Ways to Boost Your Energy

Maria Khalife
2015 / 4 / 7

Many great parents struggle with their energy levels. Successful careers are as demanding as successful child-rearing. Combine the two, and it’s truly a miracle anyone ever gets out of bed!
In all seriousness, however, you are wholly capable of tapping into energy reserves you didn’t even know you had. It simply requires some strategic changes to your routine.
Changing your habits can change your entire attitude. Here are some ways to tweak your daily activities:

1. First, forget the idea of being “old”. Many of us were mistakenly raised with the idea that we have to grow old, and that growing old drains your energy. Nothing could be further from the truth. Age may slow us down but it doesn’t have to make us stop doing anything. In fact, engaging activities that strengthen intelligence, physical fitness, relational bonds, and inspire our passions contribute significantly to our energy levels.

2. Listen to your body, and allow room for adjustments in your routine. Knowing when and how much to as an individual is essential. Maintain a healthy schedule in a room that is conducive to resting for the number of hours you need individually.

3. is not the only way to relax and rest. Your brain also craves fun, laughter, and quiet contemplation such as meditation. The mental sandwich of life plays an important role here: part work, part play, part serious thinking, and part restful enjoyment. Weave it all together for the best rest and relaxation you can enjoy.

4. Exercise regularly. Exercise can be as simple as a walk around the block,´-or-it can be circuit training at a gym. What you need is some form of movement that puts more oxygen into your blood. Your exercise ritual is a good opportunity to drain away the day’s stress, to elevate your metabolism, and to elevate your level of awareness.

5. If you haven’t already done so, you must find a way to fall in love with life. Physical well-being is a wonderful privilege, but you must have a sense of purpose to truly recharge the energy that modern daily life requires. If you aren’t filled with a passion for your work, it feels like hard work. When you’re doing what you’re passionate about, it feels more like play. When your passion is activated, you have a sense of awe for all the good in this world and that sense boosts your energy.

6. Laugh out loud more. Laughter is a great stimulus for energy because it releases endorphins which in turn make you feel more energetic. Perhaps there is a site on the internet where you can go for a quick laugh?

Establish a new equilibrium for yourself that makes room for engaging play, enriching activities, a sense of drive, flexible relaxation, and quiet time. Fall in love with as big of a picture as you can about our life experience. Connecting to life requires our full attention, but also a loyalty to our own needs.
"Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you."
Oprah Winfrey

You ve done it before and you can do it now. See the positive possibilities. Re-dir-ect the substantial energy of your frustration and turn it into positive, effective, unstoppable determination. ~ Ralph Marston

The energy the mind is the essence of life. ~ Aristotle
Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you. ~ Oprah Winfrey

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