Freeyad Ibrahim
2014 / 8 / 25


By Freeyad Ibrahim

The terror organization , so called ISIS, has undeniably , a multi-function-al missions and tasks to achieve in the Middle East.
It began first in Iraq.
First: to involve in Iraqi interior affairs and to impose a government to their liking, and that is what has happened recently.
Secondly: in order to put pressure on the Kurds to take part in the new government.
One may ask: why a united Iraqi is so important to US?
The Answer is : a united Iraqi means a stable Iraqi, and a stable Iraqi means a stable produce and export of oil. And more essential a stable oil price. Chaos, on the contrary, leads to a real crisis in the oil market-;- as a result, oil prices would fly sky high, and this would have consequences on the oil price in the whole region and the world.
Now two goals have already been achieved, thanks to ISIS. What should the third, fourth, and fifth…. be?
It is obvious that every state in danger of being attacked form outside, needs to get weapons to defend itself.
The new Iraqi government, and the Kurdish government, would certainly buy sufficient high-tech weapons from the US and the West in order to fortify themselves against the new threat.
Some European countries have already shown their desire and readiness to provide the Kurds and the Iraqis with the weapons they need to defend themselves against the (WESTEREN ISIS).
Yesterday, for example, the French Foreign Minister declared that his country, and his EU partners are looking at supplying arms to Iraq’s Kurds to fight against Islamic State Jihadists .

I do not think that Mr. Minister would show the same enthusiasm if Kurdistan has not become an oil producing and exporting region.
I believe strongly if Syrian Kurds were as rich as Iraq’s Kurds, France and his EU partners would have supplied them with arms prior to Iraq’s Kurds, as they need them more urgently, being fighting alone against regime’s forces and ISIS at the same time .
Yes, the French Foreign Minister, like his EU partners, has expressed his deep sorrow and concern about what has happened to Iraq’s Kurds, but he uttered no word about the daily mass killings committed against the Syrian Kurdish civilians. The poor have no friends, as the proverb says.
He expressed his sorry and sorrow about what happened to Kurds in Sinjaar en Mosul, but he could not help hiding a faint smile behind his real design: economic profit, good gain.
US and Europe, exactly what the proverb says,
Eat with the Wolf and Cry with the Shepherd!

Freeyad Ibrahim
18– 8 - 2014

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