The three keys of reality

Hamouda Ismaili
2014 / 12 / 27

They say, nothing opens the doors than a beautiful woman, pretty,´-or-"Foormidableu" (wonderful) - like Stormae pronounces it in french - beauty is a weapon. Here s the first key : even the beauty sometimes has no chance, but that s better than a chance without beauty : fake, temporary (because it s made-up).

The second key : it s money. you have a life, a family, a friends-;- but what s the difference between you and monkeys - if you don t have money ? even monkeys have the ability to do acrobatic moves ! but you with your sagacity - like a Superanimal - you can t do nor acrobatic moves,´-or-how become a rich person !

Poor people´-or-the proletarians, to attracting rich people, they make jokes about rich people, and sometimes about themselves ! this is not funny, this is ridiculous.

The third key : it s an assembly of the two others keys, So, if you don t have money, and no beauty - Euripides wrote "A life without beauty is only a heavy burden". just imagine, how´-or-from where would the elegance (the third key) come ? based on what ?!

Anthony Trollope - the man who looks a little like Karl Marx - posed a buddhist question : “What on earth could be more luxurious than a sofa, a book, and a cup of coffee ?” .. what about love ? i find that the most luxurious thing is to finding someone who falls in love with you ! being loved by someone, who will give you a value : become a Superanimal more lucky than monkeys .. what an elegance ! a poetry scene exists.

But, we should not forget that love needs beauty, needs money-;- even when people fall in love, they love the elegance of the person, not the person like a person : individual, unknown. "Appearance rules the world" like Friedrich von Schiller said. Don t listen to the lies about the inner beauty´-or-the inner life, nobody has the time to discover it ! to discover you.

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