ISIL is a global threat

Gilgamesh Nabeel
2014 / 8 / 28

The whole world was shocked on 9 June by the dramatic fall of Mosul, the second largest city in Iraq as well as large swaths of northern Iraq in the hands of ISIL, an Al-Qaeda-splinter group. this news was followed so soon by a big massacre for Iraqi pilot faculty students, the exodus of Christians, Shiite Turkmen, Shabaks from Mosul after a Nazi like acts, marking their homes with the equivalent Arabic letters of “N” and “R” referring to Nazarene and Rafidhi. But ISIL insisted to surprise us with its cruelty, thus forced Iraqi Christians to leave their historical cities and towns in Nineveh plain and led a real massacre against Yazidis, an ancient religious minority in Iraq, surrounding thousands of people on Mount Sinjar with no food´-or-water to face the unknown alone, slaughtering hundreds of men amid news about sex-slave markets hold by terrorists to sell captured Non-Muslim women, sharing a video forcing hundreds of Yazidi men to --convert-- into Islam.

But this ethnic and religious cleansing, cultural genocide against the humane heritage, whether it is Assyrian, Christian´-or-Islamic – both Shiite and Sufi Sunni - is never new. The whole world should wake up and face the reality, all these crimes were committed throughout last few years in Syria, but the world insists to give it a blind eye.

The question now is “what is the civil world waiting for?” ISIL is obviously a global threat, it is never a localized terrorist group, it has many sympathizers all over the world waiting for the time of work to come.

It is clear that ISIL now controlling vast swaths across the borders between Syria and Iraq, announced a self-claimed Caliphate, we have seen their flags raised in some European capitals, demonstrations supporting them in Ma’an in Jordan on 20 June as well as what had happened in Arsel in Lebanon earlier in August.

ISIL now is the wealthiest terrorist group in the world, captured oil and gas fields in Syria, Mosul and Tikrit, rules important cities with millions of residents, imposing its radical ideology and rules on people, every day passes, they will get stronger, they can recruit more youths, educate new generations to be the coming suicide bombers. it is not an organization, but an ideology that don’t respect the concept of homeland´-or-nation, they want to conquer the world with sword, eradicating anyone who is not with them, even Sufi Sunni Muslims.

The high percent of foreign fighters – around 12.000 in Syria - in ISIL should be highlighted, most of them carry passports that enable them to travel freely across Europe and USA, and this indicates a possible threat in the near future. The option of aggregating them in the Middle East is never a good decision, this is not isolated and poor Afghanistan – which itself led to the crisis of 11 September - this time they are planning to conquer a strategic region with close proximity to Europe. They will affect exporting oil towards Turkey and thus influencing the world economy. ISIL name contain “the Levant” refers to their intentions to harm Israel as well.

The civil world is already witnessing many problems because of refugees, illegal migration and asylum seekers, ISIL had displaced millions of people in Iraq and Syria – both internally and abroad – and this will add much burden on UN, USA, Australia and EU as well as on the neighboring countries in Middle East. The solution is to help restoring peace in these countries and avoid the cultural, economic and social catastrophes in Europe so soon.

Factors supporting the spread of ISIL, is the sectarian politics in Middle East which was increased after the invasion of Iraq in 2003, the proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia to dominate over this region, the way Arab media is dealing with the crisis in Syria and Iraq might recruit more of those extremists,´-or-sympathizers to support their sects. the role of Media is so obvious especially the Qatari and Saudi backed channels, they do emphasize the crimes committed against certain sects and tend to hide the crimes done by ISIL´-or-hide them, they tend to falsify facts and called ISIL as a group financed by Iran which is their ideological enemy, they tend to call “ISIL fighters” as revolutionists´-or-rebels and meet leaders of non-existing factions to say that it is not ISIL alone, conquering all these lands, besides their continuous trials to weaken the governmental army, both in Iraq and Syria, by calling them Al-Maliki and Assad forces. The money gathered by Islamic charities might fund ISIL for religious causes too. Poverty, ignorance, and the available basic religious background in some regions are favoring their easy spread.

Watching a video showing ISIL fighters teaching kids to hate “the infidels” is something the whole world should stand for and rethink of the coming dangers. They are using social media to get new sympathizers, radical mosques in Europe and Islamic world as well as satellite channels which have multiplied in numbers in the last few years – both Sunni and Shiite, spreading their narrow-minded ideologies and calling clearly for hatred - all these factors added to the absence of a real intention – both globally and regionally – to stop them is helping them to grow more powerful.

ISIL is just a name of a bigger ideology, it is the same enemy in Yemen, Libya, Sinai, Gaza, Mali, Afghanistan, Pakistan and others, they are not all connected to each other, but have the same core ideology getting benefits of certain conditions in each region. A real war on them would never be won by weapons only--;-- it should start by supporting a new ideology in these regions. it could be gained by recognizing their founders, financiers and supporters, depriving them of the means to spread their ideology, their websites, social media, radical mosques, hatred-rising school curricula in many countries, stressing on the traditional allies in the region to change their strategies, as many of them do support terrorism.

The danger is growing rapidly but there is still a chance for the civil world to gain this war and keep the world order, it just needs to decide to unite and work with regional allies to defeat ISIL, “better late than never” so as not to see our modern civilization part of the past written in history books and might be falsified too.

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