Effect of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) on Performance and Blood Serum Parameters of Broiler

Mohammed Ali Makki Al-Rubaiee محمد علي مكي
2016 / 6 / 3

International Journal of Poultry Science 11 (2): 143-146, 2012
ISSN 1682-8356
© Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2012
Corresponding Author: Arkan B. Mohamed, Department of Animal Resources, College of Agriculture, Tikrit University, Tikrit, Iraq
Effect of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) on Performance and
Blood Serum Parameters of Broiler
Arkan B. Mohamed , Mohammed A.M. Al-Rubaee and Ali Q. Jalil 1 2 3
Department of Animal Resources, College of Agriculture, Tikrit University, Tikrit, Iraq 1
Department of Animal Resources, College of Agriculture, Wasit University, Wasit, Iraq 2
Department of Poultry Nutrition, College of Veterinary Medicine, Tikrit University, Tikrit, Iraq 3
Abstract: This study was carried out at the Poultry of Animal Resource, College of Agriculture, Tikrit
University. The present study was conducted to explore the usage of different levels of ginger at concentration
of 0.1 and 0.2% respectively supplemented to diets on the Performance and blood serum traits of the Broiler
Chickens. 180 (ROSS) 3 weeks old broiler chicks raised to 6 weeks of age. The birds were distributed into
3 treatment groups with three replicates per treatment (20 birds per replicate + 10 females). Ginger (Zingiber
officinale) was supplemented at the rate 0.1 and 0.2% in the diets to treatments T2 and T3 respectively while
treatment one served as control. The result of performance parameter showed significant difference between
treatments. However body weight, weight gain, FCR and feed intake showed a significant differences
(p0.05) higher by the addition of ginger and was at 6
weeks of age 1875, 2020, 2075 gm for T1 (control), T2
(0.1% ginger), T3( 0.2% ginger) respectively. However no
differences were noticed for body weight for the first 3
weeks of experiment. Birds fed with the experimental
diets T2(0.1% ginger) and T3(0.2% ginger) had a better
(p>0.05) weight gain (Table 2) compared to birds fed
with control diets (0% ginger) over all the experiment.
From Table 2 we can notice that feed intake rate didn t
differ between treatments for the first period of the
experiment, but the experimental diets birds, T2(0.1%
ginger) and T3(0.2% ginger) had less (p>0.05) feed
intake for the last period and overall the experiment
compared with the control birds. In Table 1 we can see
that the numbers came to reality (because FCR came
from weight gain and feed intake rates) with significantly
improved feed conversion ratio by the supplementation
of ginger to the diets. T2 (0.1% ginger) and T3(0.2%
ginger) had the best FCR for the last week and overall
the experiment, 1.98 and 1.90 respectively while that of
control was 2.25. Table 3 showed that the
supplementation of ginger to the diets lowered the
serum cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose
significantly. But it had no effect on total blood protein.
The minute level of ginger used in this study shown a
very weak impact on the body at the first three weeks of
the experimental period. While it did give a significant
raise (p>0.05) when the T2 (0.1% ginger) and T3 (0.2%
ginger) exceeded the control treatment at the last week
of the experiment and overall the experiment. This
indicates the cumulative effect of ginger on the birds live
weight. These results are consistent with those reported
by Ademola et al. (2009) and Onimisi et al. (2005) who
found that ginger supplementation to the diets can
increase body weight when supplemented up to 2%
level. This result didn t agreed those of Ghazaiah et al.
(2007) and Tollba (2003). The addition of gingers
Table 2: Performance parameters of the broiler fed different levels of Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
Periods (Weeks)
Parameters Treatments 3 4 5 6
Body weight (g) T1 585.83 ±1.23 981.75 ±2.40 1467.30 ±1.30 1875.00 ±1.22 a a a b
T2 584.04 ±1.11 908.37 ±2.03 1443.57 ±1.09 2020.83 ±2.00 a a a a
T3 607.58 ±1.09 965.37 ±1.89 1471.07 ±2.00 2075.90 ±2.10 a a a a
3-4 4-5 5-6 3-6
Weight gain (g) T1 395.92 ±3.21 485.55 ±2.42 407.70 ±1.71 1289.17 ±13.10 a b b c
T2 324.33 ±3.34 535.20 ±2.09 577.26 ±1.80 1436.79 ±11.12 a ab a b
T3 357.75 ±3.13 505.74 ±2.18 603.93 ±1.11 1467.42 ±11.08 a a a a
Feed consumption (g) T1 764.33 ±3.48 925.33 ±7.26 1220.00 ±9.10 2909.62 ±10.12 a a a a
T2 751.00 ±5.20 973.33 ±4.43 1128.33 ±6.80 2852.66 ±11.01 a a b b
T3 758.33 ±4.55 946.67 ±5.33 1086.67 ±3.95 2791.67 ±8.54 a a b c
Feed Conversation Ratio (FCR) T1 1.93 ±0.12 1.90 ±0.01 2.99 ±0.12 2.25 ±0.09 a a a a
T2 2.41 ±0.13 1.81 ±0.03 1.95 ±0.02 1.98 ±0.04 a a b a
T3 2.11 ±0.11 1.87 ±0.01 1.79 ±0.03 1.90 ±0.03 a a b b
T1 served as control while T2 and T3 were kept on feed containing 0.1 and 0.2% ginger, respectively.
Values (Mean±SD) of each experimental day in each column followed by different letters differ significantly (p0.05) compared to control
diets which had significantly the highest feed intake rate.
this result was contrary to that reported by Doley et al.
(2009) who observed no differences in feed intake for
broilers fed with ginger extract for 6 weeks period, while
its agreed with the results from Herawati (2006) who
mentioned that birds fed with 1.5-2% ginger consumed
less amount of feed. In this study, birds fed with 0.1 and
0.2% ginger had better FCR (p>0.05) for the last weeks
and overall the experiment. This result agrees with the
result from Herawati (2006)-;- Tollba (2003) and Herawati
(2010) who scored significantly lower FCR for birds fed
with diets containing ginger up to 2%. Birds fed with
T2(0.1% ginger) and T3(0.2% ginger) scored the lowest
(p>0.05) serum glucose, triglycerides and cholesterol
compared with those of control treatment birds, while
ginger supplementation didn t affect the total blood
protein. These findings are similar those of Al-Homidan
(2005) and Ademola et al. (2009) who found a significant
decrease in blood serum glucose and cholesterol when
feeding chicks up to 6% ginger.
It is obvious that ginger had a significant effect on
performance and many blood serum traits. The very
minute amounts of ginger had a very strong impact as
antilipdemic effect on serum cholesterol and
triglycerides plus its positive effect on total body weight,
weight gain and FCR. Ginger had many active
compounds such as atsiri oil, bornoeol, kamfen,
limonene, humulen, gingibrol, gingiberen and gingerdiol
(Rismunandar, 1988), all these compounds improves
feed digestion and stimulate its enzymes and thus
enhancing feed conversion ratio which lead to increase
of body weight gain as we noticed in this study (Conley,
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because of its antioxidative action which also a
mechanism could be used as anti-stress approach
(Jang et al., 2007). The hypocholesterol action may be
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cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose, which can refer to
strong anti-oxidative action and potential anti stress
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