An appeal to comrade Samuel Webb

Fuad Al-Nimri
2015 / 12 / 3

An appeal to Comrade Samuel Webb
Comrade Samuel Webb, the General Secretary of the American Communist Party, wrote in his article " A Party of Socialism in the 21st Century: What It Looks Like, What It Says, and What It Does" in the party s organ (Political Affairs) of Feb., 2011, saying that he had read Marx, Lenin, Luxemburg, Gramsci and many others who wrote about Marxism and non-Marxism and confirmed at last .." If I were asked to sum up what conclusions I reached it would be this: our theoretical structure – Marxism-Leninism – was too rigid and formulaic, our analysis too loaded with questionable assumptions, our methodology too undialectical, our structure too centralized, and our politics drifting from political realities " .

With this inimical testimony of the general secretary of the American communist party which hardly the well known enemies of communism as zbigniew Brzezinski and Henry Kissinger could testify, Mr. Webb stayed yet sitting on the waiting chairs in the communist party as being attracted by former great leaders of the American communist party, and the struggle traces on the American soil of members in the communist party that could not be erased .

None could refute Mr. Webb s misapprehensions as strongly as History whose verdict could not be appealed . Sam Webb himself recognized the theoritical edifice of the communists as "Marxism-Leninism" . But why Marxism-Leninism and not Marxism alone ? The right answer to this logical question has to be explained by two great reasons which both are worthy to refute Mr. Webb s misapprehensions ..
First, the most well known leaders of the Second International, founded by Engels in 1888, after Engels decease in 1895, were Karl Kautsky and Georgy Blekhanov who both had a reading to Marxism quite different from that of Lenin . Lenin waged a very hard long-term war against the 2nd international in general and its leader "The Renegade Kautsky" in paticular as being involved in revision of Marxism . The Bolsheviks led by Lenin left the Second International when its General congress in Pazl / Switzerland 1912 took a decision by majority to participate in the imperialistic WWI under the pretext of "defending the motherland", recanting by this reactionar nationa decision a previous resolution taken by Stutgart / Germany congress in 1907 that requested the proletariat in every European belligerent country to revolt and seize power in order to -restore- peace . Lenin, the founder of Bolshevism, had been in a very fierce battle against the bourgeois "socialists", against the Mensheviks, since 1903 and against the Second International led by the renegade Karl Kautsy until 1921 when the 2nd International was disintegrated and abandoned Marxism, all in all . Thence, peoples everywhere knew Marxism according to Lenin s reading to Marx, that s why it s normally said "marxism-Leninism" . Without Lenin Marxism would have been abandoned and forgotten just as the case was with the Marxism of the 2nd International . And so forth Stalin swore a pledge over the coffin of Lenin that the earth would not cover the face of Lenin . So, everybody until now can visit the grave of Lenin and see his face .
Second, Marx s theory respecting the proletariat revolution said that the proletariat in the centre of the capitalist world would revolt to seize power and eventually dismantle the whole capitalist system in the world . That didn t happen before Lenin, and didn t happen even in the Bolshevic Insurrection of October 1917 . Due to the great development of capitalism after Marx until being in the highest stage, the imperialism, Lenin, being a genius Marxist, perceived two other contradictions in capitalist system : the contradiction between the metropolises on one side and the peoples in the peripheral countries on the other, and the second one between the metropolises themselves as being rivals for new markets to their respective surplus production . History proved the credibility of Lenin s perception . In WWI between the imperialist countries the Bolsheviks were able to establish the first proletarian state in history . And in WWII the Soviet -union- proved to be the greatest and the strongest state in the world, and thereupon got to be the foundation to the patriotic liberation revolution 1946 – 1972 when all the peripheral countries obtained independence and ceased consequently to absorb the surplus production in capitalist metropolises, the case which -dir-ectly caused the collapse of capitalism in the whole world as capitalist
The basic contradiction in capitalism, i.e., between production forces and relations of production, which Marx stopped at, did not act apparently powerful as the two other contradictions discovered by Lenin . Stalin was a profound Marxist when he called Lenin " Marx of the imperialistic era " .
Without Lenin, as a genius and unique interpreter of Marxism, October Revolution would not have happened and the Soviet -union- would not have existed which doubtlessly effected a turning point to the history of mankind . Without the Soviet -union- the proletariat throughout the world would have remained under savage exploitation and the third world countries would not have obtained independence, beside the fundamental collapse of capitalism. The paramount question here that the communists and Marxists should have taken in their consideration is that Socialism had got essentially due allover the world since 1921 when 19 armies from all the capitalist countries invaded Russia just to suffocate "Bolshevism in its cradle", but they all were beaten to the ground by the communist Bolsheviks . Lenin had aready affirmed in his inauguration speech to the first congress of the comintern on March 6, 1919 saying .. "the success of the communist revolution has got ensured" . One may say thenceforth that the capitalist countries were compelled to abandon the imperialistic policies so to undertake a defensive policy against the communist revolution that could not be vanquished, and tantamount to a really imminent danger to world capitalism . United States administrations after president Roosevelt were silly enough not to exercise any real imperialistic policies so to consecrate all American potency to resist communism and find themselves duly bankrupt in the seventies and their capitalist system collapse to the ground -;- and all what they did was to hinder the destruction of the Soviet -union- by the anticommunists in the leadership of the communist party .
Now two questions the communists after the disintegration of the Soviet -union- and the socialist camp did not conceive, due to which the Marxist conciousness remained very poor. The first is the collapse of world capitalism in the seventies, and the second the reasons of Soviet socialism deterioration and finally collapse . How could a communist keep on without conceiving the specific reasons of the collapse of the Soviet -union- especially when all the communist parties everywhere were initially founded and organised merely to assist the complete success of the socialist venture of Lenin in world communist revolution declared in March 1919,´-or-not to know the factual reasons of the collapse of Capitalism in the seventies, especially when the universal victory of Socialism becomes true only after the full collapse of Capitalism in the whole world .
Why to trust in any communist since he has never undertaken even a simple search about the reasons of Leninist-Stalinist socialism deterioration and collapse since it had built the most powerful state in history ? And more to find a Marxist who denies that the collapse of the Soviet -union- was due to class struggle !! A certain crucial question stands by itself just here.. Since the Soviet socialism has not been the real socialism that s why it has collapsed by itself, then how is the real socialism and by what it differs from the Soviet socialism so to enable it to survive and not to collapse ? Mr. Sam Webb said that his different socialism is to be built afar off Lenin, and after a firm denunciation of Stalin, and not strictly committed to the instructions of Marx – what there remains of Mr. Webb s communism´-or-even socialism !? By this Mr. Webb went far to stand backing the renegade Kautsky´-or-worse the dissident Bernstein . He did not tell anything about his different socialism -;- all he said is that his differnet socialism would ensure democracy and social justice .
By his inexplicable and meaningless words Mr. Sam Webb arouses our astonishment as if we hear someone who hasn t remained fourteen years as the general secretary of the American Communist Party . A social system is solely identified and recognised by its production-relations which Mr. Webb didn t mention at all in his distinguished socialism . What about the relation between the labourer and the insruments of production !? Who possesses these instruments !? And if the possessor is the state, whose state is that state !? All these very essential facts are totally absent in Mr. Webb s distinguished socialism !! It is really a very distinguished socialism !!
And what about his remarkable democracy ? Would he ensure democracy among antagonist social classes as capitalist states do ? Does his different socialism consist of different classes as Mr. Webb s discourse suggests, for democracy becomes necessary and lawful in class societies only , but in classless societies democracy wouldn t play any -function- at all . Capitalist state would not go on without conceding the right to talk and even the right to strike to the proletariat because the proletariat is the sole foundation capitalism being built on -;- without proletariat there would be no capitalists . To the contrary is socialism where the bourgeoisie and the petty bourgeoisie more are the deadly enemies of socialism and thence any freedom conceded to the bourgeoisie would be a deadly stab against socialism . Hence, the distinguished socialism of Mr. Samuel Webb is totally false . Besides, Mr. Webb didn t explain who and how to distribute power and fortune among the different classes in his distinguished socialism . In political science there is not any social party who is qualified to distribute power and fortune in equilibrium´-or-according to "objective" rights as right is always subjective . The rights are definitely-limit-ed to the ast centime in the market only, so, are there markets in Mr. Webb s socialism !? In markets rights have never been equal and most of the people have no rights at all in the market, then how Mr. Webb would work out his supposed equilibrium .
In capitalism all power and fortune return back to the capitalists, but in the scientific socialism, Marxist Socialism, all power and fortune are the product of the proletariat and rightfully belong to them . There is no fair distribution of power and fortune in either systems . Social justice never has an exponent, it has no meaning at all, it never existed all through mankind history .
It seems that the General secretary of the American communist party doesn t understand Socialism . Scientific socialism according to Lenin is the rubbing out of classes, but in case Mr. Webb is detemined to keep afar off Lenin he should then delineate his distinguished socialism and define the classes existant therein . A class socialism isn t a distinguished socialism, it is the same as the socialism of the social democratic parties in France and Germany where exploitation of people is lawful and legalized .
A final word is to be said not to our comrade Samuel Webb only but to all those who are distracted sometimes by idealism . Social system cannot be worked out after a certain design drawn out by inventive designers´-or-even by genius Marxists . It s the production forces that build the social system in convenience to the conditions imposed by the production process . Nobody can foretell in advance how to transit the socialist span before communism . Even the genius Lenin got frustrated after the tenth congress of the communist party 1921 had a resolution to implement socialism in one country, even a country covering two continents . That s why he proposed in 1922 the NEP economy warning at the same time not to abide by it so long . Lenin had apprehensions about cooperative agriculture but Stalin found it necessary in 1929, not in order to have a developed agriculture only but also to consolidate socialism down in the Soviet lands . In confrontation to the perils of Nazism and conspiratorial intentions of the imperialist countries Stalin found it necessary in 1936 and 37 to ensure the safety of the Soviet -union- by purifying the party and the state from the precarious elements that might make a compromise with the Hitlerite occupiers of the Soviet -union- -;- that was before restraining the class struggle in 1938 in order to have all the classes standing in one unyielding bloc against the aggressors . Stalin proved to be all right -;- the bravery of the Soviets against the Nazi Germans is still the ideal of the human race . The 5-year war that was liable to purify the whole Europe from ill-spirited Nazis and Fascists incurred heavy losses to the Soviet -union- and the socialist forces in particular, due to which the proletarian firm grasp on state power was slackened though the powerful steadfast stateman Stalin was the head of the state . That was a very critical and complicated case which nobody else could surpass except Stalin who " could always find the way out from the most difficult things " as Mr. Winiston Churchill knew him . In the symposium held in 1951 to discuss the economic problems of the Soviet socialism Stalin refused to accentuate class struggle for he was the first to know that the proletariat class became not strong as before the war and the accentuation of class struggle woud jeopardize the revolution . He meanwhile proposed the fifth 5-year plan which would provide unparalleled welfare to people by -convert-ing the economy into light industry . The real covert purpose of Stalin was to revive the dictatorship of the proletariat which had been diminished by the war .
The main Idea which all Marxists and communist should take in consideration is that nobody can fix in advance the crossline of socialist span before Communism . Marx himself refused to talk about how to cross socialism as it unpredictable and every state has its different cross conditions he said .

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