restoration of the ozone layer (there is always a reserve of ozone originating in the upper atmosphere of the restoration process) and if increased production of oxygen it turns surplus About 21% of the ozone gas works to increase the thickness of the ozone layer. If the increased pollution in the water - for example - the process of self-purification of water consumption of dissolved oxygen primitive if you say accounted for about 14 / part / million, the water of oxygen Istmayor
T. - And there air Say about 21%, the atmosphere makes up what is missing from the destruction of the ozone layer begins layer
(1) This hypothesis and I Afterdtha sense of the shift in the Quranic verse? Because the science says there is only a hydrogen explosion at the universe??
A 4 -
Ozone from the inside .. and here lies the danger of any contamination.
W - so it has to prove the research found new inferred:
1 - that any pollution in the ocean of life B iosphere (water - air - soil) lead to a break down ozone .. applied in addition to conventional pollutants that have already been agreed to by the researchers. (1)
2 - There is a natural decrease in the ozone Tnajh applied to repel Radiology ultraviolet
3 - are affected by the ozone layer in turn, the effectiveness of sunspots every 11 years.
4 - affected by the ozone layer and shatter the use of chemical contaminants as follows:
A - supersonic aircraft designed nitrogen oxides
B - spraying aerosol spray cans (any material sprayed chemicals in the air)
C emission of chlorine from the disintegration of the organic
material and mixed bromine and chlorine Almugodan Seawater Butlj areas after moving into the icy water droplets by the waves and the wind in the spring lead the return of the sun with the presence of these gases to the process of chemical reaction attacking the ozone layer in the atmosphere
D - the materials used in the fight against insects and pests and rodents
E washing powders containing phosphorus
And - chemicals optical g - fertilizer Naatroyjanah
H exhaust diesel cars more particularly (Altata)
I - j nuclear explosions - chemical oxidizers
K - the gases used in refrigeration Ajhzat
s - Hair Spray (razor) m - burning fuels
N - diminishing green space cover and deforestation. V / Q: What is the ozone layer?
V / Q: What is the ozone layer?
Increase ozone gas O3 - as outlined above - to collect on the high layer known in Troppo ambassador attracted towards the membrane magnetic lines´-or-floating above the applied air Alatamo ambassador .. and congregate there in the form of packets of layers one on top of the other molecules Mtdjh between packages in the form of a river ..´-or-applied by the lower stream bordered by a higher layer of the atmosphere where Alatamo ambassador temperature there Bardeh degree less than the temperature of the ozone layer .. and bounded down from the top layer of miso ambassador where the cool temperature less than the temperature of the ozone ... and can increase the thickness of the ozone layer the -dir-ection of the highest in the miso ambassador and not to the bottom ... and collects ozone molecules around the magnetic field lines of the football ground .. and increases the thickness of the ozone layer in the equator .. The thickness of less than in the area of the poles and very few at the point of the poles, where at least the iceberg magnetic lines to form a notch´-or-field Empty .. (2)
That Valgcha magnetic and the ozone layer form a layer surrounding the ball land and annexed inside Kahath eggshell contents .. They are strong from the outside working to protect the earth radiation harmful ... but this class is weak from the inside easily broken by increasing the effectiveness of pollution .. This assumptions Search The new findings.

Benefits of the Ozone Layer:´-or--function-s of the ozone layer:
1 - to protect life on Earth from radiation coming from space outside the ground and the sun s harmful radiation and sunlight is made up of:
A - optical scan
B - a thermal scan infrared
C scan Chemical: consisting of: -
1 - UV relatively harmless wavelength (3200-3900), a Angstrom that help the plant to carry out the process of photosynthesis .. and this allows it to pass through the ozone layer
2 - ultraviolet wavelength (2400-3200). Angstrom LexiROM .. It is less dangerous absorb them the ozone layer and prevent the passage almost (70-90%) of them .. cause skin cancer, allergies and injured eye disease blue (Alklokuma) blindness black .
3 - ultraviolet radiation deadly to life with a short wavelength (2000 2400) Ankströ-;-m
(1) My theory The Dynamic balance of Oxygen in nature & Its relation to pollution?
(2) the American Journal of Science
Whereupon the absorption of the ozone layer in whole´-or-in many of the 99% of them depending on the thickness of this layer and the safety of the entire solar radiation and an electro-magnetic radiation of light traveling at 300,000 km / sec.
2 - keeping the atmosphere inside:
Magnetic works membrane, which collects the ozone layer and the gap assumption _ search _ working Kqubh (White-like crust) surround the ball land inside the reservation and its adherence to the atmosphere and keep it from dispersion in space ..
Results sabotage the ozone layer: the sabotage and perforating the ozone layer leads to:
A - the coup gases in the atmosphere and warming of the ocean of life (Biosphere), as a result of leakage of infrared .. in addition to that caused by the phenomenon of Glass House (Green - House).
B - cancer and skin allergies and diabetes in the blue eyes

C effect on the existence of life, declining births because of damage to the genetic material (DNA)
D - added .. Find that the ozone layer is working on keeping the atmosphere inside of chaos .. and not only Nfelt this atmospheric dispersion and distribution system misfire .. not associated ground without atmospheres. (1)
The harmful effects of ozone gas: an answer to this question has to be properly identified on the harmful effects of this gas on the surface of the earth .. It is a poisonous gas and is used in water purification because it leads to the killing of microbes living cell protoplasm vandalized .. The disadvantages are:
1 - concentration of 2 / 0-3 / 0 part / million because of scarification nose and throat exposure to him for an hour
2 - = - / 1 - 3 / part / million because of severe fatigue and loss of control exposure for two hours
3 - = - 9 / part / million scratch Ahtkanaa lung and fluid exposure for two hours
4 - exposure to him for a long time until a few concentration leads to premature aging.
5 - as well as lead to impotence ..
6 - a risk and harmless to people with asthma and bronchial rates sessile
7 - There is a belief that the world of a catalyst to develop lung cancer

Sixth: climate change Climate change
Wind and climate: there are close link between climate and the wind .. There is a close relationship between the wind and the life movement of water and the movement of clouds and rain carried out by the wind ... and the life associated with longevity balance relative to the perimeter of bio (Biosphere) .. and this is linked to the winds and the components of the air and the balance of these components of oxygen and nitrogen and carbon dioxide and water vapor .. The temperature in the climate, which distributes and confiscated by the movement of the wind. The wind and the movement of the list on the basis of the laws of nature: the status of the earth relative to the sun and the angle of the axis of the earth is now a degree (23) .. and the presence of a magnetic film .. and safety performance of the ozone layer .. winds control the destiny of creation and livelihood. The wind mentioned in the Koran in (AL Almeria) .. source for good and a harbinger of disaster
and punishment. Shall be deemed ecosystem in the ocean of life (Biosphere) associated climate movement and the wind speed and -dir-ection ... Valrih her natural movement associated natural ecosystem of the ocean of life. The movement and the impact is-limit-ed to the troposphere (Troposphere) only.
Fei change´-or-sabotage due to increased pollution in the ocean of life and the deterioration in the ozone layer leads to a change and a thermal inversion in the ocean of life .. lead to a change in the movement of the wind currents and natural ..
(1) the conclusion of me – researcher
Ascending and descending .. appears hurricanes and storms and melting snow poles .. disasters and increasing wind and floods the wind and becomes a source of disaster and destruction and sabotage. Climate change in the hemisphere which is observed by scientists of this era and the inhabitants of the earth suffers from frequent disasters, where the views of many, including:

1 - Glass House: Green House
Any impact of the greenhouse phenomenon:
What is the Glass House:
A common mistake that the gas carbon dioxide CO2 is a gas that is harmful Gorge and up per usual in the air, 5 and 0% .. but gas is a blessing from God to the life .. because without it there would be no life and have been able to plant that produces food, which resides classes Lower from the air .. but man what consumed and consumed by the fuel and energy increased the proportion of gas carbon dioxide in the atmosphere taking accumulates in the form of a cover-like greenhouses in (nurseries) it allows the passage of the sun s rays and prevents the exit of heat reflected from the Earth (infrared) .. The result is a rise in temperature and accumulation inside the glass house which leads to the so-called phenomenon of coup warming and a change in the movement of currents of wind ascending and descending, and there are scientists believe that the phenomenon of greenhouse exaggerated and that such impact this may take (4000) year and that the green cover he can absorb larger

quantities of gas second
Oxide´-or-carbon, and increase green areas capable of absorbing any increase of carbon dioxide gas and even be a -dir-e need to be -convert-ed by the plant need them.
This is what the debate went to him about the treaty (Kyoto).
In the opinion of other scientists an opinion contrary to the theory (the phenomenon of glass house) They see that what is happening is the opposite and that the climate in the ground is moving towards a lower temperature to not lifted, we are embarking on a new ice age.
They see that the Earth s atmosphere is getting polluted (Badakkaú-;-kiet) any dust particles successful for manufacturing, mining and quarrying, wars and atomic tests and increase the hearts of people and frequent volcanic eruptions ... and the high proportion of these Adakkaú-;-thiat in the air will prevent the arrival of the sun s heat to the ground, leading to cooling the Earth s surface (1969 - 1970, Fletcher, lamforad,) As noted in the fifties of the increase in ice extent in the island (Chrinland) .. and this phenomenon against the glass house.
2 - and crash into force of the ozone layer:
Ascending and descending .. appears hurricanes and storms and melting snow poles .. disasters and increasing wind and floods the wind and becomes a source of disaster and destruction and sabotage. Climate change in the hemisphere which is observed by scientists of this era and the inhabitants of the earth suffers from frequent disasters, where the views of many, including:

1 - Glass House: Green House
Any impact of the greenhouse phenomenon:
What is the Glass House:
A common mistake that the gas carbon dioxide CO2 is a gas that is harmful Gorge and up per usual in the air, 5 and 0% .. but gas is a blessing from God to the life .. because without it there would be no life and have been able to plant that produces food, which resides classes Lower from the air .. but man what consumed and consumed by the fuel and energy increased the proportion of gas carbon dioxide in the atmosphere taking accumulates in the form of a cover-like greenhouses in (nurseries) it allows the passage of the sun s rays and prevents the exit of heat reflected from the Earth

(infrared) .. The result is a rise in temperature and accumulation inside the glass house which leads to the so-called phenomenon of coup warming and a change in the movement of currents of wind ascending and descending, and there are scientists believe that the phenomenon of greenhouse exaggerated and that such impact this may take (4000) year and that the green cover he can absorb larger quantities of gas second
Oxide´-or-carbon, and increase green areas capable of absorbing any increase of carbon dioxide gas and even be a -dir-e need to be -convert-ed by the plant need them.
This is what the debate went to him about the treaty (Kyoto).

In the opinion of other scientists an opinion contrary to the theory (the phenomenon of glass house) They see that what is happening is the opposite and that the climate in the ground is moving towards a lower temperature to not lifted, we are embarking on a new ice age.
They see that the Earth s atmosphere is getting polluted (Badakkaú-;-kiet) any dust particles successful for manufacturing, mining and quarrying, wars and atomic tests and increase the hearts of people and frequent volcanic eruptions ... and the high proportion of these Adakkaú-;-thiat in the air will prevent the arrival of the sun s heat to the ground, leading to cooling the Earth s surface (1969 - 1970, Fletcher, lamforad,) As noted in the fifties of the increase in ice extent in the island (Chrinland) .. and this phenomenon against the glass house.
2 - and crash into force of the ozone layer:
That destroy the ozone layer depletion as a result of the reasons mentioned previously, leading to the depletion of oxygen as a result of increased pollution .. and the passage of infrared thermal radiation frequently during arent slots ozone layer and bounces House glass leads to raise the temperature the air as well outside the glass house .. The atmosphere inside and outside the glass house The whole house will go up a glass temperature rises the temperature of the air movement starts from the bottom to the top in the form of hurricanes from the surface in contact to the surface of the ocean toward the top and bottom spoke disasters hurricanes and floods. There is a group of scientists who believe that taking raises the temperature of the planet (after measures

are taken to ensure that the reduction of the industries polluting the air Badakkaú-;-kiet) .. is. Phenomenon greenhouse effect as a result of increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which is a thick layer of plastic-like membrane. The other reason is the increase in solar radiation as a result of the depletion of the ozone layer and destroy it and in the stratosphere .. These two reasons to increase the valley and the high temperature of the air in every ocean of life inside the glass house.

Q: How is the process of demolition, compensation and restoration of the ozone layer?
The ozone layer protects the Earth from ultraviolet radiation, they are resistant to radiation and these strikes consistently receive it as a shield that protects the Earth from sword strikes these deadly rays of very high energy so that it is in the process of dismantling O3 ozone gas to the gas atomic and molecular oxygen 2O3 U. V. 3O2 rays and this is also the source for the production of oxygen .. and intonation are naturally transition molecule
Ozone from the package, which under the package ozone molecule, which has been dismantled .. and so continue to move ozone molecules pack a bottom to the top until it reaches the transmission ozone molecule of the class Lower adjacent to the upper layer of the atmosphere .. where have here a natural abundance of the -backup- is made up of ozone gas unprepared always for the restoration of the quantities and velocities depending on the natural standard sources for the production of oxygen ..
This is a continuous process based on the dynamic process (dynamic balance of nature Oxygen) (1)
Accordance with the laws of certain speed interactions fixed .. and breaches of these velocities compensatory caused by pollution of all kinds of act of man in the air, soil and water in quantities of speeds greater than the velocities of compensatory naturally .. then begin the process of breaking down layer (2) ozone from the bottom, which are faster and easier and more dangerous. The process of restoration of the ozone layer is up from the inside as the natural form Pena either maintain the restoration process and the sustaining of

human sabotage is up as witty:
1 - Increase and maintain sources continue to increase the production of oxygen and maintain the existing ones from damage and pollution .. and increase green areas and protect the seas from pollution and protect Alelankthon .. and to maintain the purity of the air to preserve the continuity of the production of oxygen chemical decomposition process.
2 - the elimination and reduction of pollution sources and organic chemical in the ocean of life of the land, and the previously mentioned previously,
3 - Maintaining the flow of the process of dynamic balance of oxygen in nature. And thus ensure the safety of cycle ozone and oxygen and water in nature that are going to produce oxygen and ozone interactions within Bsra hampered by constant and increase affects them contaminating the ocean of life more than his ability to self-purification.
Chemical decomposition
H2O chemical analysis O2 U.V. O3
Substances. H2 hydrogen oxygen water
There is a natural balance between O3 ozone in the stratosphere and the O2 oxygen resulting from the process of chemical decomposition of water vapor in the upper atmosphere by sunlight and ultraviolet radiation consists ozone O3 for the purpose of feeding and the restoration of the ozone layer down.
4 - The need to study the issue of the effect of the vacuum that weakens it,´-or-at least the torrent geomagnetic lines between the poles where the less dense in the space of a few as a result of this breakthrough magnetic lines (as shown in the figure) .. with the assumption that the weakness of the magnetic flux leads to lack of gas gathering Ozone Therefore, the regions of the poles where the ozone mainly be thinner than in the surrounding areas other terrestrial ball. With the assumption that there is a magnetic ground Enbost iceberg in the northern hemisphere due to the movement of the seismic belt, which are based mostly on the northern half of the land. Note that with the North Pole is located on the land of her iceberg magnetic emitting making the ozone layer thicker than it is in the South Pole ... and the search presumably trying to find areas of artificial magnetic flux in the region over the poles (1)
Seventh: Q: What is the ozone hole? But what appeared in the
The increase in pollution in the ocean of life (Biosphere) in the soil .. and water .. and the atmosphere (as outlined above) .. lead to the result of the entry into force of the ozone layer and destroy the thickness of less constantly .. Since it s poles are thinner than in other areas of the Earth s circumference , so-Fi contradiction in the thickness of the ozone layer in the region of contrasts
(1) The story of centuries in the Koran
Poles, so the ozone layer over the poles are exposed to the force and the appearance of the hole over the poles.
Q / Why the back hole of the ozone layer in the southern region and not the North?
Year 1986 has been observed shrinking of the ozone layer in the Antarctic by 4% and in the northern arrest of 1-2%.
The reason: Scientists believe´-or-some of them that the arrival of the chlorine atomic and other pollutants known such monoxide, nitrogen (NO)´-or-other as yet unknown may actually arrived to the area of the ozone over the Antarctic and popping effects do in breaking down the ozone layer, which led to the emergence of what looks like a hole.

Scientists say that this opinion supports the research hypotheses in this regard, namely:
1 - The pollution in the southern hemisphere is more of it in the northern part .. because of technological and cultural backwardness, poverty, ignorance, disease and lack of interest in the scientific and popular and conscious affairs, environmental protection and health.
2 - The northern part of the hemisphere more advanced in terms of scientific, technological, social, cultural, economic and environmental awareness have popular and technological affairs to protect and improve the health of the environment.
3 - that the movement of the wind out of the earth rising from the tropics and replaced by the cold wind from the bottom and then return movement of the wind high back heading to the bottom in the region of the poles and because the atmosphere in the northern hemisphere is less polluted than in the south, so Valrih descending on the area Antarctic carries with it the highest concentration of pollution in the
south, which led to work to speed up the emergence of the ozone hole.
4 - Arctic surrounded and nearby areas condense the agricultural land, forests and green fields with the concentration of large proportions of plankton in the shores of the Sea (which organisms producing oxygen) .. These are all the production of large quantities of oxygen gas and water vapor, which feeds the ozone layer gas ozone.
While we believe that the Antarctic is a continent of snow just non-existent ground .. It is far from areas of agricultural fields and resettle the population and life where basically almost non-existent .. in addition to that there is a movement sustained in the process of cutting and deforestation in the countries of the southern hemisphere. . so I said the process of producing oxygen in the southern regions .. so Atjd ozone layer there is a surplus of ozone gas for renovations.
5 - Arctic sitting on the ground gives a flood magnetically .. and the northern section belt Zalzali constant, and it is proved that there is a connectivity link between the movement of the earth Alzelzleh and the magnetic flux emitted from the earth .. and the lines of magnetic flux graduated from a small circle in the Arctic to the same circuit in Antarctica leaving notch weaken the magnetic force and this leads to weakness and paper ozone layer mainly .. but magnetic flux emitted from the land of the Arctic and is surrounded by working to bridge this notch, which helps to combine Ozone molecules there .. while the Arctic Southern settings lacking her this magnetic flux.

6 - Increase nuclear tests and hydrogen in the southern region of the hemisphere and especially the French tests in the Pacific near the Antarctic
7 - The increasing pollution in the ocean of life Hemisphere and continuity leads to the result to a decline in the force of the ozone layer and because the area where the Antarctic ozone layer above´-or-thin and weak shows where the hole quickly.
8 - that the magnetic field lines of the football ground work Kgcha surrounds the ball Aladih stick to bottom, grouped ozone molecules on the lines of the field consisting of the ozone layer .. These lines come out of the Arctic to pour in the points, the South Pole,´-or-vice versa .. so it consists there notch´-or-expanse diameter Few miles below where the

presence of magnetic flux lines´-or-Ohz to dys-function-al to collect ozone gas .. shall be the ozone layer above the poles thin quick perforation.
Q / What is the danger caused by the ozone hole?
The increase in pollution and the depletion of the ozone layer leads to the appearance of the hole in this class .. The danger here for him Aanzer the grounds that it is harmful to health .. but it affects life on the planet .. and turn the planet into a barren desert offense similar to the moon.
As follows:
1 - The presence of one hole and reduce the thickness of the ozone layer leads to increased force and the arrival of the deadly ultraviolet radiation leads to what was previously mentioned to the effect of the acid on the genetic DNA are considerably less frequent births and birth defects are declining number and type of life.

2 - leads to raise the temperature of the ocean of life, Joe the ground as a result of increased leakage of heat radiation (infrared) .. The high temperature this affects the wind -dir-ections and happening so-called coup warming Vtkther hurricanes and tornadoes destroyed and melting snow poles abound floods .. influenced by agriculture and the economy and social life of civil rights.
3 - in addition to the emergence of cancer and other diseases, as previously Pena.
4 - If the process continued depletion of the Ozone layer will appear smashing holes and other converged if the holes communicate with each consisting big hole and then it evolves into the breach occurs and the big rip in the ozone layer In addition to the lack of all life on earth .. he gets the following:
A - Itaglv and begins to leak´-or-the atmosphere by the irregular shape and harmony is different´-or-much´-or-go down the wind and hurricanes randomly.
B - and the start of the hydrosphere evaporation and depletion ..
C - and the ground starts to desertification
Ä-;- - and then disappearing ozone layer and get out and disappears the atmosphere, and water.
E turn the earth into a rocky offense´-or-earthy rigid dead like

the moon and bitter Ikh.
Q / What to do and what is the solution?
Question is easy to say when we are away from danger .. and we can not really feel that the extent of the disaster on our grandchildren .. the human race .. For now we are busy with our stupidity caused major countries occupied colonial aspirations selfish stupid that provides for the welfare of the same day at the expense of the sufferings of others .. The sufferings of future generations and the fate of the human race.
Answer: The solution is clear and explicit and simple .. Previously, Prophet Muhammad may Allah bless him and his family and him that the quasi-community - and the planet became very small - semi society ship each passenger rented part to sit in it: the left him punching the part that is sitting upon drowned and die and perish and beat on his hand and survived Ngo basic solution: an international agreement is urgent to strike the hand of every country that wants to be unique and Ttnermd world affairs as it sees fit and Aasmhawwa her .. and everyone .. and puts solutions including:
1 - Formation Ministries of the environment in all countries of the world are studies and research, control and protection. The higher council of the environment in each country.
2 - lay the foundations of a scientific and cultural programs .. The popularity of the formation of environmental awareness is a popular Ranger Sgt.
3 - the evolution of technology awareness of industrial environmental industries producing non-polluting .. and find alternatives for non-polluting energy .. and the development of transport uncontaminated .. and the development of alternatives to the refrigeration and air conditioning equipment ..
4 - insecticides, rodenticides and pesticides and chemical fertilizers .. find alternatives harmless.

- Commercial awareness and media .. not trading and the announcement of the goods polluting and non-traded.
6 - lack of production and use of cosmetics and cleaning sprays and find alternatives to them ..

7 - Maintaining the forests and green areas and increase continuously to produce more oxygen. And moisture .. and lawns ..
8 - the multiplication of large bodies of water pressure Aziadh moisture and relative humidity to Combat Desertification ..
9 - Establishment ((Organizations for Justice Green)) and not Green Peace, which aims Europeans from behind to stop the growth and development of developing countries ..
9 - increase the production of magnetic flux in the industrial area of the poles to bridge Althellma´-or-vacuum created by the exit lines of magnetic poles in the ground and using the scientific method for the manufacture of

Magnet is placed at the poles for this purpose .. and that as shown below. My suggestion is the industry in the form of a large cannon broadcast Sila "magnetically" continuing "to bridge the ozone hole in the southern region ...
The official text for the manufacture of magnets talk
(1) issued by the Department of Physics at the Faculty of Science / University of Baghdad ..
(2) It is exactly as stated in the Koran about the story of centuries when he used the zapper iron Vsrh fire and poured copper It became the dam´-or-unoccupied magnetically prevent the entry of fast objects invisible. This dam´-or-mountain far as I know still exist. "And I think the set of centuries described in the Koran is not Zulkarnain Macedonian, but is of the prophets of God, who came to the Viking and the folks who were wearing helmets with warlike centuries.
((Based on the theory Aldajulat modern .. the iron atom is the best material Elvirumgnatisah because they contain four electrons to Aazdwageh in the third layer are similar in the -dir-ection of twisting .. and made Amoanat modern mixture is a oxides of iron alloyed with oxides materials Verumagnatisah Other such as copper, as comes second place after the iron susceptibility to grind where the magnetization of these materials´-or-cut into small pieces,´-or-press and then burned with fire, and receives a strong Mganat with unique
characteristics)) ..
This is exactly what the Lord called the Qur an .. when people complained to a centuries that forces a quick and invisible attack on them to cause them to death through a certain slot .. and asked him to build them a dam ... said to them, shielding them of centuries, but I will build you Rdma protect you .. ((Aú-;-itona said Bsber iron)) and iron zapper is cut iron´-or-iron ground ... ((... said Anfjua make a fire, even if said Aú-;-itona emptied it in diameter)) Vsr iron and then added a copper Vsrh .. this has to be taking a large magnetically issued a flood magnetically prevent them and protected them from ((Gog and Magog)) .. From this and put my hypothesis that the protection of areas north and south poles of the hole will be an increase of artificial magnetic flux which helps condensing ozone molecules. And I borrowed for the existence of Tel magnet made of centuries broadcast Sila "magnetically" cause bridging receptive ozone .. and this hill is now covered with a layer of -dir-t and snow .. It was a year ago that News picked up the discovery of this magnetic Althelo

Authored by / Senior Expert in Ecology
Hadi Nassi Said Al-Baqir

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