Tree Cries for the Crying Child

Freeyad Ibrahim
2016 / 6 / 18

Philosophy of the life

By : Freeyad Ibrahim

Part – (1 )

( 1 )
Looking at the album picture inside the clothes case
Still we, my sister and I, are laughing constantly
So pleased to have our mother’s hand
That twenty five years ago rested on our shoulders
( 2 )
No one tree nor two,
All plants and trees inside the public part
Had produced their gluey sap:
At the sight of that crying baklava seller child,
To get his heart glued again to life
( 3 )
The bookshop owner read the menu and
at all his strength he rolled up the newspaper and threw it away!
Out his murmuring I understood
Fish, chickpeas, chickens, mastaw, light yoghurt,
Dolma, garlic, tomatoes, olives,
all are confined in cans..
Only the sorrow and sadness
are still walking about freely through the streets
Translation : Freeyad Ibrahim

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