Yhe Real Prophets

Butrus Pio
2007 / 2 / 8

The Real Prophets
In his book “Farewell To God” Charles Templeton, a former doctor of religion says “According to monotheistic religions God is a monster”. The description of God in monotheistic religions is a contradiction in terms., He is the ultimate perfection but He is a jealous God, unforgiving for those who do not prostrate in His devotion. He is the model of mercy but he creates billions of people who are destined to eternal punishment. The worship of God is a relic from the polytheistic religions. Primitive man used to worship the natural phenomena assigning a god to each phenomenon and tried to win their favour and avoid their wrath by worshipping them. According to the Old Testament God created man in his own image. In actual fact man created God in his own image because these religions have ascribed to God human traits.

If there is a real God He can never be as brutal, egoistic and vengeful as these religions describe Him. The conventional prophets have ascribed to God ungodly behaviour which made people terrified of Him rather than love Him. I believe the real prophets are not those mentioned in the Holy Scriptures but people like Galileo, Newton and Einstein, Mozart and Beethoven, Michael Angelo and Leonardo Davinci, Milton and Shakespeare and their like. While the conventional prophets’ doctrines have caused religious wars, hatred, destruction and discrimination in the world, the real prophets have reflected God’s genius, God’s beauty, God’s knowledge. The scientists were inspired to discover the laws of nature thereby raising the living standard of man to a higher level. The art and music created by the artists soared with man’s soul nearer to God’s glory. Alexander Pope, the famous English poet said:

Nature and nature’s laws lay hid in night
God said “Let Newton be!” And there was light

In what way did these religions benefit the human race? If it is in introducing high moral principles, the bigotry, and zeal in defending his beliefs counteracted against these moral principles and converted man into a ferocious predator. The prophet Abraham was an “Unscrupulous liar” as the Encyclopedia Britannica describes him. Moses told the Israelis to go and occupy the land of the Canaanites and kill and destroy everything there by god’s command, and the Old Testament is full of similar horrific acts with God’s blessing. Christians, though Christ preached them to love their enemies, went along killing not only their enemies but their friends in his name. The Catholic Church instituted the “Inquisition” by which Moslems and Jews and heretics were executed according to the most barbaric method of execution i.e. incineration. As to the Moslems they invaded the vast areas of land from the borders of China to mid France passing through North Africa under the banner of Jihad (Holy war) spreading their religion by the sword.

Since the introduction of the monotheistic religion four thousand year ago until the eighteenth century man lived in an almost primitive state. He was not able to start improving until he freed himself from the domination of religion. That was when the real prophets appeared.

We are now in the twenty first century and I know people who still believe in the mythical stories of the Old Testament, such as the story of the creation of the universe in 7 days, the story of Adam and Eve, the story of Noah and the Great Flood.

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